Chapter 31

By the time Will leaves me to prepare for the fight, I can barely lift my head.

The floor under me spun like a top, the walls waving like tall trees.

When was the last time I actually saw a tree?

Too long, probably.

Maybe I’ll feel better if I close my eyes for just a minute. Surely nothing bad can happen.



It seemed almost immediately.

As my eyes opened, there registered the same incredible cacophony I’d grown accustomed to.

I blinked the sand out of my eyes, standing up to stretch. My face curled into a wince as my head hit the roof. What? That’s not normal… the ceiling is usually much higher.

No time to think about that, I realize, as the ceiling opens up. I’ve probably got enough sand in my hair at this point to cover a small child’s play pit.

As my platform rises, I notice there’s no glaring spotlight over me like there is most days.