I had to leave my horse in an Aras downtown, I didn't want to risk letting the Ferrari sleep in the street and finding two horses the next morning. I went to Robson's house by taxi, as soon as I entered his apartment, I felt the good smell of the food being prepared. A woman in a maid's uniform was in the kitchen. She noticed my presence and came towards me.
"You must be Romao, Mr. Robson told me he would come." She dried her hand on the dish towel and reached out to shake my hand. "I am Joana."
"Nice to meet you Joana, has Robson arrived yet?"
"Yeah, he's in the office, he asked me to tell you to go there when you get there."
"OK thank you."
I went to his office, or rather, I looked for where his office was, this apartment was huge and I didn't have time to visit each room when I was here in the morning. I knocked on his office door and he asked me to come inside.
"Hello, my hero!" I looked back, just to make sure it was me he was talking to. "I heard about the discussion in the presidency room, what happened?"
"How did you know that?"
“I have my sources.” I raised an eyebrow. “Patricia asked me to help her with her clothes and she told me what happened.” Sure, Patricia!
"What's wrong with my clothes?"
"There's nothing wrong with me, but more formal clothes are needed for certain occasions."
"Okay, got it, but nobody touches my hair, let alone my beard."
"Are you sure? Want to fight Alexia?"
"She already knows this and the woman who will make me cut my hair is about to be born."
“Okay, it's at your own risk. Let's have dinner and then go shopping."
After dinner, we went to the mall, bought several casual clothes, sneakers, shirts, shorts, underwear that looked like shorts. We walked into a shop that sold suits, I didn't want to admit it, but I thought some suits I'm looking at would suit me. But the price...
"I don't have the money to buy this."
"Don't worry, FazenTéc has a credit line with the store, every month we give a certain amount to the store, so that employees can buy their clothes, uniforms and suits here."
"All staff?"
"Yes, here we can order uniforms."
No wonder the company was going through difficulties, the clothes here are very expensive. I need to check how much that deposit was.
"So are you going to tell me what happened in the presidency room? Or I'll have to go to my sources."
“Alexia humiliated a cleaning lady for spilling coffee on her expensive outfit and her stupid pendant. I just stared at her and said the girl wasn't going to be fired and that she would have to obey my orders as she needed me to be president of the company. a blouse like that, cheaper and that the pendant was nothing more than the girl's work."
It wasn't exactly in those words, but I managed to sum it up well.
"Oh! I don't know if it was smart or stupid of her to do that. She's very jealous of that pendant."
"Why? What's so important about this pendant?"
“I don't know, I asked her once and she said it was none of my business. I joked that I would investigate and she said that if I did that, she would arrange for me to be fired and that I wouldn't get a job anywhere."
"Does she have the power to do this?"
"I don't think so, but the way she got mad, I chose not to risk it."
"Why are you afraid of her?"
"It's not exactly fear, no one stands up to the Iron Lady and so, for sure, sooner or later, she'll repay what you've done."
"I'm not afraid of her."
“Well maybe you stay out of her wrath since she needs you to stay in charge. But don't give her room to get what she wants, otherwise you're screwed."
"Has she always been like this?"
"Actually. I've known her since I was little and she was sweet, sweet, kind, dreamy." Are we talking about the same Alexia? "At sixteen, she ran away from home and came back six months later completely different. She didn't smile anymore, she was aggressive and didn't talk much." What happened to her to make her that way? "Maybe you'll find out more with your cousin."
"I'm not interested in her life, if I could keep my distance."
"I must say that this is almost possible, as she has several commitments outside the company, it will be easier to find Patricia as she is the one who will be staying when Alexia leaves."
"I don't need to be with her on commitments outside the company?"
"Not all appointments, just the most important ones."
"Ah! At least I won't have to spend a lot of time with her."
Back at Robson's apartment, I threw my clothes in the washing machine, but the suits, I hand washed so as not to spoil, as it was very expensive. It's always been good to wash new clothes before using them, so you don't have to contaminate yourself with any type of bacteria that might be contained in the clothes. I learned this from Mom. After washing, I put it in the dryer to use the next day. I ironed it and kept it. I did all this during the night because I couldn't sleep because the bed was too soft. I'm used to a mattress with straw lining and this one with foam, I have back pain.
I arrived early at the company together with Robson, he gave me a ride since my horse was in Aras. I went to the accounting room, or rather my office, to look at the books. It didn't take long for my office door to open. I saw my cousin come in with two cups of coffee.
"I hope you haven't had coffee or you'll have to drink it again."
"Yes, I've had it, but I'll have another cup of coffee."
She handed me the cup, I thanked her smiling and took a sip.
"I see Robson did a good job helping you with the suit."
"It hurts a little, but I'm fine, don't you think?"
"Yes, definitely!" she sipped her coffee "So what's it like living with Robson?"
"Strange, he has terrible quirks."
She started to laugh. Her laugh was nice to hear.
"If you want, you can have my apartment for now."
"And you don't live there?"
"No! My mom would have preferred Alexia and I to live with her, especially now that Alexia's mom has kicked her out of the house."
"What? Why did she do this?"
"Because she didn't inherit the company, which everyone expected."
"She has a boyfriend, why doesn't she marry him? Since automatically, the presidency would be hers."
"Because he's only interested in the CEO of the company and she knows it. Also, she doesn't love him."
"And why are you still with him?"
"She's just looking for an excuse to break up."
"Not being in love isn't an excuse enough?"
"I agree with you, but this is Alexia we're talking about, nothing she does makes sense."
"I don't know your sister so I can't say anything about it."
"My sister was always the prettiest and most popular in school, the other students pretty much idolized her. As for me...I was the braces nerd who wasn't bullied because of my sister." I could see that their postures are very different. Alexia had a confident, confident, often arrogant attitude. She intimidated anyone with just a look. Patricia was calmer, relaxed, able to harmonize the environment around her. Two admirable personalities ... “My sister was communicative, she could make friends easily, unlike me. At sixteen she changed, she shut up, she didn't tell me anything else about what happened to her. I thought it was even an intrigue her mother had done to break us up, since we had always been united. Until one day, she ran away from home for six months. Back then, everyone went down killing me, thinking I knew her whereabouts. Her mother even called the police for me, claiming that I had kidnapped her out of envy. But she was never able to prove it, much to Dona Paula's frustration."
I don't know this woman, but I hate her already. What kind of mother throws her daughter out of the house when she needs it most?
"And she said where she was and what she did after she got back?"
"No, she never said what happened, that's a mystery."
We worked and didn't even watch the time pass. We just had a little problem with an Antonio, who wanted to assume the presidency in Alexia's absence. He required the presidency card to access the restricted rooms, but I wouldn't let him in without Alexia knowing. It was the biggest mess, until he gave up and left. If Alexia, arrogant as she was, didn't want him snooping around, it was because she had a good reason.
The week went by and thank God I didn't see any sign of Alexia. Patricia said she was traveling for work, that she wouldn't be back until Friday, that is, today. But I only heard rumors that she was in the company, personally, I didn't see her and she also didn't come to see me in my office. My work here will be great if we keep avoiding each other. I heard a knock at the door and mentally prayed it wasn't Alexia.
"In between!
Robson pokes his head around the crack in the door and I sighed in relief, though I still didn't trust him very much.
"What is this? Did you think it was Alexia?"
"For a minute, I thought."
“Everyone in the company is like this, tense with the arrival of Alexia. She did good business, which will certainly result in more work. It will reach everyone."
"I see she is very dear to the company."
"You still need to know a lot about Alexia, but I didn't come to talk about her, I came to invite you, are we going to a nightclub to spend the night in good company?"
I spent the week with my ass sitting in that chair, a little fun would go down well.
"Do I have to go in a suit?"
"No, you can even go redneck if you want."
"Okay, what time are you going to pick me up?"
"At ten, be ready."
Our! So late, these people don't sleep, do they? He left without waiting for an answer. At home, or rather in my cousin's apartment, which was bigger than Robson's, I showered, dressed, dressed in my Sunday best, and prepared something to eat. Who knows if where we're going there's enough to eat, the rich tended to eat little, at least that's what I saw in the movies.
Robson picked me up at ten sharp and we went to a little bar he called a pub. It was already quite busy, the tables were all occupied, we could only go to the counter. As we approached the counter, I saw a woman with her back turned in a silver dress that showed off her large buttocks and shapely legs. Her hair was dark and straight, reaching to the middle of her back.
And her curves? Oh God! It was enough to leave any man lost in them. I bitterly wished I was dressed in baggy pants because those jeans were crushing my dick. It was the effect of seeing the goddess before me.
I decided to get up the courage and try to get, at least, this goddess's cell phone, I won't leave her side until I get it. I approached her and said in her ear:
"Call me frying because I only have 'oils' for you." The girl burst out laughing and turned to me. "Alexia!"