New York City

Buzz. Buzz. Sounds Blake’s alarm on his handheld. Today Alex wants to walk in Central Park. Blake dresses in his shorts and t-shirt. They have asked for their things to be delivered to their motel at a hefty price. Alex is already ready.

Stopping by a coffee shop, they order two coffees. Alex tries a caramel mocha with extra whipped cream. It is delicious. Blake sticks with medium roast coffee with no sugar. They are thirty minutes away from Central Park using the public transport fast line, an advanced subway system. It uses air pressure as a propeller and brake.

Walking into a nearby fast line station, they buy a token. The token is a plastic card that is full of passes to board the transport. An individual pays for the number of passes on their token and can refill their card. Swiping the car one is allowed inside the fast line transport.

Inside the transport, it is clean and stark white. They sit down on ergonomic plastic seats. Destination numbers are marked on the door top signaling the stops. When their number arrives Blake and Alex get off. Now on the surface, they walk for two minutes until they reach Central Park.

Here they admire the green grass, trees, and still thriving flowers. Alex urges Blake to walk around. They rent some bicycles but need help from the instructor. It takes them a good few hours to get the handle of the bicycles. Once they have mastery they zoom up and down the pathways of Central Park.

Realizing he is hungry Blake stops to buy a hot dog at a stand. Alex joins him. These hot dogs taste very authentic, Blake notes.

They return the bikes to the instructor and take the fast line. Reaching their motel room they relax until it is time to turn off the lights.

Waking up before his alarm Blake prepares for the day. He grabs his sweater today. Alex waits for him in the lobby of the motel. They walk to the fast line station. Aboard the transport, they wait for their stop for Chinatown. Blake was excited to visit this part of the city. He had learned about Chinese culture and language on his handheld. He knew a few words. Their stop came, so they got off. Outside of the station were crowds of people walking between shops and restaurants,

The air smelled like oil and spices. Blake could get used to this. Alex and Blake looked around at the different shops. Lily came to mind. Blake wanted to buy her something. He stopped at a jewelry shop.

“你好 (Hello)” says Blake.

“你好,你想要什么 (Hello, What do you want?)” says an older lady.

“祝你好运项链 (Good luck necklace)” says Blake.

She points at necklaces at a small table. Blake examines them. He picks out a jade-colored circular stone. It has a word in the center meaning blessing or good fortune in Chinese- 福 in gold. Blake pays for the necklace. The older lady places the necklaces in a velvet bag. He places the bag inside his jean pocket.

Alex finds Blake and suggests they eat. They find a bubble tea stand and a bakery. With their order of bubble tea, they have pork buns. Barbecue flavor pork buns make for a good meal. Neither of them has ever had a dish similar to it before.

Alex shows Blake a book he bought about martial arts. They look at the shops more before heading back.

While taking a hot shower, Blake decides he is going to wear the good luck necklace until he gives it to Lily. The steam condenses on the mirror. Wiping it off, seeing his eyes, he wishes he saw Lily’s green eyes.

Pulling the covers under his chin he closes his eyes.

Anxious for the next day, Alex wakes Blake up with a shake. Today they will be going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York City.

Because this museum is within walking distance they did not take the fast line. The walk for twenty mines. Alex looks down at his handheld.

“It looks like they have armor there on display,” says Alex.

“Nice,” says Blake.

“Also paintings,” says Alex

“I will check those out,” says Blake.

They reach a tall stone building that stands tall. It is a museum. They walk up the stairs and admire the columns that adorn the outside. Once inside they buy their tickets.

Alex and Blake decide to split up to view more on their own. Alex heads for the armor section. He views the various war garments. He imagines himself as a warrior in a make-believe battle.

Blake walks to the art section. First, he views contemporary art of the 20th and 21st centuries. Seeing more than just shapes, Blake enjoys his time. Although he is not much of an artist himself he can appreciate art. Next, he views medieval art in the next gallery. Detail to the art amazes Blake.

Blake finds Alex chatting with a young woman.

“Sorry to interrupt, but we have to leave,” says Blake.

“It was nice meeting you Rachael,” says Alex.

Stopping at a restaurant Blake and Alex order a meal. They decide on the personal pizza which they split in between the two. Adding many toppings they are given a delicious dish. Quickly the pizza is devoured by Blake and Alex.

By late afternoon they are back at the motel room. Taking turns they talk about what they saw at the museum. Tomorrow

Blake has a mission for himself.

Leaving Alex to himself Blake heads out the door in the morning. He tracks down the address to the specific shop. Stardust Jewelry. It is a fifteen-minute walk from the motel. Walking with the flow of people he reaches the shop. Spotting the OPEN

sign on the door he walks in. A bell jingles.

“Hello,” says Blake.

“Hello, how can I help you today?” asks a female.

“I was looking for the moonstone engagement ring in size 7,” says Blake.

“Yes the 14 karat gold one, here,” she says as she pulls it out of the display glass.

“Yes that is the one,” says Blake.

“Alright, that will be $139,” says the jeweler.

Blake walks out of the store with a small ring box. Inside is the ring he wants to give Lily in the future. When circumstances allow he will propose to her.

The next day Alex convinces Blake to get a free pass to the gym. At the gym, they lifted lightweights. After jogging on the treadmill they climb stairs finishing their workout. They are not one hundred percent used to Earth’s gravity.

On the sixth day of being in the motel, they revisit Central Park. This time they walk the pathways on foot.

It is not until the next morning does Blake notices a message from IIF.

TO: Blake Sharp

CASE: 209431067

MESSAGE: Report to IIF Headquarters 1503 Honey Ave, New York City, NY, USA, Earth. IMMEDIATELY. For hearing.


Blake shows the message to Alex. Today they will have a hearing.