Chapter 23

Ruthless Vs Blue (Part 4):

"And what if he doesn't have a weakness like you said, a guy like him, I don't think he will have one," Vala said.

"He will, everyone has a weakness, it is your job to find out what his weakness is unless you don't want to free your father and your mother."

"Why can't I just go and plead with him to release my parents, since I am closer to him and he hasn't hurt me, I think he would listen to me when I beg."

"You are a fool Vala, you think he earns that name by just having a nice big heart? Or that if one pleads with him he will easily forgive? Well let me tell you that your thinking is wrong. If you ever mention the demon war to him he will ignore you or imprison you just like he did to your parents with the support and help of Galore, if you are doubting me, ask Ruthless when you see him," Zelik said. "Have a nice evening, and you too Pula." He added and left the apartment.