Say My Name (Part 1):
"Of course you are doing the right thing son." King Galore answered, almost immediately.
"I know." Ruthless said. "You two, did I lie against your son?" He asked the parents of the dragon boy he had killed.
"No, everything you said here is the truth my Prince." They spoke in unison. King Rex stared at them in surprise.
"I know." Ruthless said with a chilling smile. "Your other son, should he behave like this, I won't hesitate to wipe him off the surface of the world, do I make myself clear?"
"Yes my Prince."
"This meeting is closed Rex, take yourself and your two council members out of my kingdom before you will join their son." Ruthless said to them.
"Of course my Prince, thanks for you finding the solution quicker than I expected." King Rex said with a forced smile. "I shall take my leave my dear King Galore." He added and left with the two dragons.
"You shouldn't have done that son, there are ways to punish an offender not kill him." Galore said once they were alone.
"Just because I called you father in front of them doesn't give you the right to call me son, you know my name, use it. And I will punish the people according to their crimes and death is the only sentence they have."
"Son, I mean Ruthless. I am here, allow me to make the decision. You are creating more enemies by the day."
"Galore, do I look like I care?" Ruthless asked. "Least I forget, I know who my enemies are. Bye." He added and left Galore who stared at his retreating back.
One question he had always asked himself was why Flower gave him such a Ruthless boy as his son. Why isn't his second son like Blue?
He left the throne room and headed back to his chamber.
Vala School Apartment:
Pula welcomed Vala with a warm smile when she opened the door for her.
"Good afternoon Pula." Vala greeted as she made her way in.
"Yeah afternoon, hope today school wasn't that stressful?"
"Oops I have forgotten that you can talk with your magic now. How did you open the door?"
"Like you said, Magic."
"Okay, today school was great, I met Galore son's and I must confess they are hot, especially Ruthless."
"Yes Pula and I think I am now Ruthless friend." Vala said with a wild smile. "Let me quickly go and bathe and change my clothes so that I will tell you what I did today in school." She added and didn't wait to hear Pula's response before she went to her room.
Few minutes later she came out of her room and met Pula in the living room, reading a book.
"Did you cook Pula? Say yes please."
"Of course I did and with Magic too." Pula said. "It's in the kitchen, take as much soup as like, my dear."
"Thank you Pula, you just saved a dying soul." Vala said and ran to the kitchen. She soon came out with a bowl filled with soup broth and went to sit on one of the chairs.
"So can you now tell me what you did today in school?"
"Do you prefer a longer version or a shorter one?"
"I prefer the shorter one."
"Okay, I went to school and I met and talked to Ruthless. He kinda killed a boy and I tried to save the boy but failed. And I solved his puzzle and he didn't even appreciate it, but I am not bothered."
"Sorry, from what Zelik said about Ruthless, he is a hard pill to chew, anything else again?"
"Oh yes, the goddess of war popularly know amongst her crew as Athena, challenged me. If not the role of being a goddess is tiresome, I would have beaten and ended her existence and take her place, but I was a good girl and let her be."
"Vala, don't bring too many eyes to you, and if anyone gets to know that you are a Demon, they won't hesitate to kill you so you got to be careful."
"The more reason I didn't want to fight with her, plus I wore one of the dresses given to me by my dear guardians." Vala said as she finished eating. "Thanks Pula, I need to sleep now." She added and went to the kitchen to wash her plate and went to her room to sleep.
King Galore Palace:
It was night and the whole family of Galore were seen eating at the long table in a large room which served as their dining room.
King Galore, Queen Lati and Blue were already eating when Ruthless walked in and sat at the end of the table where his door was kept.
"Make sure I don't see a crumb of food on your plate." Queen Lati said pausing her spoon to say those words and continued eating as if she didn't utter a word.
"Thanks, Lati." Ruthless said and eat his food.
"Blue how was school today?" Queen Lati asked her son.
"Good mother." Blue answered and continued eating.
"I heard what he did in school through someone even though your father didn't want to tell me, I have my ways of knowing things, anyway, I hope you don't associate with him in school, he's a bad news, I don't want the people to tag you as an evil person like they did to him. Remember he's an outcast and you shouldn't scoop so low to his level. You are the next King after your father, do you understand Blue?" Queen Lati said eyeing Ruthless before her gaze landed on her son.
"I understand mother." Blue said quietly. "But you don't have to drag my brother if you want to remind of something."
"Point of correction, he is not your brother, I did not give birth to him."
"That's enough my love."
"Don't tell me that, if you had never cheated on me, he wouldn't have existed in the first place."
Ruthless finished his food and stood up from his seat.
"Thank you." Ruthless said and walked to the door, pausing when he opened it. "And Lati, I have no interest in your son's throne." He added and left.
Vala School Apartment:
"With what you just told me, you are 0% closer to Ruthless. You've got to let him trust you, build that trust vala." Zelik said after Vala had finished telling him her day activities.
She was about to sleep when Pula knocked on her door and told her of his presence. Pula had gone to her own room to sleep.
"You think it's easy? That guy you call Ruthless is hot tempered. It's going to take some time Zelik, I am not a Witch or a sorceress that would want to use magic and make everything happen fast." Vala said. She was sitting opposite him. "I solved that hard puzzle of his thinking he would start seeing me in a new light but I got the opposite, he wasn't even impressed at all. A guy like that will need more than brains to tame him, so don't think it's going to be that easy, I was even told I was lucky to be alive." She added. "I really need to know every detail of him, what's his real name? And did I forget to mention how handsome he is? Ruthless is handsome."
"No one knows his real name, but I will tell you one thing you should know about Vala, so listen very carefully. He is the reason for your parents imprisonment. In fact it was his idea to throw your mother in the dungeon and your father at his cage. He is heartless Vala, and forget about his looks, Lord Daniel won't like you mentioning another male as 'handsome', he won't like it at all." Zelik told Vala.
"And why won't he like it?"
"It's best if you hear it from his mouth."
"Just because he was generous enough and kind to make me and Pula stay in this house doesn't mean I owe him. I will call whoever I want to call 'Handsome', he should not tell me what to do."
"You won't understand now Vala, but when you release your father, you will understand why I said that."
"I don't care to know."
"Fine, but getting close to Ruthless doesn't mean you should develop feelings for him."
"Take a good look at me Zelik, a boy that handsome would like a girl like me? Stop dreaming please, it won't happen. I know how I look so don't mock me."
"I am not mocking you Vala, I am sorry if you felt that way but I am just telling you the truth, anyways, Ruthless is the reason why you are not with your parents and why you ended up with those elves. Just imagine if Ruthless and his father didn't attack your father's kingdom surprisingly, you would have been the most beautiful girl in the whole supernatural, your good half face said it all."
"I have heard you. Draw closer to Ruthless and make him trust me then I steal one of his hearts which we would use to release my father." Vala told Zelik, reminding him she knows and remembers the plan.
"Good, I will see you tomorrow. Just stay out of trouble especially from Athena."
"So if she attacks let me just fold my arms and just watch?"
"If possible yes."
Unfortunately for you Zelik, that's not going to happen.
Vala thought and pretended to nod her head.
"Good night Vala." Zelik said and left the apartment. Vala shut the door after him.
Unknown Place:
All the king's except Galore had gathered for a meeting. They didn't start the meeting until Zelik showed up.
"The plan is progressing gradually, once Ruthless is out of the way, we strike and take the throne from Galore hands." Zelik said after greeting them.
"Are you sure this plan of yours will work?" King Vic, the Vampire King asked.
"It will be work."
"Whatever this plan is, put me out of it." The King of Fairy said.
"Just because you lost one of your legs to Ruthless doesn't mean everyone of us here can't take him down."
"Then what is stopping you all from fighting Ruthless?" The King of Fairy demanded.
"Because humiliating him in front of everyone is far more better than death. He will use his own hands and kill himself out of shame. And guess what, he won't be the only one going down, all his family too." Zelik intervenes in their conversation.
"Whatever Tomorrow I am going to warn Galore to vacate from the throne before he will be disgraced." The King of Hellhounds said.
"The main five king's haven't gone to warn Galore but one small King with a small kingdom wants to? Are you nuts? Do you want to end up like me? Remember he cut off my leg because I pointed a finger at his father, they don't have the best father and son relationship but he doesn't joke with him." The King of Fairy said.
"You and I case is different and surely I won't end like you." The King of Hellhounds said, you will hear about the outcome tomorrow, I have everything cleverly planned out."
The Next Morning at school, Vala noticed Ruthless absence and asked Fairy who shrugged her shoulder.
"He always does that, no one knows where he goes too." Fairy told her. "Anyway I am glad he didn't show up. At least we will eat our food without fear." She added as they went their separate ways to class.
Vala wasn't paying any attention to what the teachers were teaching, her eyes were on the building opposite them, she was hoping to see Ruthless and her thoughts were filled with Ruthless.
She was feeling a little bit sad when Ruthless didn't show up at all.
Ruthless who just returned from the cave he was born, the cave he had watched his mother die. Today was making it almost two years since she had died. If it wasn't because of her death, he wouldn't have been here. He had gone there to spend some time.
Entering the palace, he noticed something was amiss, using his nose he disappeared and reappeared in the throne room and saw Queen Lati and some servants who served foods consoling her. He saw how the ground was littering with food.
Who could have done that.
"What happened?" Ruthless asked.
"My Prince, some Hellhounds came here and threatened the Queen. They made us prepare food and ate just two bite before throwing the food." One said fearfully.
"Where is my father?"
"The King of Hellhounds sent for him urgently early in the morning." Another servant replied to him.
"Hmm." He said and breathed in and got what he wanted. "Go and prepare me some food." Ruthless ordered and left.
Hellhounds Kingdom:
Finding the scents of those who came to the palace was that hard as long as it was Ruthless searching for them.
He traced their smelling smell until he got to a house, a bungalow.
Kicking the door once, the door broke into many pieces and he walked in, it had a big space. He saw some Hellhounds who suddenly became alert when they saw him. But who he was looking for wasn't among them.
He smelled him and opened the only door in the house which led him to his target.
His target and some others were discussing and stopped when they saw him, a small table was in front of them.
"Yes, didn't you get our message? Your father should leave the throne or else." His target said.
Ruthless dropped the covered silver plate of food he had carried on the table and pushed one of the Hellhounds out of his chair and sat down.
"I heard you came visiting and like our food so Queen Lati prepared this for you and I volunteered to bring it myself. So eat it, it's very sweet, sweeter than the one you ate." Ruthless said as he removed the upper layer of the plate to reveal fried chicken and rice.
"Did I tell you that I am hungry? Take this out of my face." His target said and pushed the plate of the table.
The content pouring out on the floor.
Ruthless stood up and bent down and started packing the rice and chicken back into the plate.
"Back then in the palace, if Queen Lati saw a seed of food on my plate, she would become angry and shout at me. You threw the food made by her on the floor, don't you think she will feel so bad when she hears it?" He straightened up and put the food on the table. "At least you will make her happy when she hears that you eat the food."
"Hey, are you asking for trouble, don't you know who we are? Who we work for?" One of the men seated said and Ruthless punched his throat, killing him at once.
"When I talk no one else should intervene." He returned his gaze at his target and smiled. "Eat the food before it gets cold."