I’m bored.
I’m tired.
At least I’m not hungry, though.
I’ve won every single fight I’ve been put in, out of pure desperation. As long as I win, we get to eat.
Jack and Joe have been brought back into the cell.
Jack tries to keep us all cheerful with stories.
Joe is a good hugger, for an alpha.
If there’s any comfort in this hellhole, it’s curling up in Joe’s arms while Jack and Makkie take turns painting mental images of golden hills at sunset, cozy public houses and rowdy bars.
With these tall tales swirling in my mind, and Joe’s fingers coming through my hair, I fall asleep easily.
My dreams, however, do not match the previously relaxing atmosphere.
I keep seeing the fight with Will and Adain at the packhouse.
New opponents nearly beating me in a fight, causing my new friends and I to go hungry.
That giant manticore actually killing me, followed by the feeling of floating in black. Suspended in some sort of void.