Chapter 19

When Yinyin went to kindergarten the next day, just as she entered the class, several small kids surrounded her and started to interrogate her?

She was absent for yesterday's last class, and the next day she arrived with a band-aid on her face and with her little arm bandaged.

The little introverted pretty boy seemed to look very worried. He frowned in displeasure and helped the girl to her seat like a little gentleman. Afterward, he sat beside her on his seat. Their table was surrounded by a group of worried and curious children.

The always calm and gentlemanly little adult, the blue dumpling, looked at the pink band-aid on the little dumplings face and asked anxiously, " YinYin, who hit you?"

He looked furious. Yinyin was a naturally optimistic child. Even if she was once a poor girl who was abused by her parents and had to pick up bottles to support herself, before her father had picked her up, she still had no gloom on her face at all. She was only occasionally sad, but she could come back happy to live after being sad.

So yesterday, her father had come to pick her up and just stared at those evil aunts and uncles, and they were scared silly. Yinyin thought it was fantastic. She was delighted!

Her little paws took out a few milk candies from the pink bunny school bag and carefully gave them to her little friends one by one. Little dumpling's face was full of pain, and she said, "This is what Dad gave me today."

The little classmates of the dumpling knew that YinYin's father was a fierce and scary man. He never allows Yinyin to eat sugar candies or sweet snacks. He only provides for her to have a little at a time, so she doesn't spoil her teeth!

So even if Yinyin shows off her father before them saying how good and powerful her father is, they are not even a little bit envious of her. They felt that Yinyin was so pitiful. Her father was so cruel to her!

Since it was so hard for her to get several sweets like this and even share her candies with them, in the eyes of the minor children, Yinyin must have regarded them as her best friends!

One of the most important criteria for a greedy group of children to measure friendship was whether they share their delicious food with them!

At this point, there were so few snacks that they were even willing to take out theirs and share them with her. They were so moved! They carefully took the candy with reddened eyes, tore the package, and put it into their mouth. They didn't know where the candy was produced. It was sweet but not greasy. There was also a smell of milk and fruit mixture. The dumplings were satisfied and broke their mouths into a happy smile. One by one, they felt that the dumpling was a lot more complete!

YinYin also tore open the last one, put it into her mouth, her eyes narrowed, and her face was full of happiness, "Dad said it was to comfort me!"

The other classmates did not understand the meaning, but Shiyuan quickly responded, "Is someone bullying you?"

The rest of the children looked at the bandages on Yinyin's body and were furious. "Yinyin!!! Say, who bullied you? Let's beat them up!"

Their mouths were filled with candies. Just when they were moved with the bit of dumpling's kind gesture, they heard someone bullying the little dumpling. They collectively looked at the band-aid on her forehead. The dumplings were fuming in anger! These children, who their wealthy parents spoiled, usually were very delicate. They would start crying even if they had a scratch or fell while playing. They felt as if the sky would fall since YinYin even had a bandaged arm and a band-aid on her forehead. Her injury was so serious!!!!!

Yinyin didn't want to mention yesterday. She felt that she had already gotten her revenge on the spot. She couldn't speak ill of others behind their back. Then she would be a bad girl!

There were sweets in her mouth, and she also spoke sweetly, "Yesterday my father came to pick me up, and he taught them a lesson. It doesn't hurt at all!"

Even just a week ago, the group members in the class were used to playing the dad on Yinyin daily. They ignored the question of who hit her. The young group members had both a sense of justice and love for Yinyin. They wanted to revenge her with their tiny fists.

Just then, two more people came in. One was wearing a pink skirt, and the other was wearing a yellow dress. They were Li Xiao Ai and Xu PengPeng!

In the past, both of them would make faces when they saw YinYin or deliberately came to embarrass her. But now, when they both entered the classroom, they pretended not to see her and slowly took a detour to their seat.

Other children in the group looked at each other, thinking that their behavior was strange.

After thinking about the issue for a while, Shiyuan suddenly said, "Did they bully you?"

They couldn't ask any further as the class teacher was there! Teacher Wang was here!

Miss. Wang put down a box of toy balls from her hands and said, "Before class begins, I have to you all something."

In the past, these spoiled children always had energy. Even in class, they were chirping continuously like a group of little birds. But, today, these hyperactive children were behaving well, maybe due to YinYin's injury. They calmed down and blinked at their teacher innocently.

"Yesterday, Li Xiaomi and Xu PengPeng from our class said bad things about Bai YinYin's father, and the three of them fought. This is an awful thing. After this, no one can fight, and no one can talk about people behind their backs…."

Miss. Wang said, "The main purpose of me telling all these things is to teach you that it's wrong to fight among yourself. Only bad children fight. All of you must not quarrel or fight among yourself nor talk bad behind others' back. You should all get along well with each other, be good children and friends with each other."

But when the other children heard their teacher's announcement, they suddenly realized who the original culprit was. The ones who bullied YinYin were these two, Li Xiaomi and Xu PengPeng?

After class, several kids gathered near those two kids. The young children would not say anything too vicious since they didn't know how to. So, they attacked the culprits together, accusing them that they were too bad.

"Knowing that YinYin likes her father best, you said bad things about her father!"

"The teacher said you can't make fun of your classmates. Next time, YinYin, come back and tell us if someone bullies you again. We will support you. They won't dare to hit you!"

What was the meaning of supporting? Even the kid who said this was not clear about that. She had picked this dialogue up from the adults. Anyway, she knew that it meant something like helping your friend and scaring the bad guys away!

YinYin raised her little chubby paws. "Although they say bad things about my father, and I won't forgive them about that, it's not right that we bully people for no reason either. We should be good children!"

"And, and…" the little dumpling suddenly felt guilty. Now she thought back to the way she was fighting. It seemed to her that she was behaving in an aggressive and ugly manner!

She then said with a guilty expression on her face, "And I beat them too, I'm not right. I'm not right. I'm a good kid! I shouldn't have done that!"

The innocent young dumpling felt that she had her revenge when her father had come to pick her up. She was delighted. She didn't know what her father, who was a good child in her eyes, had done to the Li family.

Other kids listened to the little dumpling with their eyes shining. At their age, few children could say so many things at once. They were listening intently!

Some advice may not work when their parents and teachers said them, but when their friends said them of the same age, they were very convinced! And from the bottom of their hearts, they thought that they could even preach these teaching to the masses!!!

Bai YinYin was so pretty!

"YinYin is so strong!"

"We will listen to you. We won't bully people at will anymore!"

Miss. Wang, who was passing by "…."

Aiiii….She spent half an hour educating them in vain. She was not even good as a three-year-old dumpling???

The little dumpling had just arrived home from school, removed her shoes, put the boots together with dad's big shoes, and ran inside her home like a galloping deer.

"Grandpa and grandma, I'm back!"

"Daddy's back, too!"

Sitting on the sofa in the living room was a familiar figure with a tall and straight posture, mild temperament, and bright eyes. The little dumpling rushed towards the man, "Beautiful uncle!"

Mu Bai smiled and nodded at the warm and naive little dumpling, and his eyes fell on her for a moment. Then he raised his eyes and looked at the tall man behind her. He raised his eyebrows in a slight surprise.

Luo Sheng nodded back at him.

The last time Mu Bai saw Luo Sheng, the prince of Luo Group, his impression was of a typically cold and noble young man. He was uninhibited, arrogant, and unpredictable. This time, the man was dressed in a black suit, and his brown curly hair was dyed back to black again. His look was clean and refreshing. At a glance, he seemed to be a young and promising elite president. He looked down thoughtfully.

After the case of Zhang, Su, and Liu families had ended, director Li transferred him to A city to practice and accumulate experience. He had specially ordered him to pay more attention to Luo Sheng.

People who had been handling cases for many years of their lives had an intuition that this young man was not as simple as he appeared to be. Mu Bai also thought that Luo Sheng, a dandy who seemed to be fooling around in the outside world, was worth studying though the two men had met each other before; they had calculated a lot of ideas in their heads in this brief moment.

The little dumpling had not seen this beautiful uncle for a long time. She thought that he would have gone back home after catching the bad guys, and she would never be able to see him again. She was so happy that she forgot that her father had been standing beside her for a while.

She climbed up on the sofa and sat next to her beautiful uncle. Then she began to talk.

"Beautiful uncle, when did you come?"

"Beautiful uncle, after you caught bad guys, you didn't go home?"

"How about that uncle, the chief uncle? Why didn't he come with you?"

"By the way, pretty uncle, I'll treat you candy!"

The little dumpling took out a milk candy from her schoolbag. Today, the sweets given by her father were distributed to other children in the kindergarten. This milk candy was what she had saved up for herself in the end. YinYin handed it over with her little paws. "Uncle! I will give this to you!"

Last time, this beautiful uncle had caught the bad guys and had allowed her daddy to take care of her when he was going to leave!

Ever since she could remember, she hadn't received much kindness from others. The little dumpling very much cherished other people's hearts to her. She never failed to live up to their expectations.

Yinyin treasures the doll that her uncle gave her. Although she didn't know how she lost it later, dad told her that it was taken away by the mouse. When YinYin heard that, she thought to herself, 'The doll was so lovely, the mouse must have liked it too!'

Thinking of this, the little dumpling felt that the milk candy in her hand was very heavy. This was her last candy. She raised her little face, twisted her little eyebrows, and said in a sad voice, "Uncle, I lost the doll you gave me….."

Mu Bai tried to comfort the little dumpling by saying that it was okay and he would buy her another one later.

But who could have predicted that as soon as she heard that the little dumpling's hand with the milk candy shrunk back and said with a hollow heart: "Since beautiful uncle is fine with me losing your doll, you must also pretend that you lost my milk candy!"

After that, the little dumpling stuffed her candy back to the schoolbag and said in relief, "That's good!"

Mu Bai: "…"

The face of the man behind the little dumpling blossomed into a satisfied smile. No one could make this greedy, stingy little dumpling willing to separate from a candy! The little dumpling ate up the candy, and the happy girl exhaled loudly in satisfaction.

Luo Sheng went upstairs to change his clothes and came downstairs. The Little dumpling was holding a small picture book in her hands and pointed to the picture above and said, "This is what I drew today, this is my father, this is me!YinYin is very proud of herself; the teacher praised me for painting well today."

The little dumpling was experienced in the drawing. To make her father recognize her, she made a schedule, and since she could not write, she used pictures instead. The little dumpling felt that she had practiced well enough.

The lines on it were crooked, the strokes were tender, but the picture's colors were colorful and bright. Mu Bai looked into the clear and bright eyes of the little dumpling, which were full of vitality and innocent happiness.

Mu Bai asked about the wound on the dumpling's face. The little dumpling was even more proud to talk about it because a beautiful uncle was a policeman who caught terrible people. He looked good and gave her gifts. In the little dumpling's heart, he was a good uncle worthy of trust.

So she didn't say much about the kindergarten. She had no scruples about telling her bravery to her beautiful uncle and told her how she got revenge.

"I can fight two kids on my own!" She held out her little chubby finger and showed it to him, "Two!"

After boasting about herself, she began to show off her father again. The young girl didn't know how to speak many words, but she still narrated happily, "Father is more powerful! As soon as Dad entered the teacher's office, those bad uncles and aunties were shocked silly by Dad. They dare not speak loudly to Dad. That Auntie scolded me before, but when Dad entered, she dared not to scold me anymore... "

Tuanzi said a lot. She was so excited. She got up from the sofa, turned her tiny chubby waist, and raised her head high to look at Mu Bai, and said, "Dad is the most powerful dad in the world, the most lovely dad, beautiful uncle. What do you think?"