Chapter 88

Chapter 82

Despite her daughter's protests and words.

Nancy wasn't worried the least.

She was a little relieved because at least now she was confident that she'll be able to purchase the stuff and go to the party.

' oh my! It's so good to have a Rich daughter. ' she Exclaimed inwardly.

She also came from a well do family and was treated like a princess so she never lacked anything.

After getting married to Gregor, she lived in luxury but well she still wasn't satisfied.

Especially after knowing that her husband brother's owned a huge multinational company.

She was the one who started urging her husband to find a way to gain ownership of her shares of the company.

She was desperate to be the Ceo's one and only wife.

But well...

Soon, she got an alert on her cell phone, the money had been sent.

' That's my daughter! ' she grinned Shamelessly.

She was very well aware of the fact that her daughter loved her a lot and won't be able to refuse her every request especially when she threatened the latter with her fans.

" I need to go shopping now! " She Exclaimed.

" Evie!!! " She yelled.

" Yes, Ma'am. " Her maid, Evie came running almost immediately.

She bowed slightly when she entered the room.

" Go and ask the driver to prepare the car. " She instructed.

" But, madam... " Evie wanted to inform her that the driver was not feeling too well but she wasn't able to finish her words as she was immediately cut off by Nancy.

" Who permitted you to talk back at me? " Nancy asked with a burning gaze.

" Am sorry, Ma'am. " Evie pleaded to kneel.

" You should be, go and tell the driver to prepare the car now! " She repeated her earlier instruction.

" Alright, ma'am. "

" Good, you can leave now. " She instructed and soon the maid scampered away.

[ A/N: I hope I am not boring you with all of this, guys? ]


Nancy dressed up and was ready to go.

She headed to the Queen's Boutique which sold Women's accessories.

" Good day, Ma'am. Welcome to our boutique. " The bodyguard at the entrance greeted her as he opened the glass door for her.

" Hm. " Nancy nodded raising her head high.

She walked majestically towards the Bags session.

There were lots of beautiful bags there both handmade and Machine made

" Good day, Ma'am. " One of the Sales assistants who Happened to be a young lady greeted her respectfully.

" Hm. "

" So which type of bag and Heels are you looking for, Ma'am? "

" The Channel set that was released just last week. " She replied.

" Okay, Ma'am. This way, please. " The assistant said as she led the way.

They walked towards the end of the boutique and then got to an area where the newly released sets of Clothing and shoes are displayed.

There, Nancy saw what she was looking for.

She was choosing what she wanted when she heard some women gossiping nearby.

" Oh my! Isn't that Rose Quinn and the little singer Lucia Jackson? "

" Yes that's them, they look very beautiful. "

" Hm, I wonder what they came to buy here? "

" Isn't it obvious? They came to get newly released sets of Clothing from the Channel. "

" Oh my! Channel must be very lucky then. "

Hearing their discussions, Nancy frowned.

If it's true that Rose came here to Purchase the new sets then it would not be of benefit for her as she would be mocked by her so-called friends for imitating Rose Quinn.

She gritted her teeth inwardly, " Why did Rose have to appear now? How much she hated her! "

Seeing that Nancy's face was burning with different emotions, The assistant beside her was confused.

What's going on? Why is this woman suddenly annoyed? Did she have a grudge with Rose Quinn?

Nancy looked ahead and saw that Rose Was indeed approaching them.

She then decided to do something very stupid.

One that she'll regret.

She turned to the Assistant beside her asking. " How many sets of Channel newly released brand did you have available now? "

" About Two, Ma'am. " The assistant replied.

" Okay, I want to purchase it. "

" Alright, ma'am. " The assistant showed her the designs.

Nancy fell in love with them instantly.

She kept checking them out and keep thinking of what her so-called friend's reaction will be when she show up with the latest brand.

She was thinking of gifting the other set to one of her friends so they can Know-how rich she was.

" Isn't that the Set we are looking for, Auntie? " Little Lucia's voice rang out bringing Nancy out of her Reverie.

" It is, Lucia. " Rose Nodded.

On this day, both she and Lucia were both dressed in jumpsuits.

Turning to the assistant she asked.

" How many sets do you have left? "

" None, Ma'am the two we have had been booked by her. " The assistant said pointing to Nancy who pretended not to hear them.

Rose took a glance at Nancy then at the sets of bags and shoes then said. " It's alright, I'll look for something else. "

" Thanks for understanding, Ma'am. " The assistant said.

She was very thankful that Rose decided to be sensible and not make a scene.

" Wait. " Nancy had been pretending to not eat their conversation suddenly spoke making Rose who was about to leave pause.

Rose turned to face her and then the two of them gaze locked.

Looking at Rose, Nancy burned with deep hatred she was well aware that Rose was the new president of Quinn's group.

' That position is supposed to be my husband's! ' She gritted her teeth inwardly.

" Yes? " Rose raised an eyebrow at Nancy who was burning with hate.

" Well, I see that you also want to purchase a set of the clothing and shoes. "

" So? "

" Since I booked it first, I can consider selling it to you. " She said with a fake smile.

" She's planning something, Auntie. " Lucia said in a voice that only she and Rose can hear.

Rose Nodded, she was also thinking the same.