Chapter 4; Numb and Confused

HE Was too focused and occupied on the papers in his table. He didn't notice that Kysler entered his office.

"Bro take a break."

"What do you want?"

"I'll just remind you what I told you the other day." His forehead wrinkled when he looked at his brother. Asking what the hell his talking about. "Dad asked me to send you home." Kysler shook his head. "Don't tell me you forgotten?" He sat on the long sofa.

"I forgot."

"Accepting your own mistake, eh? It's not unlike you brother." He chuckled and shake his head again. "Your being forgetful this past few days. It most be your karma, working yourself too much. I wouldn't be surprised if you collapse any moment from now. You should gave yourself some rest too. Don't over do it."

"You can leave. I have no time to entertain you nagging at me." He said in his very cold voice.

"Hey, take it easy. I'm just I'm worried about you."

"You don't have to. I know what I'm doing."

"I can't help it." Kysler stood up and took his coat from the hanger and walked to the door. "Get up and have lunch with me."

"You go first. I still have some—"

"Do you want me to pulled you up and force you?" Kysler deadly look back at him.

He sighed and have no choice but to stand up. He walk passed his brother. Kysler is three minutes older than him. Yes, they're twins but didn't identical. If they any resemblance it's not noticeable.

"I went to your condo last night but the guard said you weren't there." Kysler broke the silence as they boarded the elevator.

"I'm in Japan."

"Why? How long have you been there?"

"Yesterday afternoon and I just came back. I personally brought Mr. Chua's orders."

"You have many employees who can deliver Mikael. There's plenty of them actually."

"Yes but I want to made sure that Mr. Chua receive the product correctly. He's one of our biggest clients."

"Not all of your staff are like Angie."

"I know. But I don't know whom I should trust, which of them is loyal and disloyal."

"But still, it's not a reason for you not to trust them. Trust is one of the things you need to do to make the company you're managing more stable. Doubting can ruin everything."

He did not comment on what Kysler said.

He and Kysler have their lunch at the nearby Restaurant. After having lunch they parted ways. Kysler manager was looking for him so he leave in a hurry. He, on the other hand went straight to their parents house instead of turning back to his company.


Amy, the olderly maid who open the door for him look surprised to see him. It's been months since he last visit the mansion.

"Where's dad?"

"I-in the library. H-his with your mom."

"All right." He said and went straight to the library. He knocked first before entering.

Like Amy, Veronica was surprised to see his first born. "Mikael." His mother eagerly hugged him tight with teary eyed eyes. She really miss his son so very much. It's clearly shown to her face. "I would really be upset if you didn't come home."

"I have a lot of work to do mom. I need to finished them first before I come here."

"When will work run out? If you finished the first one there's always a second, third and so on. They can wait but your mom can't."

"Veronica stop sulking already. You're too old for that." Michael scold his wife. "Can you leave us for a while? I have more important things to discuss to your son. Say your hello to him later."

Veronica moaned in protest but Mikael reassured his mother. "Mom, it's okay. I make it up to you. I'll have dinner with you so we can talk more and you can scold me without complain. I'm all ears hearing you nagging at me."

"Hey, when did I nag you? I didn't remembering preaching my son." She put her two hands on her waist and look up to him, challenging him but warning him not say anything at the same time. If he dare say a single word, he'll be dead.

"M-mom I didn't say anything." Mikael raise his two hands, saying that he won't argue with her.

Michael on the other hand, clear his throat. He won't admit it but his scared of his wife. Specially when Veronica get annoyed.

"Mom, dad's waiting. Can you leave us alone for awhile?"

"Don't take long. I'm not done with you yet." Veronica took a glance to her husband, glaring at him. "And you too."

"Yes mom."

"Yes sweetheart."

Michael and Mikael said and unison.

Veronica stared at Michael before she left them.

The father and son look at each other, then shook their head.

"Sometimes your mom becomes childish."

"Just let her be dad." He sat down in front of the table opposite from Michael. "I'm bet, you get scared." He grinned to his father. "Don't you?"

"I'm not scaredy cat."

"Sure. If you say so." He said, meaningfully. "By the way dad. Kysler said you have something important to discuss with me. What is it?"

Michael nodded but didn't say anything.


"Someone told me there was a robbery to your company. Is it true Troy Mikael?"

"Yes. But don't worry dad. It's not that serious. I can handle it."

"You should be. It's your job and I trust you son." He said calmly.

"I can assure you dad."

"Good." He nodded and stared at him. "Are you dating someone lately?"

"Where is this conversation heading dad? And when did you start get interested in my personal life?"

"Just answer me."

"I don't have time to do such things." His eyebrow wrinkled. "Is that the reason why you asked me here? Then I'm just waisting time."

"No, just hear me out."

"Just get to the point dad."

Michael seriously look at him "Your getting married a few months from now. Maybe a month from now."

"WHAT?!" He abruptly stood up and put his both hands on the table and angrily looked at Michael. "What the hell are you talking about dad? Are you fucking kidding me for christ sick?"

"Watch what you say Troy Mikael! Your talking to your father."

"Answer me!"

"You know it's out of my league to joke around."

"Damn it! How come?" He slapped the table. He's face turn red in so much anger. He can't believe his father.

"I plan it."

"What?" He angrily combed his both hands through his hair. "And you didn't even bother to tell me first? Ask if it's okay with me or not. If I want it or what."

"I purposely hide it from you. I know you won't agree and. I actually expect this reaction from you."

"You knew but still do as long as it's pleases you." He shook his head, not believing his father. "I won't never accept that crappy shit of yours."

"My decision is final. Give some respect young man. I'm still your father." He deadly warn him. "You'll get married whether you like it or not Mikael."

"You can never force me into something I didn't decide my self." He said and left his father on the library without saying goodbye. He went straight outside the house and he ignored his mother calling his name worriedly.

"Damn it! He's making me his puppet again." He hit the steering wheel. Lashing his anger out.

His already far from their house when his phone rang. He was too angry to talk to anyone and he have no planned to answer the call if he hasn't read the caller's name. It's Bricks, giving him have no choice but to answer the call.

"Make sure it's very important if you don't want me to wring that neck of yours Takashima."

"So scary man. Woke up on the wrong place, eh?" He laughed on his own jokes.

"Bastard!" He choose to ignore him. His not in the mood to ride his craziness. "Is there any news?"

"Yes I already know where the gowns are."

"Tell me. I'm on my way."

After Bricks said where the place his gowns are he quickly drove his car more faster as he can could. Not minding other vehicle infront of him. He just passed them without blinking an eye.

When he arrives to the mall Bricks told him he saw him waiting for him.

"Mikael." He greet him while grinning ear to ear like a total lunatic.


"There. In that boutique."

"Rain Boutique?" His purehead forrowed. "Are you fucking sure Takashima?"

"Check it out, man."

He went to the Rain Boutique Bricks pointed and a soon as they entered the said boutique, he immediately saw the gowns that were stolen from his company three weeks ago.

"Miss I want to talk to your manager." He said to the sales lady who looked surprised from his sudden question.


"Are you deaf of what?" He scolded the woman fiercely. "Call your boss right now!"

"Man, take it easy. Don't scare the poor sales lady."

"Just shut the fucking up Taka—"

"What's the matter here Bella?" The angelic voice said from behind them.

His face was dark as night when he turned his head around to look at the woman who spoke behind him. A soon as he saw the woman he feels numb and his head ache as if someone hit him hard. He was confused by the strange feeling suddenly enveloped his whole being. It feels like he misses her so damn much. But why? Why would he miss this woman? He don't even know her.

Maybe he's just to tired and his head was painfully aching, as if someone hit him hard on the head.

He's just confused.