Chapter 74

Chapter 68


Stella climbed out of her car and began showing pictures of her daughter to the passerby's in case they happened to see her somewhere.

Though she was aware that the police has started doing their job but still, she couldn't just seat while knowing that her daughter might be in danger.

She went from coffee shops to clubs, to malls in search of her daughter but all to no avail.

Once two men tried to harass her when they saw how desperate she was but she didn't give them a chance to and Quickly showed them their place.

Three hours passed in the blink of an eye still there wasn't any news from the police about her daughter's whereabouts and she didn't find any leads.

She was already losing up.

She felt tired and exhausted from continuous walking.

She went back to her car and was about to fish out her keys when her cell phone rang.

Thinking that it might be good news, she brought it out and was about to press the green button when her hands lost strength.

She started seeing things in a double and started feeling dizzy, soon her knees weakened and she fell flat on the ground and lost her consciousness immediately.

Her cell phone which was still ringing fell too.


Rose's POV.

I had been trying to reach out to Stella ever since I got home but the phone just kept ringing without being picked.

I started feeling worried as this was the first time something like this was happening.

" Why isn't she answering her phone! " I muttered.

" What's the matter, Rose? " Daniel asked me.

I had completely forgotten that I wasn't the only one in the room, as we just got back from the company we were both in the bedroom changing into our home Clothing.

" It's, Stella, I had been trying to call her but she isn't answering my calls. " I replied with a frustrated sigh.

" Perhaps she isn't where her phone is, why don't you call Little Lucia instead? " He suggested.

" Oh, that's a good idea. " I replied and began to dial Lucia's number but much to my dismay the number was switched off.

" Switched off. "

" Oh, why don't you call your secretary and ask if Stella is still in the office or If she had left. " He suggested again and I immediately complied.

" Good evening, President. " The secretary greeted as soon as the call connected.

" Hm, Good evening, Marianne, are you still in the office? " I asked.

" No, President, I left there two hours ago. " She replied.

" Oh! How about Stella? "

" She left earlier due to an emergency, president. "

" Emergency? Did she tell you anything about it? "

" No, President. "

" Have she called ever since then? "

" She hasn't, President. "

" Alright, thanks, Take care, bye. "

" Bye, President. " Marianne replied as the call disconnected.

" So? "

" Negative, she left the office earlier due to an emergency. " I said, I was nervous, I didn't know why but I began to feel worried all of a sudden, my thoughts began to run wild.

As if noticing this, Daniel Embraced me in a bear hug.

" Don't worry, she'll be fine, put your mind at ease, remember that you are now pregnant and shouldn't be under tension. " He said.

" Um. " I said, relaxing in his Embrace as I tried to calm down.

The Five minutes silence was broken by the sound of my phone ringing.

I picked up my phone and seeing that it was Stella calling, I Quickly answered but to my stun, it was a man's voice at the other end.

" Good evening, miss. " The man greeted.

" Good evening, Who are you and why are you on my friend's phone? " I asked abruptly.

" Sorry for the late introduction, I was passing by when I saw a woman wearing A black jacket, white shirt and pants Lying on the ground next to her car, seeing that something might have happened to her I moved closer to her and that's when I found out that she's unconscious, I then decided to call the first number on her call list and that's why I called your number. "

" Oh my!, I am sorry for being rude earlier, where are you now? "

" It's Alright, I am on My Way to the First city Hospital. " He replied.

" Alright, I'll meet you there, thanks. "

" No prob. " The man replied as the call got disconnected.

" So? "

" Well.... " Rose explained all that happened to Daniel in detail.

" But one thing I don't understand is why her car was parked randomly on the street, what happened? "

" We'll find out soon. "

Daniel took his phone and called his assistant to confirm the information given by the stranger as they didn't want to take any risks.

Ten minutes later, The information was confirmed.

" So it's indeed, Stella. "

" Hm. "

" Let's head over now. " Rose said.

He looked at her from head to toe and after confirming that her clothes were appropriate, he nodded.

Soon they got to the hospital and then they met up with the stranger who explained all that happened.

The stranger was about 200cm tall with a well-defined jaw and muscular body, he had bronze hair which was well combed to the back of his head, he had a sharp nose, thin lips, and a pair of Grey eyes made him stand out.

He looks ordinary from his casual clothes of A blue Chelsea t-shirt and blue pants but he had a unique aura around him.

He introduced himself as Raymond Wedlock.

Rose who was very worried about Stella didn't pay much attention to his name but Daniel did and the latter immediately knew who he was.

But he was still a little amused how A Renowned former Football Coach became Stella's savior.

But well that's a matter for another day