Say My Name (Part 2)
Hellhounds Kingdom;
"Step down from the throne and allow others, who are capable, to rule. You are a weak King if not you would have eliminated Ruthless by now." The king of Hellhounds, Hound, told Galore. They were seated inside his throne room. The food which was served to Galore hasn't been touched.
"It's not easy to kill him, but do not forget that he's still my son." King Galore reminded him. "I can't do it."
"Your son who kills just for fun? You do know it's because of him that the gods have refused to come down since that incident." King Hound snarled in anger.
"I left my home to meet up with your appointment thinking that you have something good to say but instead you are saying total nonsense." King Galore told him. "How do you expect me to kill my own son? I can't do it."
"That is why I am telling you to resign from your position as the King of the whole Supernaturals and Lord's. Where is the real King Galore who had defeated the demon King and caged him years ago? Where is he hiding because obviously you are not the one." King Hound mocked. "You are scared of your own son, you are a weakly."
"Call me whatever names you want to, but I won't resign and even if I want to, my son, Ruthless, will kick against him, unless you have the strength and power to take him down." King Galore said and stood up to his feet. "I am sorry but this discussion is over, do not ever in your life call me to discuss this trash, just because I have changed over the years doesn't mean the old Galore is gone. Don't forget I defeated all the whole Supernaturals Kings and Lord's, except Haule, before I ascended the throne." He added and left the palace and the kingdom.
He changed into his full Lycan and ran with inhumane speed towards his palace.
"I am not hungry and besides you can't force me to eat the food." His target said. "Are you all watching as he insults me!" He yelled out and those Hellhounds in the other room opened the door and rushed him. His target smirks at him. "Just because you gave yourself that useless name 'Ruthless' doesn't mean everyone should be scared of you. If everyone in Supernatural is scared of you, the whole Hellhounds are not. We are going to kill you and bury you here. No one would cry when you are gone." He told Ruthless.
Ruthless nodded his head and stared at the Hellhounds that surrounded him.
"There are only two types of caste in this world, one that drinks the tears, and other that drinks the blood."
"Shut his mouth up guys." His target ordered but none of the Hellhounds made a move. "I said close his mouth forev-" He paused when noticed his men were as still as ice.
"Unfortunately I am the third type, I drink both the tears and the blood and I strike when you least expect." Ruthless told him and the room they were in began to ice, slowly. The Hellhounds who were still like ice started turning to sand statues. He could have easily killed them but he just remembered the chain girl he had a deal with. "You won't like your own punishment if you don't start eating right away." He added, singing the words coldly.
His target didn't need to be told twice before he started eating the food.
"Today is your lucky day because I won't kill, that's why I turn your babies to statues, and do you know the worst thing? They can feel and hear everything going on around them including hearing this conversation, but you can't feed statues and they will die, slowly. Go and tell the person that sent you this; just because he thinks my father and I aren't in good terms does not mean I will stand still and watch harm befall him or his wife or my step-brother. I don't normally do this but tell your sender that I am giving him a second chance and if he dares to repeat this mistake again, he won't live to see who sits on his throne, do I make myself clear?"
"Yes Ruthless."
"Ah that reminds me, I didn't give myself the name 'Ruthless' but nevertheless it suit my personality, I am going to tell you a little secret. What you and the whole Supernaturals have seen so far is just the tip, you all haven't seen my true powers yet or what I can really do. I am above every Supernatural, Lord's and the gods, even Lucifer isn't a match for me. The only one who can kill me is the Creator himself. A lowly servant like you won't understand what I just said. Make sure my message gets to your King." Ruthless told him, his eyeballs briefly shiny rainbow before it went back to it's white color, he smiled coldly and disappeared.