Chapter 22

Ruthless Vs Blue (Part 3):

"Don't you ever say we are not meant to be, the Creator never makes mistakes," Vala said and what Ruthless said suddenly drew to her. "H-ho-how did you know of Pula and Zelik?" She asked in shock.

"I see Vision of you Zelik and Pula, but I don't know what the three of you are really up to, but I know it's bad." Ruthless answer. "I saw you, Zelik and Pula leaving the Elves land, it wasn't me though, it was one of my spirits beast."

"Okay, so why do you say Zelik knows we are not meant to be?" She asked.

"Don't be silly Vala, once I break the bond between us, you get to choose Zelik's master, oh you will definitely fall in love with him. I am doing you a huge favor Vala so you won't end up regretting being my soulmate."

"I won't regret anything as long as I'm with you, my Winter." Vala told him. "And sometimes, Vision do change." She added.

"I am not a lovable person Vala."