Chapter 11; In Your Arms

"MAY I have this dance Ms. Riccardi?"

She was surprised when Mikael approached her and held out his hand to her. For a short moment she just stared his hand before she hesitantly accepted it.

When they were on the dance floor, Mikael wrapped his arms around her small waist and pulled her closer to his body, then he put her two hands on his shoulders.

~ From the moment I saw you, from the moment I look into your eyes. There was something about you I knew, I knew ... That you we're once in a lifetime ..~

"I noticed you were not comfortable in your seat, is there's something wrong? Did Bricks bothered you?"

~ A treasure near impossible to find, and I know how lucky I am to have you ..~

"No. I-I'm... I'm just not used to places like this," She reason out nervously. "Parties and gathering like this is not my thing."

~ Cause I've seen rainbows that could take your breath away. The beauty of the setting sun, on any given day, and when it comes to shooting star I have seen a few ..~

"Everyone here at the party admires and envy your beauty," Mikael whispered. "They can't take their eyes away from you."

~ But I've never seen anything as beautiful as you. I can't believe that I have you. I can't believe that your here in my arms .. ~

"H-how did you know?" Her whole face was burning because of such complement. She's very sure that her face was red like a tomatoes. To avoid Mikael eyes she turn her head to the other people around them. Some were busy dancing like them and some other were busy talking and laughing, enjoying themselves. Everyone seems happy and having fun. Unlike her, she's very nervous, ashamed, anxious and a little bit scared for some unknown reason.

~ I've been waiting a lifetime for you, for you. And I've dreamed about you. Pictured in my mind who I would see .. ~

"I just know." He shrugged his shoulder off.

~ But I never imagined just how beautiful you'd be .. ~

"Your just imagining things." She pouted her lips. "Why would they stare at me? Do I have two head or something stuck on my face?"

~ Cause I've seen rainbows that could take your breath away .. ~

He chuckled. "Silly! It's not that sweetheart." She met his earnest gaze on her. His blue eyes look at her as if he want to say something to her.

~ The beauty of the setting sun, on any given day. And when it comes to shooting star I have seen a few, but I've never seen anything as beautiful as you. La la la ..oh ohh ~

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

~ I've seen rainbows that could take your breath away. The beauty of the setting sun, on any given day .. ~

"I don't have one. Why?" She leaned her forehead against Mikael's chest to avoid his sharp gaze.

~ And when it comes to shooting stars I have seen a few. But I've never seen anything as beautiful, no I've never seen anything as beautiful as you .. ~

He didn't answer her. "You're really beautiful tonight sweetheart," He whispered in her ear. "Gorgeous to be exact."

~ From the moment I saw you, from the moment I looked into your eyes .. ~

She could no longer react to what Mikael said because the whole area was lit up when the organizer of the party spoke.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman. Let's welcome an applause! Rebeca Smith! Our celebrant!"

Her whole body went cold when she saw the elderly woman ascending the stage. She's very stunning dispite of her age. She's still gorgeous and beautiful.

"What's wrong?" Mikael felt it when Danielle body stiffen.



"I-i said, it's nothing, really."

Mikael face darkened when they return to their table.

"What's with the dark face Mikael." Bricks asked his friend with a smirk on his face. "Didn't you enjoy the dance floor?"

"Will you shut up Bricks Takashima?" He growled at his friend and pulled out the chair for her. "Stay here. I just need to talk to someone." He said then kissed her on the side of her lips. It seems natural for him to kiss her like he just did just now. As if he's genuine to kiss her.

Bricks whistled at what he saw. "That's my man!" Mikael looked at him sharply before leaving them. "What's his problem?" Bricks asked Danielle, grinning like his a total idiot.

She just strugged her shoulder off, not minding what just happened, like it's not a big deal, but Danielle got surprised of what Mikael just did, but she act normal and natural so no one could be suspicious of them. But deep inside her, her heart was beating wildly and very fast.

"I guess you're the only one who doesn't have a date here." She asked instead of answering him.

"Why? Do you want to be my date? Did you realize that I am more handsome than Mikael?"

She gave him a deadly look. "Wanna die?"

"Just kidding." He laugh and raised his both hands. A sign that he doesn't want to fight. "You and Mikael are very alike. Both of you are hot-headed."

"Because what you say is not even funny." She is really pissed and annoyed with this man. His getting on her nerves, and he really pisses her off. "I'm just going to the comfort room."

"Take care."

She just rolled her eyes and left.

She went to the comfort room to calm herself. If she won't do that she might punch Bricks on the face. His talkative and noisy for a man. His very irritating.

"What are you doing here?"

She stopped on her track and nervously look at the person who block her way.


"What the hell are you doing here? You're not even invited!" Rebecca said while looking at her sharply. What she said was true. For the past eight long years, she never invited her to her birthday party every year.

"She's with me Mrs. Smith," Bricks approached her with blank face. "Is there a problem?"

"Nothing." She said coldly looking at her. "Just take her away Mr. Takashima. She's not good for you." Rebecca said and left them.

"Hey, do you know her? Looks like she doesn't want you here. She's even giving me a warning, giving me goosebumps."

"Y-yeah, I know her. She hates me because I made a mistake."

"Mistake? Like what?" He asked and they returned to their table. "How do you know her? Did she your ex employer? An old costumer? Or what?"

She shook her head. "No, it's not that. I made a big mistake to her. A very big one." Guilt started to eat her conscience.

"Okay, okay I won't ask about it, but how did you know her?"

She couldn't tell him or to anyone that she's Rebecca's only child. She hate her so much, and Rebecca already unowned her as her daughter. Rebecca will be furious if anyone found out that she's a Smith. That she's her daughter, only daughter to be exact.

"I-i just know her. P-please stop asking about her." She plead. "Where's Mikael?" She asked looking around.

"There." She turned to where Bricks had pointed. Mikael was there and he was talking to an old man and to a woman who were holding his arm. "Go to him."

"No. I just wait for him here." She frowned while looking at Mikael and to the woman who's holding his arms like a snake. It's annoyed her for unknown reason.

Mikael look very close to that woman to let her hold him like that. They look good together, so why didn't he asked that woman to be his girlfriend instead of asking her? They a total stranger, they don't know anything about each other, not even a single thing.

So why her?