school sucks " Ark whines as they exit their just concluded class.

"Will you quit whining, you big baby. We all know school sucks but do we even have choice? And besides high school is almost done. I hope college would be fun " Arlie replied her chuckling.

"I just want to leave this hell hole, is it too much to ask" Ark said sulking.

"Quit sulking, will ya? Arlie said looking at her friend in amusement.

"This girl is something else" Arlie thought shaking her head at her friend.

"Let's hurry up to our last class before lunch. I hope I survive before lunch cause I'm starving? Arlie said to Ark who looked surprised.

"Ok dont tell me you forgot we still have one more class before lunch? Arlie said laughing.

"Ok, I wont tell you but cant we skip? she replied pouting.

"You know it's your favourite hot teacher's class ,maybe we should skip? Arlie replied with a teasing look.

"Ok ,ok ,ok let's go. I dont want to miss it" Ark said excited.

"Oh now you want to go to class" Arlie said laughing at her friend.

" come on let's go " Ark said dragging Arlie along

"Geez.....woman stop dragging me " Arlie replied glaring at her friend.

They entered their class with Ark looking dreamy at the teacher. The teacher, Blake looks really hot with his hair always looking like he just got up from bed. His muscles flexes as he moves around. Ark just sat down looking at her teacher as she sighs dreamy. It's not only Ark that likes Blake ,other student does especially the cheerleaders. The class pass by in a blur with the bell ringing signifying the end of the class. Arlie and Ark packed their bags as they head towards the cafeteria.

"Ughh....I'm so hungry" Arlie whines.

" Now who is whining" Ark said teasing her friend.

"Oh shut it and let's go" Arlie said glaring at her friend playfully.

"Let's go out and eat, I'm in the mood for chick fil a " Arlie said.

They drove out to the nearest place to get their lunch. Once they got it ,they devour the whole thing in the car especially Arlie since she didn't get food the previous night. They cleaned up after eating and drove back to school. They had 15 minutes to spare, they both decided to go back to the cafeteria. Arlie looked around looking for Hurley, she hadn't really seen him in school that day.

"Hey guys " Arlie said greeting Hayden, Henry and Hudson.

"Hey Arlie " Henry and Hudson answered simultaneously.

"Hi Arlie, Hi Ark"Hayden said ,his gaze lingering on Ark. Arlie caught the gaze and smirk, oh she's going to play match make. She gave Hayden a knowing look. Hayden looked alarm but laughed it off .

" hey have you guys seen Hurley " Arlie asked looking around.

"Yup, but he didn't come for lunch "Hayden answered still stealing glances at Ark. And Ark oblivious to what was happening. Arlie smiled and shakes her head.

"I will go look for him around "Arlie said excusing her self.

Arlie went around the school looking for Hurley,until she found him at the rooftop. He stood there looking at the sight before him.

" I never knew the sight here is great, look at all of this. It's so pretty"Arlie said goshing . Hearing her voice,Hurley turned back to look at her.

" of course you wont know"he said giving her a teasing look.

"Oh shut it" Arlie replied blushing out of embarrassment. Hurley laughed at her

"You didn't didn't come for lunch,why?" Arlie asked

"Oh nothing, I dont just feel like eating the cafeteria food today besides my mom decided to pack lunch for me" he replied.

"Oh, mama is taking care of her poor little baby, so cute"Arlie said in a baby voice pinching Hurley cheek making him turn crimson.

"Hey! I'm not cute, I'm hot and sexy" Hurley said with a pout.

"Yeah, tell that to your face every morning while looking at the mirror maybe ,just maybe you will actually look hot and sexy"Arlie replied with a smirk. Hurley gasped dramatically placing his over his chest and fake hurt.

"My heart is definitely broken and why are you even here" Hurley said glaring at her playfully.

"To talk to you dumbass,why else will I be here genius"Arlie said

"To see my glorified self of course" Hurley replied in a duh tone.

"You need to get your head checked, your ego is way too big"Arlie replied shaking her head.

"So about us, do you think we should talk about it" Arlie said

"Yeah we should"Hurley replied

" Hurley, you're a great guy, sweet ,caring, charming and all but I cant do this now. I have a lot of things going on and I dont want to be selfish. I cherish our friendship a lot and I dont want to ruin it" Arlie said

"Arlie you cant ruin anything ,i really like you and I...." he said and crashed his lips on hers .


"Arlie you cant ruin anything, I really like you and I...." I trailed off while talking cause I couldn't concentrate, her lips was distracting without thinking I crashed my lips against hers. Oh God this is even better than I thought, her lips are so fucking soft, it feels so good. Oh shit ,I blew this off didn't I? I didn't even ask for permission fuck, fuck.....wait what? Is she kissing me back? Am I dreaming? This real, she kissed me backed. I titled my head to deepen the kiss. Oh God, I groaned, her lip feels so good. Suddenly I feel her push me away.

"Hurley I'm sorry I cant do this. I hope this wont ruin our friendship" she said looking at me .

"No it wont " I assured her

"The warning bell will soon ring, we should get to class" she said turning to go.

Why does she not want to date me? She kissed me back right? That means something right? This is frustrating. Probably she's scared or something. I made up my mind, I'm going to pursue. I'm going to make her mine.

"Are you not coming" she asked. I smiled at her and start moving towards her.


"Oh God, shouldn't have kissed him back,i just hope he didn't get the wrong impression" Arlie thought to her self. Hurley is the kind of guy she would love to be with. Hyt considering the mess she's in now, she does not want any one in it. She got to her locker picked her books and rushed to class and hope she doesn't get detention for tardiness, she is already late for the class. Hurley already left for his own class though he's late too.

"Ms Arlie you're late" the teacher called out.

"I'm sorry sir, it wont happen again" she replied

"Go take a seat " the teacher said sighing.

" Hey were you able to talk to Hurley"Ark asked

"Yeah i did, i will have you the full details later" Arlie replied facing her front trying to concentrate but shes tired. Its their last period anyways. She will just go home to rest that's if she didn't get into any trouble at home.