Chapter 87

Chapter 81.

Author's POV.

It's been days since Lucia and Ezekiel Chen were rescued from the hands of their kidnapper, Rick.

Rick had been arrested by the city police and had been detained without bail.

Gregor Quinn who happened to be the mastermind of all of this had been on house arrest in one of his houses.

He wasn't allowed to talk or communicate with the outside world. For a proud and arrogant man like him, it was a huge blow.

The worst part of all of this is that his family wasn't informed of his whereabouts.

He wasn't even informed about who was keeping him captive or why they were keeping him captive but he had a hunch that the one keeping him captive is a powerful person.

Despite being annoyed at being treated like a prisoner.

The 40% shares in his hands kept him arrogant but his arrogance didn't last long as he was forced to sign the transfer documents of the shares by the several men who were guarding him.

At first, he didn't want to sign the documents.

But well.

He had no choice.

Which other choice would he have when he was threatened with a knife and a gun?

He just had to sign the documents reluctantly, he cursed inwardly while doing so.

He even made a vow to himself that he would take revenge and acquire all the shares back.

But this is if he'll ever get out alive.


In a Mini villa in City V.

A woman in her late fifties was seen pacing around her room.

She was none other than Nancy Quinn.

She had creamy white skin and dark brown short hair which stopped just below her shoulders.

She was very worried and stressed as her husband had been missing for days.

Though this wasn't the first time that something like this is happening as her husband was hardly home.

He spent most of his time in bars and hotels with young models.

Though she wasn't happy with this she couldn't do anything about it.

The dark circles under her eyes were very visible as she had been too worried to sleep.

She wasn't worried about her husband because she loves or cares for him but she needed a designated amount of money from him to purchase the latest Design of Bags and heels produced by the channel.

She had to attend a tea party on Saturday with her fellow socialist friends so she needed to purchase the stuff as soon as possible.

Nancy sat down on her king-sized bed as she tried to relax.

' Worry won't solve anything. ' she told herself.

She couldn't attend the tea party without dressing up to the nineties or she'll become a total laughing stock which she wasn't going to allow to happen.

" Evie! "

" Evie! " She called out to one of her maids.

" Yes, Ma'am. " A young lady in a maid uniform rushed into the room.

Looking at her, Nancy frowned a little, she wanted to scold her but decided not to.

She had more things to worry about than that.

" Is my daughter in her room? " She asked the maid.

" She is, Ma'am. " The maid replied respectfully.

" Go get her for me. " Nancy instructed.

" Alright, Ma'am. " The maid replied with a slight bow as she immediately went out to complete the task given to her.


In a princess-style room on the other side of the villa.

A young girl of about Twenty years old lied lazily on her bed she had an eye pod in her right ear as she scrolled through social media.

Then, Evie, Nancy's maid came knocking at the door.

" Come in. " The girl instructed, as she had the ear pod in only one ear she was able to hear the knocking sound.

Evie entered the room, she bowed a little before saying, " Young Miss, your mom wants to speak to you. "

" Alright, you can leave now. " She instructed.

Soon the maid was out of the room and the room returned to silence.

" Ugh! What did my mom want now! She's always disturbing my fun time! I wonder what she's going to say now! She's such a pest! " She yelled, she didn't have to worry about her mom or the maids hearing her words as the room was soundproof.

She dropped her phone and Ear pod on the bed and climbed down from the bed, wore her slippers, and went out to meet her mom.

On getting there, she didn't even bother to knock and just barged into her mom's room.

" You are here, Christiana. " Nancy acknowledged her presence as she looked up at her daughter.

" I am, what is it now, mom? " She asked with indifference.

" Well, it's your dad, he hasn't called or texted me for days now, I don't know what to do, what if something had happened to him? " Nancy said feigning worried.

" This isn't a new thing so why are you worried all of a sudden mom? " She asked her mom with a raised eyebrow.

" Why won't I worry about my Husband? " Nancy said trying to act like a caring wife.

" Really? There's no way I will be able to help if you don't tell me the truth, Mom. "

" Well, I need money from your dad to purchase the latest Channel bags and Heels. " She replied.

" Oh that, why don't you buy the stuff with your monthly allowance, Mom? " She asked.

Her father happened to be a manager of a Five-star hotel so he often gave her and her mom monthly allowances.

" It's not enough, my monthly allowance is $500k while the bags and heels I want to buy costs $1.5m," she explained.

" Oh, so what are you thinking of doing now? "

" Em, why don't you lend me the remaining $1m? " She suggested.

" What! I can't! Where would I get the money from? "

" I am sure that you have more than that, What about the money you earned from shooting a commercial for The Queen brand? "

" Mom! I can't give you that! I have got plans for that money! you don't need to attend that tea party, you can just skip it with the excuse of being sick or something. " She said yelling.

" Don't yell at me, young lady! It's either you lend me the money or I reveal to you so-called fans that you bullied your mother, what do you think will happen then? " Nancy said with an evil smirk.

" Mom! How could you threaten your daughter! How could you, Mom! You always lend money too but you never return it, Why Mom? Is it a crime to be an independent daughter! How could you continue to swindle money from me like this mom? This is so unfair! " She yelled with tears in her eyes.

She was so tired of being bullied by her mother, sometimes she often wonders if the woman in front of her was truly her mother or a replica.

" Don't speak to me like this young lady! I am your mother! All you have now is all thanks to me! If I didn't give birth to you do you think you'll be enjoying this luxury, uh? " Nancy replied slightly agitated.

" I hate you, Mom! " Christiana boldly declared and ran out of the room to hers immediately.

On getting to her room, she locked herself in and cried her heart out.

[ Poor Christiana. ]