IIF Headquarters

For a minute Blake and Alex stand outside hesitant to step inside the glass building. People enter and exit the building. They are dressed in business attire: suits and dresses. Blake wonders if he should have dressed up. This thought also crosses Alex’s mind. Blake has on a white button-up shirt and slacks but no jacket. Alex has on the same except a colored shirt instead of white.

“Well it is time,” says Alex.

“Yeah,” says Blake.

The step inside the air-conditioned waiting area. A sign reads FRONT INQUIRES. Walking there they wait.

“How may the IIF be of service?” asks the worker.

“We requested to turn in some files,” says Blake.

“You will need to fill out paperwork to get your case processed in addition to the information already submitted,” she says.

“Alright,” says Blake.

“Here you go, fill in all the blanks, then grab a number once you turn in,” she says.

Bake planned for this trip to the headquarters to last an hour, but the stack of papers she had given him is thick. Filling it out will take a long time. Blake and Alex sit down at a table, grabbing a nearby pen. They work diligently reading the questions out loud when needed. Filling it out to the best of their abilities. Blake’s hand begins to cramp from the consistent writing pressure. Tik. Tok. Time passes. Finally, they are done with the stack of papers. Getting up Blake turns it in and grabs a number. #303/ They are two places away. Ten minutes later their number is called.

“#303,” says a deep male voice from an open voice behind the front inquiries.

Blake and Alex bolt up. They walk to the man and introduce themselves. The man ushers them inside of the door into the hallway beyond.

“Hello, my name is John Dre, Office Assistant,” says John.

“Hello, John,” says Blake and Alex in unison.

“I was looking through the file you submitted and the paperwork and it looks like you have files to be submitted, is that correct?” asks John.

“Yes, we have delicate files,” says Blake.

“I saw that you have written the subject matter to be: “Extraterrestrial Lifeforms” is that correct?” asks John.

“Yes it is, the files explain the discovery of a new being,” says Blake.

“This is very important and dangerous information, lying can have grave consequences, are you aware?” asks John.

“Yes, we speak the truth,” says Blake.

“And you have witnessed this evidence?” asks John.

“Yes, in person,” says Blake.

“Yes,” says Alex.

John types on his desktop for two minutes. He turns to look at the paper on his desk, jots notes down. Then he types again.

“I will have to send you to my head manager in this case, he can better handle this situation,” says John.

John picks up the phone beside him. He talks to someone on the other line. Five minutes later there is a knock on the door. In walks a tall man in an all-black suit.

“Good day, my name is Manager Bill, if you gentleman would be so kind as to follow me,” says Bill.

Alex and Blake follow behind Bill down the hallway to the last room on the right. Down they sit across from each other at an oval table.

“I am aware of your case; I was actually waiting for you to arrive at IIF,” says Bill.

“You were?” Blake says, surprised.

“Yes, we will need extensive proof of what you are alleging, do you have the files with you?” asks Bill.

Blake and Alex take out the files from their pockets. The files are stored in a stick of memory similar to the old USB used on Earth. These new memory sticks are able to pass information from one stick to another without direct contact needed. Files are shared through transmission. Their name is Instant Connection stick or ICstick.

“I will need those ICsticks,” says Bill.

“This file contains information on the Planet that is uncharted and how to get there,” says Alex.

“The other file is evidence of the Vexes existing on that planet,” says Blake.

Blake and Alex hand them over. Their mission is complete. Blake feels a weight lifted off his chest. He hopes his father will be proud of him.

“All the information will be reviewed in a week's time gentleman,” says Bill.

“Alright,” says Alex.

“IIF will contact you through handheld information provided today,” says Bill.

We will be waiting” says Blake.

Bill escorts Blake and Alex to the waiting area. Blake and Alex walk out of IIF Headquarters into the sidewalk of a wave of pedestrians. They go into a nearby sandwich shop and order a meal. Sitting at outside tables they eat their food.

For the first time, they really take in the city they are in while sitting calmly. Alex likes to look are people walking by. He wonders what their life is like. Blake’s mind is on his father. He thinks if his father worries about Blake's safety. Is there a way to send him a message? The transport, Esperanza, should be equipped with an antenna, if pointed in the right location it should receive a transmission message. Blake tries to calculate the possibility of 0.5% at best.

“We should find a place to rest,” says Alex.

“Yeah, how about a motel?” suggests Blake.

“Okay,” says Alex.

They end up in an economic room with two twin beds. Space has better places for less money. But on a budget, who knows how long they will have to stay on Earth, they will have to do with this.

“We should call Lily,” says Alex.

“Yes,” says Blake

They get out a handheld and open a transmission platform to make a call. Three rings later Lily answers.

“Hi guys,” says Lily.

“Hi,” says Alex.

“Hey,” says Blake.

“How are you two?” asks Lily.

“Good,” they both say.

“Guess what, I got my medical assistant certificate,” says Lily.

“Great'' says Blake.

“Awesome,” says Alex.

“I am on my way to becoming a nurse!” says Lily.

They talk about their goals. Alex and Blake cannot tell her about the files. They end the call fifteen minutes later promising to call her back. Going to sleep they shut their eyes. Tomorrow they begin to explore New York City.