Chapter 36

After roughly an hour, I find the book I was looking for.

It’s not the most impressive- looking piece of literature, but that doesn’t matter.

Now, let’s see.

The first step is to make a circle out of salt on the ground. For some reason, Carlos keeps a case of it in his office. Probably to make portal easily.

Once the circle is made, the book says to light four green candles. I did see a few in on cupboard while I was looking for the book.

If only I could remember which one…

As I look through the cupboards again, I almost don’t hear the door open. But when it clicks shut, I freeze.

“What are you doing?”

I turn to see Carlos.

“Looking gift,” I sign. “Cat older.”

“Yeah, it’s his birthday,” he says, coming closer. “But where are you planning to go?”

“Find knife.”

“But why a knife? What kind?”

I pick up a pencil and scrap of paper from the desk, and sketch the design I had in mind. Carlos takes a look.