Chapter 20

MuBai had always been a gentle person. He smiles when he sees people. But now, he wasn't smiling or talking to the little dumpling. Why? Because he was thinking about a specific person who seemed to be too good in the little dumpling's eyes: Luo Sheng.

'He's good? I'm afraid that man has nothing to do with being good in all his life.' thought MuBai to himself.

But the young and naive little dumpling thought that her father was the best person in the world and was full of enthusiasm, boasting to the whole world.

MuBai glimpsed back at the tall man and didn't know how long he had been standing there. He had changed into a leisurely suit and was lazily standing and staring at him and looking at him and challenging him with a smile. It seemed that he was watching him and the dumpling talking and was now claiming. My daughter's favorite is me!

MuBai suddenly felt funny. How could such a naive man, jealous just because his daughter said a few more words to him, be the one to defeat his opponent in a short time?

Hence he let go of his needless worries, deliberately approached the girl, and took out a bag of candies from the bag he had with him.

It was a small bag. The outer package was not transparent, and one could not see what was inside. MuBai deliberately picked up the bag and shook it in front of the dumpling.

This action of his attracted the greedy dumpling. She swallowed her saliva secretly and looked up at MuBai with her eyes glued to the bag of candies in his hands. "Beautiful uncle, what's in it?"

"Look well!" MuBai said exaggeratedly. It seemed that he was afraid to expose his intention and had to exaggerate in a roundabout way.

MuBai replied that he didn't know. The little dumpling's eyes brightened when she heard it. "How about YinYin finds this out for you, uncle?"

As soon as she finished saying this, the little dumpling was picked up by a giant hand behind her. Her hands and feet were waving in the air, struggling to get down, like a tiny cub that was pinched by the neck by its mother, fluttering about.

The little dumpling was so anxious that she refused her father for the first time. "Dad, please let me go. I want to help my beautiful uncle taste the candy!"

Luo Sheng gnashed his teeth and said in a low voice besides little dumpling's ear, "Today's candy limit has exceeded the standard. You can't eat any more candies!

Seeing that the little dumpling was still not calming down, he hummed, and with an evil smile, he tapped the little dumpling's chubby tummy, "Do you want to be laughed at by MianMian again?"

At that moment, all of the little dumpling's struggling stopped abruptly; then, she shook her little head vigorously in denial. "No!! Uncle MianMian is bad; I don't want to be laughed at by him!"

She turned her head hard and said to MuBai, "Beautiful uncle, hide it quickly. Don't let me see it. When YinYin sees it, I want to eat. And when you eat, you will gain fat!"

MuBai was willing to hide the candies as the little dumpling had asked him to, but she then continued painfully, "Beautiful uncle, hide and don't let YinYin see you! When YinYin sees you, I think of that bag of candies!"

MuBai: "…"

'From this day on, I don't know if I like the little dumpling very much or I'm more familiar with her. When I'm free, I will visit Luo's house.' thought MuBai to himself.

Since he was born, he was handsome, gentle, polite, and self-restraint. At sight, he was the excellent and obedient child of others' families that one's mother would nag to you about. He and Luo Sheng were two extremes. Mrs. Luo liked this other family's child very much. They talked with him very happily.

MuBai was naturally popular with women. He looked handsome, listened closely to what was being said, and also spoke appropriately. He could talk about anything under the sky. He could talk about his family's merits and demerits with an older adult like Mrs. Luo.

To the three-year-old little girl, he could also coax her to smile and was called by her as the beautiful uncle very cordially.

But in Luo Sheng's eyes, MuBai was annoying. He was the No. 1 on his blocklist every time he saw him enter the door. He hated him enough to throw him out immediately!

Bai group was recently talking with a multinational group about cooperation, which was the largest project that Bai group had taken over since its establishment. When this news came out, Bai group's value immediately soared.

Luo Sheng didn't have enough time to pick up the girl after school for several days, but he sent his most trusted assistant to take charge of the pick-up for fear of another fight incident.

This assistant was a 40-year-old middle-aged man with hair slightly balding, body somewhat fat, and fair. He liked to laugh, especially when facing the lovely girl; he was a kind uncle.

Zhao Wen smiled and saw a young girl in pink waving goodbye to her teachers and classmates, then came dashing with a red face.

Seeing the chubby uncle, the little dumpling was a little disappointed. She pouted and asked: "Uncle Zhao, dad is still not here today?"

The girl asked this question at least once a day. Zhao Wen smiled and said, "The company has received a big project. Mr. Luo is always busy."

Seeing the little dumpling sitting in the back child seat with her tiny head hanging down, Zhao Wen said: "Miss YinYin, Mr. Luo is a grown-up. He needs to make money to support you, right?"

Afraid that the little dumpling can't understand it and affect Mr. Luo's daughter's feelings, Zhao Wen said: "Our company is Miss YinYin's company, and your father helps you manage the company. When Miss YinYin grows up, she will have no worries about food and clothing. She will buy any beautiful skirt she wants!"

The little dumpling couldn't understand. She was always a poor and struggling dumpling. She had to break candy into two pieces to eat. She had no idea about her being a rich woman. It was harder for her to understand a company than to talk to the little dumpling about collecting bottles to earn money.

But Dad worked hard. Dad had to earn money to support her, so he was too busy to pick her up. He came back late every day. YinYin understood that.

She frowned with heartache. "Uncle, you should tell Dad that I want him to have a good meal. He can't be too hard on himself."

The chubby assistant laughed more gently. No wonder their boss doted on the little princess so much like a pearl in his palm. Despite their boss's nasty comments, his work style was also a bit overbearing, but every day he would still ask about the little princess.

That situation was similar on either side. They couldn't do anything about it either. Like father like daughter. This little one kept remembering her father and kept talking about her father.

The big one seemed to be impatient, but Zhao Wen felt that there was something that he had to do with the bit of dumpling. He was afraid that their boss would not be short of going mad.

YinYin asked a lot of questions in the car. The chubby uncle told her that her father was so busy that he had even forgotten to eat. Zhao Wen meant to say the little dumpling that it wasn't that his boss didn't come to pick her up on purpose. He was too busy, so he gave her an example, saying that the boss was too busy even to eat.

The little dumpling was very distressed when she heard this. When she came home, her little chubby face was wrinkled up.

At home, when Mrs. Luo saw her, she took the dumpling in her arms and asked: "What's wrong with YinYin today? He looks like a little older man! "

The girl in her arms seemed to be tangled for a long time and said after a while, "Grandma, dad works hard!"

Mrs. Luo was delighted. She felt that it was suitable for the dumpling to know about adults' hard work. She smiled and touched the little dumplings head. "When this time is over, and dad is not busy anymore, let him take you out to play and go to the amusement park, okay?"

The Little dumplings eyes brightened when she heard this, thinking about the amusement park, a paradise like a place, a fun place, so expensive!!!

The Little dumpling immediately waved her hands and said, "Dad has worked hard, and we can't waste money."


The next day was the weekend. The dumpling didn't have to go to school or get up early.

So that night, Luo Sheng was busy and came back home after 11 p.m. In the living room, there were only a few dim wall lights left on the porch.

Luo Sheng turned on the lights and went to pour himself a glass of water. He loosened his tie and leaned lazily on the sofa.

As the man drank water, he closed his eyes for a while, stretched his hand to the side, then suddenly felt a soft and warm breath on his arms.

There was something else on the sofa.

The little bump was a little dumpling in a green dinosaur one-piece Pajamas, crouching in the corner of the sofa, and was covered with a small fur blanket.

The little dumpling was small, and the blanket was also green like her green pajamas. Luosheng hadn't noticed it before. If he hadn't touched her, he might not have been able to find her.

The little dumpling mouth was a little open, and she was sleeping soundly. Luo Sheng frowned a little, and just when he was about to pick up the dumpling. The little sleeping dumpling started to talk in her sleep. One didn't know what she was dreaming about, and she murmured, "Daddy, you are back…."

The man was stunned for a moment. When he came back to his senses, the little dinosaur in his arms was awake. She looked at him with a big, confused eye. After a while, she said, "It's not a dream?!!"

Her voice suddenly raised in surprise: "Baba, you are back!"

'That's the same as when I talk in my sleep.' Thought Luo Sheng to himself.

Luo Sheng: "…"

"How can you sleep here?"

Dad looked very unhappy; his face was dark, his brows frowned tightly. The little dumpling was a little guilty, and she said in a small voice: "YinYin, YinYin is sneaking down. Grandma and Grandpa don't know. "

The biological clock of the little dumpling was set to fall asleep 8 pm every day. Mr. Luo was a little old and also worked and hence slept regularly. He would go to bed before 10 o'clock every day.

The little dumpling was afraid that grandma would find out. So she specifically asked uncle system to wake her up after 10 o'clock. She wanted to wait for Dad to come back!

The little dumpling knew what it was like to come back to an empty home after a hard day's work. Dad must be tired and scared.

The little dumpling had always been at home by herself since she remembered. The evil woman who raised her was not at home for three days at a time, and the dumpling was left alone.

Later, she learned the skill of picking up bottles. She picked up a lot of bottles and sold them for money. The little girl would happily hold the money and return home. But there was no one at home. She was all alone.

So in Yinyin's heart, a person who comes back home after hard work would be terrified, just like her, scared and sad.

Yinyin sat on dad's lap, and her little chubby claws climbed up to dad's neck. She smiled sweetly and brightly at Dad. "Daddy, you are not alone when you come back. You don't have to be afraid!"

Luo Sheng stared at the little dumpling's sweet smile and twisted his head to one side. He then threatened the dumpling fiercely, "No one is allowed downstairs after bedtime. If one does, the scary big mouse will kidnap them!"

The little dumpling was not afraid. She was not a naive dumpling. She had seen mice before. She almost caught them when she was starving. Earlier, she used to live in a tiny and broken place. Mice were a prevalent thing for the dumpling.

YinYin wanted to say that she was not afraid! But looking at her father's face, she still took care of her father's self-esteem. She said sweetly, "Daddy is right! It's too late, and the mouse could pick us up, so Dad can't come back so late! "

Luo Sheng went upstairs with a ball in his arms.

He rewashed her hands and feet and made a glass of milk. This was the first time that Luo Sheng had done these things, which Mrs. Luo or the nanny always did.

He was very clumsy. When he put water in the boiler, he didn't adjust the temperature. When he tried the water temperature, he almost burnt his fingers.

The little dumpling was sitting by the side and watching him, laughing and boasting about how well Daddy cares for her!

Luo Sheng: "…"

Before going to bed, the little dumpling grabbed her father's clothes and said, "Today, Daddy sleep with Yinyin!"

Luo Sheng had always been a lawless and authoritative person. He also slept in the same authoritarian way as he had when he was young. Look at the small dinosaur dumpling. She looked so soft and fluffy. It seemed that she could be pinched and flattened by accident. He refused decisively with a cold face. "No way!"

The little dumpling pouted and looked up at her Daddy with her big watery eyes, trying to make him soften.

Yin Yin was a little girl who could only observe the words and feelings of the other person. Seeing that even after a while, Daddy's face still hasn't softened, she took the opportunity to ask, "Fine!! Goodnight daddy. But, but dad has to do something YinYin asks."

She raised her face, closed her eyes, and pointed to her forehead and cheek. "Good night, kiss!"

This was what the little dumpling had learned from the friends in her class. The children said that her father wouldn't love her after he found her a mother.

Before, her father would always kiss her. But after finding her a mother, he would not kiss her anymore. She was unfortunate. She felt that her father must not love her anymore. Her friend told the dumpling very seriously to check whether her father loved her. She only needed a kiss to know.

In addition to being sad for a good friend, Yinyin also put her heart on it. Uncle system always said that her father didn't remember her and didn't like her, but the dumpling still felt that her father must love her. She also firmly believed in herself.

To verify whether dad liked her, Yinyin closed her eyes and waited anxiously for Dad's kiss.

The whole body of Luo Sheng was frozen in the same spot. His body was as stiff as wood, watching the little dumpling look up at him moving her small head, showing her white and clean little chubby face. He, pulling the corners of his lips, thought to himself. Is he kissing his daughter? Is that even possible?