Chapter 3; Familiar Voice

"SORRY! I'm really sorry." She said repeatedly while looking at Macky and Cathy sitting side by side on the back of the car. They were on a van going to the Airport and it looks like the plane will leave soon. Macky is going to be late because of her. She's thirty minutes late. "It's my fault if you miss your flight. You shouldn't have wait for me. I'll just go straight to the airport."

"How many times do I have to tell you that's it's okay? It's not your fault. I'm the one who decide to wait for you Danielle."

"You heard him. It's okay. Really. If he miss his flight he can get on the next flight. Right Macky my loves?"

"But what took you so long? You didn't answer my calls."

"I took Ranier to school first." She bite her lower lips.

"How is my Godson?"

"Macky my love, it's our Godson." Cathy corrected her boyfriend. She silently get jealous. Cathy's quite aware how Macky care Danielle and her son. He care them more than he care himself. It's very annoying and irreteting but she can't show it to them. She need to compose herself not to show her true feelings. She need to remain her cool and nice attitude.

"He's fine. He's getting naughty every passing day but he's getting smarter and smarter most of the times."

"I'm not that surprise. I know he's going to be a smart kid someday. And It's only natural for kids to be naughty. It's part of their nature."

"How did you know?"

"I just know. Why do you have a problem with that?"

"Hey, hey. Don't fight. It doesn't suits for you two. Just do lovey-dovey instead of fighting." She laughed at them. Sometimes Macky and Cathy quarrel like a dog and cat. They don't look like a lovers but morttal eney instead.

"You'll be jealous of us so we won't do lovey-dovey when your around." Cathy's said and wink at her.

"You two are disgusting. Eww." She act like she's going to vomit. "Very disgusting."

"Are we really look disgusting Macky my love? Hmm?" Cathy sweetly hug Macky.

Macky just shook his head.

Sometimes she doubts if Macky is really a gay or his just good at acting because he look and act like a real man when he's with Cathy or his just really a good actor.

"Find your own man Danielle so you wont be jealous of our sweetness." She laughed hard when Macky stiffen on his seat when Cathy suddenly kiss him on the side of his lip.

"Rainier needs my full attention and support. I don't have free time to look for a man. My time with my son is not enough. He only have me. I can't bear my son to hate me. Even in just a moment."

Yes, she already have a son, a five year old adorable and very smart son but she's not ashamed of being a mother. She actually proud to have him as her son. He's giving her reason to live her life and make her day complete. His the reason why she can endure all the pain his bastard of a father leave her. Yes, he hurt her for his sudden disappearance to the point she don't want to live anymore, leaving her with their unborn child but she still thankful for the gift he leave behind. The gift that's give new meaning to her broken and meaningless life.

Their son!

"That's just an excuse for yourself Danielle. You're just afraid that the man you fell for might not accept or like Rainier. Am I right Danielle?"

"Cathy what are you trying to—"

"I-i think she's right Macky. Absolutely right. M-maybe." She was absolutely scared, so scared for his son. What if the man she chose like his son but won't accept him? And in the end that man leave them like his own father did. There's a lot of what's if running to her mind, making her scared more than she already have.

Her biggest fear is to be left behind again.

Cathy was about to speak but they were interrupt when the driver said they already in the Airport.

She helped to unload Macky's luggage from the back of the van even though he stopped her but she still helped.

"I'll call a soon as I get off the plane."

"We expect that Macky." She said.

"Be careful and take good care of yourself. Okay?" Cathy said with a teary eyed eyes and hugged Macky tightly. "Do you really have to go?"

"Yes love. I have too."

"You still here but I miss you already."


"You have to go before I change my mind and choose to come with you." Cathy hug him more tightly. "Behave. Don't you even dare messing around with other girls. I'm warning you Macky Martin!"

"O-of course."

When the lovebirds parted she hugged Macky too and whispered to him. "Or shouldn't it be with men?" She tease him. She's just joking but partly half true.

"D-danielle Cathy might hear—"

"I didn't say anything." She said, playing innocent.

Cathy separated them. For the ninth time, she feel jealous. Danielle and Macky hug each other longer than usual. They even whispering, like they have some secret she isn't allowed to hear. "What are you too whispering about?" Annoyance can be seen in her strick face.

"It's n-nothing Cathy, my love." Macky forced a smile and hold Cathy's hand.

"Danielle?" Cathy ignore her boyfriend and look at her raising her one eyebrow.

"I just told him what souvenir I wanted for a gift."

"Is that so. Why do you need to whisper to each other? Are you two keeping something from me?"

"She want Canandian man for souvenir that's why she whispered to me. She's slightly shy." Macky said grinning ear to ear.

She feel her both cheeks reddening. "Hey Macky Martin it's not what I—" now, it's Macky's time to tease her.

"Don't be shy Danielle. There's nothing to be shy of. No one else can hear you. It just the three of us."

She stared at the two then turned her back on them. "I don't know what your talking about." She started walking away. "Bye Macky! Take care." She slightly raised her one hand and waved at them. "Cathy I'll just wait for you in the car." She turned her head down to hide her burning cheeks. She didn't notice the man who was walking toward her direction. He didn't see her too because his to busy and occupied talking to someone on his phone.

"Ouch." She moaned in pain touching her forehead that bumped into the man's broad-shoulder.

"Shit." The man she bumped into curse under his breath. He sounds mad and very annoyed because of her. "Miss, look where you're walking. Your wasting my time." The man growl in annoyance and turned his back on her.

She stupidly followed her gaze to him and walk absent-mindedly. Her heartbeat suddenly quickened when she heard the man's familiar voice. She didn't see his face because of the scarf he was wearing and top of that, his very tall compared to her small height.

"That's impossible. His not him." She whispered to herself.

"Who are you talking to Danielle?" Cathy asked who was already inside the van.

"H-ha, n-nothing. I just thought I knew the man I saw awhile ago." She smiled to her. "How's Macky? Did he boarded the plane already?"

"Yes. I waited for him to get on before I left. Where will we take you?"

"To the boutique. I'll check Macky's Unfinished business."