Chapter 10; Swan Turn To A beautiful Lady

"GOOd Afternoon ma'am. What can we do for you?" Danielle politely greet the gorgeous woman who came to her Boutique.

She was about to leave to pick Rainier up from his school when this woman came. They'll almost bump to each other if she didn't become extra careful.

"I was sent here by Mr. Quinlin to pick you up." The woman said and look at her from head to toe.

"What?" For a moment, she look puzzle and Confused. She forgot what Mikael said earlier today.

"Didn't he informed you that I come here to pick you up?" The woman look pissed and irritated.

"I—" Danielle slapped her own forehead when she remember that Mikael did really called her earlier that day. She was too busy that's maybe why it slipped in her mind. "Oh, I member."

"Let's go, Mr. Quinlin hates waiting." She arched her one eyebrow disgustingly while scanning her.

"Danielle who is she?" Cathy whisper to her. Danielle didn't notice that Cathy is standing behind her.

"Oh, she's my client," She smiled to Cathy. "I have to go. I leave the Boutique to your hands okay? I'll be back tomorrow morning."

"I love that! Just be careful. Okay?"

She laughed at Cathy before she leave her shop with the woman Mr. Quinlin send to fetch her up.

"Miss where are we going?"

The woman raised her eyebrows. "Call me Jacky, didn't Mr. Quinlin tell you?"

"No. He didn't gave any details."

"He asked me to do your make over from head to toe."

"What?" Her eyes widen in shock.

"Yes. What did Mr. Quinlin like about you? I look better," She couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" She ask irretatitedly.

"N-nothing. I just remembered something funny."

The woman stare at her, but didn't said anything.

She should not have been surprised by what Mikael wanted to do to with her. The comb does not seem to pass through her messy and curly hair. She wear eye glasses and she's not that fashionest when it comes to dressing.

That's where she was comfortable with. She like wearing big and loose t-shirt and denim pants with rubber shoes. That's her daily get up, and she just get her hair into a messy bun.

"We're here." Jacky said and got out of the car first.


"MIKAEL Are you going to Mrs. Smith's birthday?"

"Yes." He answered shortly.

"Let's go together then."

"Just bring or ask someone. I have someone else with me."

"Are you going to bring a date? Wow! That's new! You never bring a date to a party, you always take Anton with you."

"I'm with Anton too." He was referring to his personal assistant.

"I'm excited to go to the party."

"You always was."

"Come on bro, tonight is deferent, coz I want to meet the woman you're going with."

Mikael just shake his head. "Do what you want."

"Yeah." Bricks stood up. "I'm leaving. The party is about to start."

After Bricks left, he was ready to fetch Danielle Riccardi, his date for the night.

"Mr. Quinlin it's a surprise for you to came here." The gay owner of the beauty spa greeted him warmly. He was very surprised and excited to see him. "What can I do for you handsome?" His artificial eyelashes was very long and thick.

"Where's Jacky?" He asked coldly and emotionless. The gay man took him to the waiting area where Jacky was. Jacky is his younger sister, Venice bestfriend.

"Mikael your here." The woman excitedly smiled at him.

He avoided Jacky when she tried to hug and kiss him to greet him. "Where—"

"Mr. Quinlin."

His face was dark when he turned his head to face the woman who called him.

"What......" He was stunned and could not believe the woman's appearance. She's very beautiful and stunning wearing a black gown. The gown is off shoulder exposing her porcelain neck and shoulder. Her collar bone was so sexy and very appealing to his eyes. He want to kiss her neck and put his arm around her curvey hips.

"H-how do I look?" The woman ask nervously bitting her lower lip in shyness.

Fuck! What the hell were you thinking Mikael?


Mikael clear his throat and swallowed and silently curse himself for acting like an idiot maniac. "Beautiful ..." He approached her and as if his body seemed to have a mind of its own that kissed her on the cheek which surprised them both. "Your so beautiful tonight sweetheart."

Danielle blushed, feeling more shy. "Thank you. You look good too Mr. Quin—"

He brought his face close to her ear and whisper huskily. "Call me Mikael." He grabbed her waist close to his body and faced the surprised gay and Jacky. "Thanks Jacky. I'll just send the payment to your account." He guide Danielle out of the spa and beauty salon.

Danielle looks very different from the woman he first saw in the boutique few days ago. She's like an ugly duckling who transform into a beautiful woman. Very stunning and sexy.

"Why didn't you tell me about the make-over?"

"Why? Don't you like it? Other women will jump in joy when their boyfriends make them beautiful."

She frowned. "I'm not like those women you were saying Mr. Quinlin! And we don't really boyfriend and girlfriend for you to give me a make-over, and yes I don't want to—"

"Just be thankful." He grit his teeth in annoyance. Not expecting her disapproval on his good intention.


"W-WHY Are we here?" She asked nervously when Mikael parked the car in front of the building she's quite familiar with.

"Daddy's best friend is the owner of that building who was celebrating her birthday today. Why?"

She feel more nervous and anxious. "N-nothing."

Mikael open the car door for her and help her get out of the car. "Your hands are cold."

"I'm just nervous."

"Don't be nervous sweetheart."

"Why do you always call me sweetheart? You didn't even ask my consent, if it's okay with me or not."

"People will wonder why I call you Ms. Riccardi when infact you are my girl."

"You can just call me by my name. Sweetheart is to sweet for us. It's uncomfortable and—"

"I prefer sweetheart."

She just stopped talking. She don't want to argue with him, specially they're in public place to argue. She just forced herself to calm down when they entered the building. The party is already started when they come.

"Mikael I thought you wouldn't come." A man who look like a Japanese approached and greeted them. He looks very familiar. She just can't pin it out who he might be. "Who is this gorgeous lady with you?" The man smiled at her.

"Don't you remember her Bricks?"

"Mikael is he the attorney who was with you the other day? Isn't he?" She said when she finally recognize him.

"What? You mean, you're Danielle Riccardi?" He look surprised and seems not believing them. "Sorry but I'm not really an attorney like I told you I was when we first met you." He scratched his head ashamed and guilty.

"What?" Her blood boil. They just trick her to scared her off and it pisses her big time.

"Yeah! Sorry." Bricks look at Mikael who was already frowning. "Wow! Your really something huh, I didn't know you like Goddesses woman—"

"Shut it up Bricks. She's my girl now."

"That fast? How come?"

"This is the condition I was telling you the other day."

"Did you agree to be Mikael's girlfriend?"

"Y-yes, do you have a problem with me being his girlfriend?" She looked sharply at Mikael who was just next to her. "I weren't be here if I didn't agree."

"Right, right, and I was very surprised."

Mikael introduced her to every businessman and woman he talk to. They're so many to remember their names one by one and who is who.

Bricks handed her a goblet. He invite himself to their table.

"Thanks! But no. I don't drink."

"It's not that alcoholic. One glass won't make you drunk." He forced her to accept the goblet. Mikael excuse himself to talk some other business men, his not that far from their table though.

They have been there for more than an hour but she still does not see the celebrant for the night. Rebecca Smith, none other than her very own mother who didn't hesitate to throw her away eight years ago.


"Huh?" She's a bit startled and surprised when Bricks called her. His sitting just in front of her. "D-did you say something?"

"I didn't mean to startled you."

"I'm sorry I was just surprised."

"Is something bothering you? You look like in deep thoughts."

She didn't answer Bricks when their surroundings suddenly darkened and at the same time the background music change, from a loud music to a sweet and romantic one.

It's a special moment for lovers who madly and deeply in love with their partner.