Chapter 73

Chapter 67

Stella later went to attend to the matter at the sales department and as she had expected the matter was that of a customer complaining about the quality of a particular product.

Stella settled the matter by assuring the Customer that she'll look into it, though the customer was pissed, Stella managed to Make her understand.

Later, she went to the manufacturing department and scolded them.

She told them to give her an explanation of what happened or they'll be sacked.

And expected, they all started pleading with her but she didn't succumb to their pleas.

She maintained her stand.

After settling all this, Stella was tired.

All she wished for at that moment was to take a shower and sleep.

But she knew, she couldn't.

She got back to her office and lay lazily on the couch.

She wanted to call Rose and inform her about what happened but she changed her mind after taking her phone as she was aware that the latter will be with her husband Daniel and so she didn't want to disturb them.

She was about to put her phone down when she got a call from Lucia's School.

Seeing the caller's ID, she immediately had a bad feeling as the school never called parents only if there was an emergency.

Picking it up.

" Good Evening Miss Jackson. "

" Good Evening, Mrs. Hany "

" Hm, If you aren't too busy can you please come over to Lucia's School? Your attention is urgently needed. "

Hearing this, Stella was alarmed, she quickly sat up before she spoke up, " Why, what happened? "

As if sensing her Panic the Caller tried to calm her down, " You Don't have to panic, we just need you to be here. "

" Why don't you tell me what's going on! I need to know! Don't put me in the dark! " Stella demanded, raising her voice slightly.

" Well, Madam we are sorry to inform you but We suddenly couldn't find Your Daughter Lucia in school. "

" What!, How did that happen? Where did she go? , Have you searched everywhere for her? "

" We have madam but we couldn't find her, According to one of her classmates, It's said that she followed a man out of the school compound. "

" What! A man! How could you be so careless to let that happen in your school? "

" Please calm down, Madam, we admit that we are at fault and that's why we've been trying our best to know where she is right now. "

" You better do! Nothing must happen to my daughter! "

" Be rest assured madam. "

" I'll be there in twenty minutes. "She said.

" Alright, Madam we'll be expecting you. "

Soon, the call disconnected.

Stella started pacing around the Office in panic.

Though she was trying her best to calm down, She knew that it isn't as simple as it seems.

Anyways, she went out of her office and after informing the secretary that she'll be heading out for an emergency, she took the private elevator and went directly to the car pack where her Silver colored Sports car was parked.

As soon as she got in, she stepped on the gas and the car started moving.

The journey to the school was initially a Twenty Minutes journey but because she was driving at a high speed she got there in Twelve Minutes.

She went straight away to the Principal's office the moment she entered the school compound.

The Principal's assistant welcomed her in, but Stella was in no mood to acknowledge that or pay attention to it.

" Good day, Miss Jackson. "

" Good day, Principal, I heard about what happened to my daughter, can you please give me an explanation? "

" Please have your seat, miss Jackson. " She urged and Stella complied.

" So? "

" Well, as today is Wednesday which is a sports day, While the students were playing sports, Lucia's class teacher suddenly noticed that Lucia isn't Among the students and asked her mates where she was and when she heard that the latter went to make use of the bathroom she relaxed but after Thirty minutes of waiting, Lucia was still nowhere to be found and that's when she informed me and I asked the non-teaching staffs to look for Lucia but we just couldn't find her but her school bag was found in the class were she left it when she went out for sports but apart from that we didn't find anything, it was as if she disappeared into thin air. " The Principal sighed.

" So what you are trying to tell me now is that my daughter is Missing from the school? "

" Yes, Miss, we've looked everywhere but couldn't find her, even the gatekeepers said that they didn't see her. "

" When was the last time she was seen by the teacher? "

" Around 2 pm during Sports. "

" You told me that a student claimed to see her, right? "

" Yes, he said he saw her not long after she went to the toilet. "

" Oh my! Have you searched the whole area? "

" We have missed but she's nowhere to be found. "

At this point, Stella felt like her heart was breaking into a million pieces, she felt like she couldn't breathe.

She almost burst into tears but held herself back as she was aware that no isn't the time for tears.

She had to find her daughter.

' Where are you, Lucia? ' she thought.

" Hm, I'll join the search party, thanks for the information. "

" Don't mention, Don't worry, we'll find her soonest. "

" I hope so. " Stella said in a whisper, she had a gut feeling that this matter wasn't as simple as it seems, she felt like there was more to it.

She couldn't help but remember Rick's threat.

<< You'll pay for it, Stella! >>

Stella wandered around the school, looking for Lucia but all to no avail.

She then took her car and drove to the neighboring malls and shops to look for her but she didn't find her.

She felt like a bad mother who didn't take care of her daughter well.

She felt very guilty for being so negligent, she could have hired bodyguards for Lucia but she didn't as she doesn't want the latter to feel inconvenienced.

But now she's regretting it.

Perhaps if she had listened to her brain and hired bodyguards then perhaps this wouldn't have happened but it's too late for regret now, what had happened has happened.

She wished that she could turn back time and correct her mistakes but well it's impossible.

' Am such a careless, Mom!, I don't deserve to be called a mother! ' She scolded herself inwardly.

She blamed everything that happened to herself and negligence.

[ What do you think? Is it her fault guys? ]