Chapter 95

Chapter 89

Quinn's group.

Two days later.

Rose was in her office quietly reading through some documents when she heard the sound of knocking on the heavy sandalwood door.

" Come In. " She instructed and soon, Jason Daniel's assistant walked into the room.

He was dressed in a brown suit and trousers, he looked like a model in his outfit.

" Good afternoon, Madam. " He greeted her with a bow.

" Oh, Good afternoon to you too, Jason. So what brings you here today? " She asked him as she put down the pen and looked up at him.

" CEO Daniel instructed me to deliver some documents to you personally so that's why I am here. " He replied as he handed the documents over to her.

" Oh, are these the results of the background check I requested for? " She asked with a raised eyelid.

" It is, Madam." He replied.

" Alright, thank you. "

" Hm, I'll get going now. " He said.

" Okay. " Rose Replied as she lowered her head and looked at the document in her hands.

Jason who was on his way out of the room suddenly paused and looked back at her.

" Umm. Madam.." He hesitated.

" What is it, Jason? " Rose raised her head.

" CEO Daniel told me to inform you that you should read through the documents only when you've had lunch. " He said.

" Oh... " Rose smiled hearing this, she felt warm in her heart. Though Daniel had been very busy and occupied with work he didn't neglect her which was quite admirable.

" Alright, please do inform Stella on your way out to order lunch, it should be the usual. " Rose told him.

" I will do as you have instructed, Madam. " He replied and soon walked out of the room.

Though Rose was very curious of what mysteries and secrets the spiral bonded document in her hands contained, she could only sigh and propone the reading of the documents to later after she had eaten lunch.

She went back to the documents she was reading earlier and continued reviewing them.


Reading about Sherry Smith's background made Rose a little emotional.

Sherry had lost her parents when she was quite younger to a ghastly motor accident.

She then began living with her uncle who maltreated and abused her physically and mentally but despite all of it she was dedicated to her studies and made it her no-one Priority.

But despite all of it.

Her entire life shattered right before her eyes when she was stripped of her chastity by a hooligan by the roadside.

Then her life took a different turn.

She began to live like a living dead, she was depressed and Sad.

She started keeping to herself till she felt she couldn't hold it anymore and attempted suicide but she was rescued by a neighbor who cared about her well-being.

She was talking to a facility where depression and mental health issues were well taken care of and treated.

She was there for months and there, she found out that she was pregnant.

Rose found herself admiring Sherry for her courage and strength as she decided to carry the baby to term despite having an option of abortion.

Then, she gave birth to the child.

She requested to hold it immediately it was born and her request was granted on her insistence.

She woke up hours later to find out that her baby was dead.

Rose was confused at this point.

How could a newborn baby die all of a sudden?

And why were the nurses a little hesitant to hand over the baby to Sherry the moment it was born?

' Something's fishy. ' she thought.

Rose proceeded to read the remaining story.

Sherry entered the entertainment industry at the young age of eighteen.

She at first debuted as a model but later became a manager as she realized that modeling wasn't for her.

She preferred managing the models instead as she found a purpose that way.

She was super caring and loving to her artists.

Once, her kind nature was taken for granted and that's when she became very strict.

She became someone who rarely showed kindness and love to others.

But all this changed when Christiana Quinn came into the picture.

Rose saw her much, Sherry loved and cared for the latter as if she were her daughter and that's when Rose started having her doubts.

But she didn't pay much attention to it until Christiana had to run away from home.

So what if?

But well, Sherry Smith's Daughter was proclaimed dead right?

So is there a possibility?

Rose then moved to the other documents which had the title.

Nancy Quinn.

Rose had a hunch that reading these particular documents will make her Realize a lot and as she suspected.

The moment she started reading, she was amazed.

Nancy's father's name was

She was an heiress to the Lawrence intentional Corporation but she lost this title when she decided to leave home and live her life the way she wanted it.

Both she and Gregor Quinn met each other in college long before she left home but they met again after a long separation when Nancy went for an interview in the hotel where Gregor worked.

While she became a receptionist there, Gregor Quinn was the financial manager.

There they fell in love with one another and decided to get Married.

They did but after years of getting married.

Nancy remained unable to get pregnant and this led to Gregor getting married to other wives who gave birth to him.

In a quest to get her husband back, Nancy found a way to fake a pregnancy and then ' Adopted ' a newly born child from a low-grade hospital.

The name of the hospital was mentioned and the Rose came into realization that it was the same hospital that Sherry gave birth in.

As Gregor loved Nancy he got back to her after she had ' given birth ' to ' their child. '

Years went by and Gregor's personality changed.

He began to spend most of his free time in bars and hotels thereby abandoning his wife Nancy and ' their daughter. ' Christiana at home.

Nancy who was very sad by this result began to pour out her anger on ' Her Daughter ' Christiana.

She then began extorting money from the latter to keep up with her position as a socialite.

' What a pity. ' Rose thought sadly.

She didn't bother to continue reading the documents and just closed them before resting her back on the Exclusive chair.

She pondered on what she had just read and everything became clear to her.

She then decided to confirm her doubt and the only way of doing this is by performing a DNA test on Sherry and Christiana.