chapter Nine Caleb's POV

About a month ago, my mom  was whining to my dad how where we were before was getting boring and my dad is almost never at home  we needed a change of environment blah blah blah. My dad feeling guilt about the fact he has been busy with work and he didnt have time for the family decided to grant her request. Apparently, my mom wanted a bigger house in a more nicer neighbourhood.

And that's brought me to Jasper,Albetha. In the middle of senior school. Aren't I a lucky guy. Yup, note the sacarsm.

Rolling off the bed, I stood up from the bed,walked towards the bathroom. I did my business and walked to my closet. Deciding  to dress complete, I picked  my Adidas pant, white Adidas tank top, Adidas jacket and a pair of original white Adidas. For my hair,I decided to run my hands through it ,giving it a messy look making me look hot. I like dressing up, sue me and please let me flatter myself. You might be thinking I'm an egotistical bastard  but I can tell you I'm not. Satisfied with my dressing,I picked my backpack and head towards my door.

Walking into the kitchen, greeted my mom who is making breakfast and my dad who is drinking coffee. Dropping my bag on the slab. I filled my plate with pancakes and lots of syrup. Devouring the whole thing,I think I woke up hungry and  besides I'm a growing boy.

"Honey take this to wash down your food " my mom said placing a glass of juice besides me.

"Thanks ma,you're ths best" I said giving her cheeky smile. I heard my dad scoff beside me.

"Are you jealous old man " I said in a teasing voice.

"Of course not ,now get your ass to school boy" my dad said. Yup, definitely jealous. Grabbing my back, I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and my dad a pat on his back.

"Bye guys" I said heading to the door. I checked my time and my first class starts in 40 minutes. Deciding to go in my black mustang, I walked towards it. Jasper high is like 3 miles from my new home. I should get there in 5 minutes or there about if I don't get lost. And i can drive around a bit to get familiar with the surroundings. Feeling great about my decision I hop into my car and began driving.

Ok I got lost but you cant blame me I just got here. Bringing out my phone decided to check the map for  directions. Turns out the school is only 5minutes away and I have 20 minutes left before my first class. Either I still drive around or just head to school, I decided to go with the latter considering I still have to collect my schedule, look for where my locker is and look for my first class. Getting to school, I parked my car in an empty space. Stepping out of my car ,a figure caught my attention, she's very beautiful but seems to be in a conversation with a girl who looks her a close friend to her. I brushed it off to look around and realised everyone is looking at me. Let's give them a show, shall we, smirking I turned around to pick my bagpack, proceed to lock my car . And start working towards the entrance, smiled at some girls that looks like they are going to pass out. Geez..... I know I'm hot and all but can they get a grip on themselves . My eyes caught that girl again but this time she's is dragging her friend inside ,I chuckled at the scene they look adorable.  And then I realised one thing ,i don't know where the reception is . I looked around and saw the girl,I  approach her.

" excuse me ,please where is the reception " I asked

"Oh it's just around the corner,  walked down this hallway and turn left you will see the office" she replied with her smile. Gosh her smile is so pretty.

"Thank you " I said and move away to look for the office. I  started walking like she said and I saw the office .I knocked and enter.

" Hi, I'm here to collect my schedule "I said .

"Hi handsome ,what's your name " she purred undoing few of her buttons.  I cringed internally.

Giving her a tight smile "I'm Caleb, Caleb Parker"

"Oh Caleb, this is your schedule and your locker combination. If you need anything don't excitate to call me." She said battling her eye lashes.

" I wont be needing your help" I said and turn on my heels .

Getting out of the office I need to look for my locker.

Who knew looking for locker is this stressful? After 5minutes I finally found my locker, I did a mini dance in my head. I did my combination got my books that I needed then dump the rest in it. Now another journey of looking for my class. Luckily its close to my locker, opening the door all eyes immediately fell on me.

"Mr Caleb nice of you to join us, since you're new I won't give you detention" he said lazily. I rolled my eyes.

" Great ,now can you please tell me where to sit" i said with sacarsm dripping in my voice.

"Tune it down mister and introduce yourself to the class" he replied.

"Hi, I'm Caleb, Caleb Parker. I just moved here. Oh and I'm handsome and sexy as you can see.Nice to meet you all"i said giving them my signature smirk.

"Alright take a sit beside Arlie"  he said grumpily.  Geez.. what crawled up his ass this morning. I stood there looking at him.

" why are you still standing " he asked .

"Uhm...I don't know who Arlie is" I replied .

"Arlie please raise your hand" he said and then I saw the girl that caught my attention earlier raising her hand and smiling lightly at me. I smiled back and made my way to her. Plopping down next to her, I sighed and introduced myself.

"Hi I'm caleb Parker " I said 

"I'm pretty sure everyone got that from your introduction ,I'm Arlie Elison and nice introduction by the way" she replied with a laugh. With that she turn to the front to listen to the teacher. Not having a choice I turned to listen to the teacher .