Sawyer Stands up, Slowly comes and sits in front of Carla At the table.

"It is saddening When people we love are very Far Away from us, But they wouldn't like us Being so sad either, We have to move on and it would help us and also Keep the loved ones who are far away from us happy because this is what they wish for us, To be happy and not be sad for them, You are a smart woman I know you can handle this if you want you can go the half day I don't mind it's your first day I am not so judgemental, It's your choice because I don't want it the work you do as a Burden But it as a responsibility.''

Sawyer said, Patting her shoulder Gently and sitting back in his chair.

"Thank you, sir, Understanding My situation, I don't wish to take a leave, I will resume my work, Thank you.''

Carla Said, bowing down And walking Towards the door.

'sweetheart, how good it is showing your vulnerability near me as much as you trust me, I can use you sooner and it is better.' sawyer smirked, looking at Carla.

Feeling low She walked slowly towards her cabin, Suddenly she Bumps Into Christian,

'Damn Why do I always bump into him

"Right MS Carla, I was coming for you To give you this brother said if you want to go the half day you can use this whatever this is called sorry I am not so good with papers just show this to the head.'' Said, Christian.

"So kind of Mr sawyer, But I wish to resume my work even after lunch so you can just give this paper to yourself thank you, Mr Christian.'' Said Carla Humbly.

Carla enters her cabin, sits on her chair And goes through her files.

"Carla There's someone Here for you,'' said Andy.

"For me, Send them in Andy.'' Says Carla Curiously.

"Make sure you get me a special VIP card, Next time princess.''
