Chapter 78

Chapter 72

Stella's POV.

At first, I wanted to inform Rose about this but I decided against it.

Nothing is more important than the safety of my precious daughter.

Though this move might be reckless I don't care, as long as my daughter is safe, nothing else matters.

I stood up and went to my closet, I chose a V-necked mid-thigh dress and wore black sandals.

I left the house immediately after with my Bankcard.

The money he requested was just too much but what could I do?

I have no other option but to just give it to him.

I wasn't that rich either but well, I needed my daughter with me safe and sound.

That reminds me, I didn't have up to 10million USD in my bank account since most of my money is in shares and properties.

I was still thinking of a solution when my cell phone rang with an incoming call.

It was from the same unknown number.

I picked it up.

" Hello? "

" I see that you don't care about your daughter's life. "

" Don't say that I do, I am currently on my way to the bank. " I replied.

" Oh, do you even have up to 10million USD in your account? "

" I... "

" You don't right? "

" Yes. "

" It's obvious, let's do this, instead of Paying me the 10million USD why don't you transfer your 5% share of Quinn's group to me. " He suggested.

" No, I can't do that! I can't! " I protested, I knew that transferring my 5% share to him will only put Quinn's group at risk which I don't want.

I don't want Rose's family company to suffer because of me.

" Oh, I see that you still have the time to think of other people at this time, but well I don't care, if you love your daughter then you'll give me what I want, note you have just one hour to get here or else, your daughter's dead body is what you'll meet if you are One minute late. " He replied.

" No! Please don't! " I begged but my voice was met with silence.

I then checked it and then I realized that the call had already been disconnected.

I put my phone back on the passenger seat beside me as tears streamed down my face.

At this point I didn't know what to do, I was completely helpless.

On one hand, is the safety of my only daughter and on the other hand, is the company of my best friend.

What am I going to do now?

Why am I always been put to test?

Haven't I been tested many times in the past?

I could remember when Rose was still my artist.

Many times I have been tempted to betray her but I didn't.

I was able to avoid succumbing to temptation but what now?

It's different now because it now concerns the safety of my only Daughter.

What am I going to do?

Wait, he said one hour.

Driving to the address he gave me will take me 40mins and driving back home will take me about 10 mins which means I only have 5mins left to decide.

I started my car and drove back home.

I have decided.

Please Forgive me Rose but I can't stand my ground.

I can't Rose.

I want to protect the company but I really can't help it now.

Please forgive me, Rose

I hope you understand.

I drove back home and immediately went into my room where I got the documents from my Safe.

The 5% shares were gifted to me by Rose on my last birthday.

I wished she didn't gift me this, I wish she gave me something else at least then I wouldn't have to do this but well...

It's too late for regret.

I need to do this.

I took the documents and went back to my car and drove straight away to the address.


Lucia's POV.

The man I saw the other day who claimed to be my Dad happened to be the one that got me kidnapped.

But how could he be so cruel to do this to his blood?

Doesn't he have a heart at all?

Later on, I was forced to Speak to my mom on phone but I refused as I was aware that he wants to use me to Gain money from my mom.

I was slapped harshly on my face.

It stung that I couldn't hold back the tears, I couldn't stop the crying sounds from escaping.

I had never been hinted by anyone in my entire life as everyone around me treated me like a princess but what now?

I got hired by an unknown ugly-looking man who had a gruesome scar on his face.

Then I heard my mom agreeing to their proposal.

I wished I could find a way to stop her from doing what she's about to do.

But I am helpless.

I can't even move from where I am not to talk or help out.

What should I do?

If mom transfers the shares to them then Auntie Rose's company would be at risk.

As the CEO of the company, Auntie Rose owned 40% of the shares while my mom owned 5%.

The remaining 55% was distributed to the shareholders.

This means that if someone acquires the whole 55% and my mom's 5% then the person will have the highest shares and might vote Rose from the Seat of the CEO which I don't want to happen.

I feel very guilty.

I am at fault.

If I hadn't followed a stranger then all of this wouldn't have happened but what's the use of crying over spilled milk?

What should I do?

I was left alone now in the room but I couldn't find anything to help me cut the ropes.

But then I remembered that I have a needle with me.

I wasn't supposed to have it on me but I remembered that during Sewing class I was using a needle to practice embroidery and I forgot to return it after so that's how it ended up with me.

But how am I going to use a needle to cut a rope?