Carla goes and hugs piggy. Both of them were so happy to meet each other.
"When did you come piggy???, you didn't tell me at all??.'' said Carla stunned.
"I thought of surprising you when I heard what happened to you and your dad I didn't feel like leaving you alone. I came as soon as I knew it. I'm sorry but now we will live with each other I am going to work here and I won't leave you alone and I am your family.'' said naira firmly.
"no buts, we will live together I have taken this decision you can't convince me now. Now tell me where are we staying, I wanna take a shower badly I am sweating like hell.'' said naira.
"fine you are stubborn as hell, here I have texted you the location, here are the keys reach home safely do not create any ruckus,'' said Carla funnily.
"yeah yeah, whatever, I will text you when I reach home.'' said piggy.
she walks away from the cabin. She slowly heads towards the elevator and opens her phone,
"damn where is this place this girl takes houses in very isolated places which irritates me, she still is an introvert, oww!!! Hey!!''
She bumps into Christian,
' yeah another gorgeous chick, they bump they stare yeah but this one is simply beautiful
"watch where you're going MI Lady, you might just hurt yourself,'' said Christian smirking.
Naira keeps staring at him without blinking an eye, seeing her in awe,
"What am I too handsome??'' asks Christian.
"like hell, why choose to be a blondie when you would rock in black hair???'' said naira.
"excuse me is that a suggestion or a minus point??'' asks Christian.
"It's advice, I'm telling you you would look divine and amazing handsome in black hair try it, just an advice though you can take it or yeah you look good like this too well lifts here see you around.'' she smiles at him and takes the lift.
"strange, black hair huh??? She's cute,'' said Christian smiling.