Chapter 76

Chapter 70

Lucy's POV.

Since it's still early in the morning.

I had just bathed Jemmy and after feeding her breakfast, I decided to sing to her while playing with her so I chose, you mean the whole wide world to me by Christina Perri.

Darling, you mean the whole wide world to me

Darling, you are sweeter than I ever dream of

Darling, you make me believe in make-believe

Darling, you mean the whole wide world to me

What do I do with all this love for you?

It's so much bigger than I ever knew

Baby girl, it's bigger than the whole wide world


I noticed that as I continued singing, Jemmy started Smiling.

For a moment I thought she understood what I was singing but well that's Impossible but I guess she could feel the love and emotion in the song.

I then started poking at her cheeks and she laughed more.

She looked very cute that I couldn't help but pinch her soft cheeks and she laughed.

Gosh! I love everything about her, her smile, her sleeping face, her morning face Everything

Perhaps it's because she's my flesh and blood.

Well, I love her Anyways and I'll continue to love her no matter what.

Soon, my cell phone rang and after glancing at the caller's ID I picked it up.

" Hey, Rose, how are you? "

" Hi, Lucy, I am fine, What about you? "

" Am doing fine too. "

" How's my baby jemmy doing? "

" She's fine too, wassup with the morning call? "

" Why? Can't I call you in the morning? " She questioned.

" It's not that, you are always busy in the morning so I am Suprised that you have time to call me today. "

" Oh, I didn't go to the company today. "

" Why? Did something happen? "

" Kinda, Stella is in the hospital but she'll be discharged later today though. "

" What's she doing in the hospital? What happened to her? "

" She just fainted due to tension after hearing that little Lucia is missing.."

" What! Lucia is missing? , How come? "

" Well, she got missing from school yesterday and we've been searching for her but haven't found her yet. "

" Oh, but why do I feel that this kidnap had something to do with Rick Stella's ex-boyfriend, I saw him at the party. "

" Oh, you do? How did you know him? " Rose asked Suprised because even she wasn't aware of how Rick looked like so she was shocked to hear this from Lucia.

" Well, I don't know him but Lucia told me about him and described how he looked like, and then I realized that I indeed saw him at the party. "

" Okay, if that's the case then he's a primary suspect, but what reason could he have for kidnapping his daughter? "

" Isn't it obvious? He wants to Swindle money from Stella by using Lucia. "

" So Shameless! I hope he gets caught soon, I can't wait to break his hands. "

" You can't even break a branch of a tree and you are saying that you want to break a human hand, how's that possible? "

" Whatever, I am sure I can if I believe in myself. "

" Hm, I won't argue with you anymore, do inform me of the progress of the search, I'll inform Adam about it so we can join forces, it would be easier to find her that way. "

" True, I'll inform you. "

" By the way, How was Stella found? "

" Oh that, she was found by Raymond Wedlock. "

" What! Raymond Wedlock, you say? The Renowned Former football Coach? "

" Yes, that's him.."

" Oh my! Stella is so lucky I must say. "

" Sure she is, we can try matchmaking them after all this is over. "

" Of course, but I Don't think we need to worry as I have a feeling that Raymond has a thing for her already. "

" Really? "

" Yes, I could see it in his eyes. "

" Oh, I didn't know that you've started reading the eyes. "

" Hehehe! Anyways I'll call you later, bye.. "

" Bye. " I said and soon the call got disconnected.

I dropped my phone on the bedside table with a sigh.

I can't imagine what Stella must be feeling right now.

Others might not know but I could understand her as I am also a mother now.

Seeing our child frown causes us pain not to talk of them getting hurt or are in pain.

I hope that Lucia is found soon.

I made a call to Adam and informed him about the situation and like me he said that the kidnap might have something to do with Rick.

He told me that I shouldn't worry as he'll ask his people to look into it.

With this, I felt more at ease.

I then made another call to Stella herself and tried to comfort her which I succeeded I guess as the latter even laughed when I made a joke.

Now that We are United in this search I am pretty confident that Lucia would be found soonest and the culprit should be ready to pay.

[ You are so dead, Kidnapper! ]