Chapter 6

my kids to be safe. Gordon couldn't keep having his way in my life, it's getting over bearing. The thoughts kept disturbing me as I had no idea where my kids are or if they're safe.

"A woman was here to see you." Doctor Grey said from the door.

"I'm sorry I didn't realise you were there." I said readjusting my legs which were beginning to itch because of the cuffs.

"It's ok... How are you feeling?."

"I feel a little bit dizzy sometimes, but a nurse has given me pain killers for them already. What were you saying about someone wanting to see me?."

"Oh that...a middle aged woman named Loretta I guess. Listen Linda." His voice went from calm to serious quickly.

"I know you're wondering why you have cuffs on your legs. You've been accused of manslaughter and illegal drug peddling. There's an impending case because we don't have clean proof that you didn't do any of those, but you're being accused of killing your husband and children."

I didn't know how to react to the breakdown of this revelation. Gordon sure did a clean work to ensure I'm never left with the chance to go after him. He has gang members in the police force, but he still answers to Jack. I just need to get Jack in the palm of my hands and Gordon's game is over.

"My kids aren't dead and neither is my husband." I said my eyes unwavering.

Grey seemed surprised at my words. I wasn't going to say anything more, Jordan hadn't come to see me as promised. Something was definitely wrong, had they gotten her already?.

"What makes you so sure?."

I couldn't decipher if I should tell Grey anything. He could easily be a spy or a cop who just wants to get the truth and claim to solve the case, but this case is far from being solved. It goes deep. Deep.

"When do I get to meet my lawyer?." I asked.

"As soon as you papers are cleared." He replied, getting up from the seat.

I guess he didn't get what he wanted and now, he was going. Smart move Grey. I said more to myself.

"When will they get cleared?."

"You didn't even ask which papers?, Deep shit here." He muttered and then, he was gone.

