Chapter 3

It was only natural, they would try escaping, after witnessing what happened to their lord, and in some cases he would look the other way, but their energy had a certain stain to it, like that of their lord. A stain that made him aware they've taken the life, or devoured a significant numbers of humans within the past month, at the very least, and the thought of what they did to the girl was unforgivable.

However, the words the fat monster said, picked his interest; "The Demon king general orders", and it would be of favor to him, if he could get more information about it, but even in a situation like this they still were not willing to surrender. He doubts they would be willing to talk or share much, even if they did, it would be lies. At this point they'll say anything to survive, so he thought and that concluded their value to him.

"Running is the only option, you idiots… Die if you wish, but just make sure to buy us some time" the fleeing monsters mumbled, while running for their lives, they believed attacking him was nothing short of suicide. Especially, if he could shoot the black balls from earlier, by will, which would also mean, he could sense their energy, since that marked the bases for the first attack, and if he had enough energy reserved for such. It won't matter if he could see them or not, their death was assured.

Knowing this they only hoped the gravity within the fog, could at least buy them time to escape, while thinking if that fails, the others, who were planning to attack him could buy them time, since they were so eager to die, they underestimated his capabilities.

"It's high time I end this" the boy said with a blunt expression.

"Dark bullets scattered shots" he said, removing his right hand from his pocket, placing it forward, as his dark energy emanate conforming to balls like shapes, before discharging them. Each flew to their target, both the fleeing monsters and the ones about to attack him, killing them instantly. In a matter of seconds they were all burnt to nothingness. No monster survived his assault, their remains were nowhere to be found, not even their bones, and then he cleared the dark fog by using his energy to vaporize the fog.

"Am sorry for taking, so long in handling them…"

"Now, Rest easy, you'll soon be okay…"

"Shadow Art: plague… And now… Compress" he said as he walked towards the girl's body, squatting upon getting close, then placing his right hand on her as his energy plagued: devouring all impurity. Healing her gradually as it sealed her wounds, and compressing her to a marble, while rendering her unconscious to speed up her recovery, and making her mobile to carry, while picking her up.

"Purge" he continued vaporizing all the blood on the sand with his dark energy, making it spread like the dark fog, covering the field as it burns all impure energy.

After he was done, he took a moment to gaze at the moon, for a bit, admiring it with an intense look of relief on his face, when he observed a weird present, an odd energy from afar, which has been there for a while. He wasn't sure what to make of it.

Curious to know what, or who it was, since he couldn't make out, if it was a human or monster, he thought of checking the location, but then realized staying a while longer outside might increase his chances of running into members of the sector security, especially with the ongoing event, which he prefers not to be a part of.

Base on that, he concluded his night, ignoring what he sensed, while believing that there would be a next time, provided the being was one of importance. Placing his right-hand back in his pocket with the marble in it, he left for home.

The next morning, news went across all TV stations and radio stations of the slaughter event that happened yester night, it was reported as a rampaging animal assault. An unfortunate incident that took the lives a few people, which few bodies were found, 15 people were injured as a result of the assault. The injured were said to be hospitalized in the public hospitals in each region of the incident, 11 in the southern region, and 4 in the east. All were said to still be unconscious.

Without stating the actual numbers of the bodies found or the actual location of the incident, it was said that in the woods and across ghetto areas in the East, and Southern part of the city was where the incident occurred, tagging the headline to be 'rampaging hungry wildcats'. With the content being said to be wildcats whose origin was yet to be known, went on a rampaging feast for flesh around certain regions of the city, namely the East and Southern part of the city.

The beast were said to had carved most they gain sight of, and devoured a few citizens before they were chased by the local security personnel, while trying to gun them down, but they were able to escape. The authorities were in search and pursue of the beasts. Total victims were unknown but the injured were being hospitalized. Due to the circumstance and for the safety of the citizens, the city was placed on a curfew of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., till they capture the wild beasts or kill them.

The forests and woods were now a no-go area till further notice, for all unauthorized personnel. People should walk in pairs for safety purpose, amongst other safety measures were stated in the broadcast, which aid in covering the real event. Monsters (demons), who had invaded half of the city for some time now, came out of hiding.

Letting loose of their blood-lust, some killed and feasted on as many humans, as they could find. Certain groups were stopped, but there was not enough hunters available; human warriors who possess the ability to purify beings of all variations, most were from a clan of spiritual warriors with special abilities that were inherited from ancient bloodline (noble blood), or were born with exceptional abilities.

The sector security had little hunters around to handle the situation, due to a new allocation of certain members, however, since demons have no actual remains when killed. All traces of the demons killed were nowhere to be found, but same can't be said to the impacts or damages they made .i.e. people devoured and places damaged.

Due to such the sector security had to clean up the traces of the damages, and restore the places affected, while informing their associates amongst the authorities of the issue at hand, so, they could plan on what to relay to the public in order to avoid panic. Since it was a mass slaughter, one amongst few that seemed too had been occurring for the past few months.

The sector security, believed covering it up, without relaying word to their associates, could cause an issue, which could draw unwanted attention, affect their investigation, and make it hard to keep their existence a secret to the public, while trying to do their job, especially when the case was an anomaly.

Although available hunters were able to kill a significant amount of demons yester night, and were investigating the event, but some were still in hiding, which would make killing them difficult. Since some had a habit of hanging around crowded places, to cause a scene when trailed by hunters, and with the stated safety measures, things were not going to be easy.

While others dwell in human vessels, amongst other methods to keep themselves hidden and safe, because to them their safety comes first, at least that was what they used to do.

However the occurrence of the attack yester night proved otherwise, since it seemed well coordinated, bold and precise to be a random attack. The sector security; hunters that were set to protect a particular district, were taking things with utmost caution, especially after observing that the demons were actually helping each other and fighting in groups, making it obvious that something was off.

Despite hearing the news of the numbers of people killed by the beasts, most of the city folk didn't seem concerned, nor did they react to the news, although it was in the favor of the authorities that people were not all in panic, but it was disappointing knowing how far their humanity has fade away. The death of people was no longer news or concern, and to their surprise most were more concerned about the curfew stated in the broadcast, than the death of the people. Incomes were rated higher over people's death in their hearts.

Earlier that morning towards the end of dawn, at the western part of the city where the barrack was located. The O-zone branch of the barrack, a horizontal shape building where each flat was separated from one another. The boy from the late night event yester night, who single-handedly wiped out all the demons in the field, saving the girl was preparing for school when someone rushed into his flat.

"Hi, brother, am so sorry am late… Please-Please, tell me you've prepared breakfast? Am starving"

"…I just finished… but you'll only get some when you're done washing up"

"No, prob… I'll be done with that ASAP… thanks, and you have just saved my belly once more, my beloved brother"

"Just get going… before my stomach start protesting"

"Yes, sir!" the grey hair boy brother replied concluding their talk, as he rushed to bathe and prepare for school.

After the two brothers were done preparing for school, and eating, they left heading out of their flat, on their way out they heard the news of the slaughter yester night, as they were leaving their flat from the radio of their neighbor.

"Men! We really have to do something about the uprising of the demons"

"Uprising? Surely, you don't mean that literally?"

"I actually do… Words are going around that some of the higher ups, in the sector security thinks the increase in demonic appearance and the boldness of their acts in the city is, due to some kind of aggregated rebellion… That the demons are trying to take over the city, since they've somehow observed that the sector security is short of manpower, and the divine eye is not working effectively, if at all… The slaughter yester night seemed to be proof of it"

"Hmm… is that so?"

"Yeah… at least so it seems… and also because that's the only reason I see the sector security calling me in for assistance with the purge within the past weeks, and then chasing me out like some kind of dog when I report in, after the purge… It's so annoying" the grey hair boy's brother and him discussed, on their way to school after leaving their premises, while the boy with grey hair realized why there were no hunters at the scene when he saved the girl from yester night, before, and after he left.

After hearing his brother's words, he felt glad that he didn't wait long for the hunters to step in before he did, knowing now that if he had, she would have been dead or worse, while pondering, if the claims of his brother was in line with the circumstance of the girl he saved. Since he knew for a fact that the girl he saved was not human, but a hybrid, and taking account of what the demon said in agitation, them following the orders of one of the demon king general.

It would make sense that someone was pulling the string behind the frequent increase in demon activities and human slaughter, which would most definitely affect the divine eye, with that in mind he acknowledged the claims to be on point.

Taking account of his brother's claims, his interest in the case of the girl he saved began to grow, making him curious as to what her value was to the demons? If she has a role to play in the plans of the demons? And if that was the case, that would explain why that many demons were after her, since their numbers was too much for just a hunt, even if they wanted to toy with her.