Chapter 91

Chapter 85

Inside a mini condo in Taiwan Estate.

A young girl in her early twenties lied on the mini-sized bed, her long brown hair was sprawled all over the bed.

Her eyes were red and puffed from continuous crying.

' Why me? Why did this have to happen to me! I don't deserve this! ' She thought sadly.

She sniffed, she tried stopping the tears from falling but she couldn't.

It just kept falling.

She had been putting up with all of it all over the years.

She had been bearing it all in silence but she couldn't anymore.

She had been bullied at school countless times because of this.

Her father didn't have the time for her and her mother who was supposed to be someone very close to her heart wasn't.

The only thing the latter knew how to do is threaten her.

She always longed for her mother's love from childhood but not only did she not get it but she also had to put up with her mother's hateful words and so on.

She was tired!

She was completely tired of it all?

Can't she be happy?

Why can't her mother be loving and caring?


Why me?

She wailed in pain and soon she started hiccuping.

" Oh my! Christiana, what's wrong? " Suddenly Sherry her manager appeared in front of her.

She got no response from Christiana.

Sherry sighed before she embraced Christiana and immediately she did, Christiana broke down she began crying loudly.

" Why? Why can't I be loved? "

" Why did my mom treat me like this? Am I not her daughter? "

" Don't you think I deserve to be happy? Why did this have to happen to me? , Why me? " She wailed.

" Ssh, you are loved, Christy "

" That's a lie! .... I am not! Mom doesn't love me and Dad doesn't too! So how can you say that I am loved? "

Sherry broke the Hug, she then cupped Christiana's face, looked at her then wiped her tears away with her well-manicured fingers, and then spoke gently to her.

" listen, Christiana, the fact that your parents don't care for you doesn't mean you are useless 'cuz darling there are lots of people in this world who just want to take care of you and love you. Not appreciating and loving a Precious gem like you is your parent's loss, so darling never feel inferior to yourself, just know that you are enough and you'll always be, alright? "

Christiana started Straight into Sherry's eyes as if trying to see disgust and hate but she didn't.

All she saw was Sincerity, love, and adoration.

" But I don't deserve this. " She muttered, referring to Sherry's kind words.

" You do deserve it and so much more, darling. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. " Sherry assured.

" Really? " She asked with twinkling eyes.

" Yes, you do. " Sherry replied with a smile, perhaps it's because she was a lot older than Sherry so she felt a connection between them.

" Okay, can I hug you for a while? " Christiana requested softly.

Seeing this, Sherry Smiled lovingly then she embraced Christiana once again.

They stayed like this for minutes and when Sherry saw that Christiana wasn't moving.

She checked and then she found that that the latter had fallen asleep.

She sighed softly before she lied her down on the bed and tucked her in.

After confirming that the latter was asleep and comfortable she went out of the room to make an important call.


Rose was just about to head to the bathroom to take a shower when she heard her cell phone ringing.

Glancing at the caller's ID she sighed softly before picking up the call.

" Good day, Mrs. Romero. I hope I am not disturbing you. "

Rose smiled faintly hearing this. " Good day to you too, Sherry Smith, you aren't troubling me. "

" Oh. " Sherry was relieved.

" So what's the purpose of your call? How's Christiana doing? "

" That's the reason why I am calling. "

" Oh, what happened to her? Is she alright? "

" She is but she wasn't earlier, I met her crying and wailing and... " She explained the whole thing to Rose who listened Attentively.

" Alright, it's good that you were able to put her to sleep, do take care of her. "

" Yes, I'll, by the way, Mrs... " She wanted to talk about the posts but got Interrupted by Rose.

" Is it about the Pictures and Videos Nancy Quinn posted? " Rose inquired.

" Yes, it is. " Sherry was a little Suprised to Know that Rose already found about this but well I guess she has forgotten that Rose is married to the King of the Entertainment industry.

[ A/N: King of The entertainment industry, this title reminds me of Mo Ting in my favorite novel Trial Marriage Husband. ]

" You don't have to worry, it'll be handled soon, so don't worry. All you have to do for now is to take very good care of Christiana like your own daughter, alright? "

Hearing the three words, ' like your own daughter ' Sherry felt a little emotional, she'll never forget her daughter who died immediately after birth or so she was told by the doctors.

" Be rest assured that I'll, Mrs. Romero. " Sherry replied.

" Good, I'll be ending the call now, you can call me if you need anything. "

" Sure I'll, Thanks, Mrs. Romero. "

" Why don't you address me as Rose instead? Mrs. Romero makes me feel old, what do you think? "

Sherry chuckled a little before she replied, " Alright, Rose. "

" That's better. " Rose said with a smile.

" Hm. " Sherry replied as the call ended.