Chapter 90

Chapter 84

Author's POV.

Nancy walked angrily to the car park where the car was parked, there the driver was standing beside the car.

Immediately he saw her he immediately opened the door for her.

She got in rather harshly as she punched his arm in anger.

The poor driver who was feeling unwell earlier swallowed the pain and then entered the car and drove out of the restaurant into the streets.

" Can't you drive a little faster! This is a car and not a canoe alright? Drive faster! " Nancy demanded irritated.

The driver who was afraid of losing his job quickly did as she said.

Now, the car was driving like crazy.

While this was going, Nancy was fuming, she was clenching her fists tightly in anger that it bled.

Her face was morphed into a frown.

' Darn you, Christiana! How dare you do this to me your mother? You'll pay dearly for it! ' she cursed inwardly.

The driver who was looking at her from the mirror just sighed.

He didn't know what was making her this annoyed, he found himself pitying the one who made her angry as he was aware of how crazy she can be when she gets annoyed.

The car sped all the way home.

When they got to the house and the car stopped, Nancy immediately unlocked the door without even waiting for the driver to help her with it.

She began walking quickly to the door, due to how fast she was walking she stumbled and almost fell but she held onto a pole which prevented her from falling.

This only further intensified her anger, she blamed all this on Christiana.

She was determined to make her pay for this.

At this time, all she wanted to do was tear her daughter to piece for doing that to her.

She was very embarrassed, she had always been Respected but due to what happened she became a Laughing stock.

The moment she got into the house, she began screaming her daughter's name like a mentally derailed person.

She completely forgot about her image in front of her servants and completely lost her composure.

" Madam, please calm down, the young Miss...." The Housekeeper tried explaining to her but all she got was a harsh shove from the already mad Nancy.

Due to the force applied the Housekeeper stumbled and almost fell flat on the ground but the maids around ran to her and quickly helped her to prevent her from falling brutally on the tiled floor.

As if not seeing this, Nancy climbed the stairs and ran to her daughter's room, without knocking she opened the door with a bang.

She went in and was Suprised to find that the room was empty, she then started ransacking the whole room while screaming her daughter's name.

At this moment, she could be likened to a psychiatric patient.

She checked the walk-in closet, the cloakroom amd the bathroom but she didn't find her daughter or the latter's belongings.

' What's going on? , Where could Christiana have gone? ' she thought with a frown.

" Evie! " She yelled her Personal maid's name.

Almost immediately, the maid came running, she bowed slightly, " Yes, Ma'am. "

" Where's my daughter? " She asked straightforwardly.

[ A/N: I guess she just remembered that Christiana was her daughter now, Poor Christiana, she didn't deserve a mother like this. ]

" Ma'am. The young Miss, she... " The maid hesitated.

" Speak up! Where's my daughter! " Nancy screamed impatiently.

" The young Miss left earlier with all her luggage, she was picked up by a Nanny van. " The maid replied.

" What! How could this happen! Why didn't you inform me about this earlier??? " Nancy questioned angrily.

" We tried to but you didn't pick up your call. " The maid defended.

" Are you blaming me now? " Nancy's eyes were red with anger.

" I wouldn't dare, ma'am. " The maid replied shaking her head.

" Get out. " Nancy instructed the next minute.

The maid could finally sigh in relief and ran away from the room.

" No!!!! . How dare you mess with me Christiana despite knowing fully well what the consequence is? , How dare you! " Nancy screamed.

Determined to make her daughter pay.

She made a video of herself crying, she also slapped herself and took a picture of her face when she opened her social media account and was about to post it there with the tag, ' Unfilial Daughter' but she got a shocker herself.

She saw several pictures and videos of herself being disgraced in the mall and how Rose ' Helped ' her.

There were also lots of tags there too.

* Nancy Quinn unable to pay for her purchase.

* Nancy Quinn being face slapped.

* Nancy Quinn trying to show off her wealth in front of Rose Quinn.

* Nancy Quinn is helped by Rose.

* Rose Quinn a knight in shining Armor.

* Rose Quinn is the most generous celebrity.

* Nancy Quinn made a joke of herself in Queen's mall today.

Seeing all this tag, Nancy almost vomited blood in anger

She was so angry that her face turned green in Anger.

Her perfect image was completely ruined.

The image she took years to build was ruined in just a matter of Hours.

" It's all Christian's fault! She'll pay for this! "

She then uploaded the pictures and videos she made with a different account with the tag,

* Christiana Quinn an Unfilial daughter.

After uploading she felt satisfied and her anger subsided a little.

' Let the game begin now. ' She thought with an evil grin.

She then went to the washroom and freshened up before going to have her lunch downstairs.

The maids who witnessed how angry she was earlier were completely shocked to see her coming downstairs with a smile plastered on her face.

' What's going on? ' They all thought in unison.

Nancy noticed their confused gaze but chose to ignore it.

The cooks served the food and Nancy ate in silence.

She couldn't wait to see her daughter coming back to beg her.

She already couldn't wait for the results of what she did.

[ A/N: but will the results be as she expected them to be? ]