Chapter 96

Chapter 90

Rose got the DNA samples from Sherry who didn't even suspect anything when she told her that they needed it for some research purpose.

Rose gave the DNA samples to one of her doctor friends and instructed the latter to perform some tests on it.

24hours later, the results were out, and guess what?

It came out positive.

Sherry and Christiana were 99.9% blood-related.

They were mother and daughter.

Rose stared at the results in shock.

Though she kind of expected this result but seeing it right in front of her made her think that it's just too good to be true.

Now what she had to do is to inform The ones concerned about it.

But first things first.

She had to get justice for the two of them.

Yeah, justice!


Nancy had been Locking herself up in the room for days now.

The only time she came out of her room was when it was time for her to have her meal.

She had been very worried about a lot and had completely become a different person.

She now gets irritated over silly matters.

She expected her daughter to come back to beg her but that didn't happen but instead, she was face slapped by the truth.

She couldn't even step out of the house or she will be beaten up and attacked by society.

She had become a disgrace to all mothers.

Despite everything, she never for once regret her actions.

If given a chance she was sure that she would have done the same thing.

Now, she was more worried about how she was going to survive the days ahead of her.

She was completely broke and had no money left.

All her life savings had been spent on Buying Dresses and foodstuffs and now there was barely any money left.

She had an option of selling out her Jewelry but decided against it as she believed that she'll be less of a woman if she didn't possess any Jewellery.

Her maids had been dropping their resignation letters when she wasn't able to pay them for their services and often vented her anger on them.

Now only her maid Evie and the housekeeper were left.

She felt so lonely and miserable for the first time in her life.

She didn't even know where her so-called husband was.

It was as if he suddenly vanished from the surface of the earth.

But she still believed that he was alive somewhere.

But she couldn't figure out where exactly.


Nancy was having her breakfast early in the morning as usual when the front door was opened all of a sudden and several men in uniforms walked in.

She recognized them as the city police but what were they doing here?

She thought.

The men allowed her to finish eating her breakfast before they finally made a sound.

" Good morning, Madam. We apologize for disturbing you so early in the morning but we'll like to invite you to our office for questioning. " The head of the officers spoke up.

" But why would you invite me up for questioning? I haven't done anything wrong to warrant this alright? " She defended herself.

" Here we've got a permission slip. " The police officer said handing her a note with a signature and a stamp.

Nancy collected it and Read through it she was shocked.

She was accused of Child kidnapping, Child Abuse, and Cheating!

" What the hell! " She cursed inwardly.

" This isn't true! I never did any of this! Someone is trying to frame me! I need to inform my lawyer about this. " She yelled.

" We'll get to know whether this is true or not when we get to the station so madam can you be kind enough to go with us and allow us to do our jobs properly? " he asked.

Nancy nodded, she wanted to know who dared to file this case against her.

She promised to make that fellow pay.


Condo unit

" Wait, are you my biological mother? " Christiana asked the quiet Sherry curiously.

" I am. " Sherry Replied and then held Christiana's hands in hers before continuing. " I am sorry that you just had to find out about your real identity now. I'll understand if you would decide not to acknowledge me. I am... " She wanted to say that she was willing to wait till the day Christiana would be willing to acknowledge her but was interrupted by the latter.

" It doesn't matter, I am so glad to know that you are my mom and not who I thought it was. " She brought her hands and wiped out the tears from Sherry's eyes before embracing her.

" Thanks for loving and caring for me, Mom. I promise to be a good and loving daughter. " She whispered to Sherry.

Hearing these words, Sherry's tears Streamed like water. She wanted to scream out and say to the world that she had finally found her daughter.

She felt a surge of emotions.

She felt like laughing despite the tears.

She then started to feel that it was all worth it.

Perhaps if her daughter hadn't ' died ' then she might not be alive till this time.

She never dared to dream that one day she'll find out that her daughter who she had thought was dead was alive and well.

She remembered the first time she saw Christiana. She felt a kind of connection with the latter but she decided to ignore it.

She found herself being nicer and caring to Christiana more than her previous artists.

She just couldn't explain what it was then but now she could and now she finally understand the meaning behind the popular saying, " Blood is Ticker than water. "

She wiped out her tears and embraced Christiana, Patted her hair like she always does when comforting the latter.

Then she whispered.

" I love you, Darling Christiana. "

These words came naturally out of her mouth without her even realizing it.

Christiana who had always longed for parental love all her life burst out in tears hearing these words.

As if knowing what was wrong, Sherry allowed Christiana to cry as she wanted. she drew soothing circles on the latter's back.

When Christiana finally calmed down.

" I love you too, Mom. " She said slowly.

These words finally sealed their bond and soon the two of them burst out in tears then into laughter as they continued embracing one another with love.

[ A/N: Finally! I am happy for them both. ]


Chapter 91

First junior high school city A.

It was on a Tuesday.

Lucia who was seating in her classroom on the first seat was a little bored.

Though the teacher tried her best to make the class interesting it was still very boring to Lucia.

Perhaps it's because she's already very familiar with the topic being treated or because Her friend, Ezekiel Chen wasn't in school today.

She was informed earlier in the morning that he wouldn't be in school by the latter's mother as he was down with fever.

Hearing that, Lucia suddenly didn't feel like going to school and just wanted to stay at home or visit Ezekiel but her mom didn't allow her.

So, well she ended up in school today despite not wanting to go.

' Damnit! Why is the day so slow?. It should be closing time already! ' She thought irritated.

She just wanted the school to end as soon as possible so she could head home.

But sadly for her, it's still just 10:30 am.


Quinn's group.

" Hey Stella, I heard from Lucia that you forced her to go to school today despite her not wanting to go, Why? " Rose started the discussion.

" I didn't force her alright? She must go to school as a student so I just did what I had to. " Defended Stella.

" Hm, but you should have just allowed her to stay at home today you Know after all she isn't the type who enjoys missing school. " Rose said.

" Well, I didn't want her to stay alone at home since.... "

" What do you mean alone at home? You could have just brought her here with you. "

" I know but I don't think she'll come. "

" Oh, by the way, why did she suddenly decide to stay at home today? Last time I heard she's always very eager to go to school this day so what happened? "

" I guess it's because her friend, Ezekiel Chen wouldn't be able to attend school today as he's down with fever. " Stella explained.

" Oh my! Why is he suddenly sick? Did he stay outside all night or what? "

" Well, I am not sure but I heard from Lucia that he enjoyed playing in the rain and it rained yesterday evening so... "

" Children of nowadays would never change. Despite knowing the harmful effects of it on him he still played in the rain. "

" Hm. "

" Don't you think Lucia and Ezekiel are getting closer and closer by the day? "

" I noticed it too. She's always talking about him. Ezekiel this, Ezekiel that. It's almost as if he's the only guy on Earth. " Stella Replied with a Helpless. sigh

" Hahahahaha. " Rose roared out in intense laugher as she held her stomach.

As laughter was pretty contagious, Stella burst out laughing.

They calmed down later on.

" So, why were you laughing Earlier,? " Stella asked her.

" Well, I just thought I saw jealousy in your eyes while you were talking about how your daughter now talks about Ezekiel Chen. " Rose said pursing her lips.

" What! That's impossible, why would I be jealous of a small guy? "

" Yes yes. But don't you think that it's a good thing that Lucia now has Ezekiel Chen as a friend? "

" Why do you say that? "

" Well, isn't it obvious? Lucia is kind of introverted so I guess it's a good thing she has someone as a friend. "

" Yeah, I once thought she'll never have a friend as she's always too quiet and doesn't like socializing with her mates. "

" Hm, well I guess that it's not that she doesn't want to socialize with others but they are always avoiding her like a plague and always talking badly about her. "

" All for being an intelligent child. ''

" It isn't easy, I had gone through something like that and I understand how it feels. " Rose sighed.

" Let's just hope that she'll get over it soon. "

" Yeah. "


At Lucia's School.

It was now time for their lunch break.

As Lucia doesn't want to head to the school cafeteria alone she had brought her lunch with her and ate it quietly in the classroom.

By now, the classes and corridors had almost emptied as most of the students had gone to the cafeteria.

When she finished eating her breakfast which was Egg fried rice and chicken.

She packed her lunch box into her Lunch bag and put it in her locker along with Her backpack after taking out a maths textbook, a jotter, and a pen.

She then stood up and walked out of the classroom as she headed to the school library.

" Damn you, Ezekiel Chen! How could you have played in the rain yesterday when you knew that there was school today! Now I am left all alone in this school! " Lucia cursed under her breath as she continued walking down the long corridors.

As she wasn't looking to where she was going as her head was down.

She colluded with someone and they both fell to the ground.

As Lucia was on top of the fellow she was protected from the impact of falling to the cemented floor.

" Ouch. " The fellow groaned in pain.

Lucia stood up quickly and immediately apologized to the fellow when she got on her feet.

" Am very sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you alright? " She asked with worry laced in her voice.

" Damn you! Are you blind! " The fellow cursed as he tried to stand up.

" Let me help you up. " Lucia offered her assistance when she noticed that the fellow was having a hard time standing up.

" No! Don't touch me! " He yelled, opening his eyes with vigilance.

" Okay. " Lucia relented as she pulled her hand back.

" Wait, you? " The guy groaned looking at her with a wide eyes and Lucia did the same too.

" You! " Lucia was stunned.

She remembered him. He was the same guy who had tried to embarrass her at the children's day fair.

" You barged into me intentionally didn't you? " He accused her unjustly.

" Why would I do that? " Lucia asked.

" You! Ouch! " He wailed in pain once again and almost immediately Some teachers rushed to where they are.

" What's going on here? " The headteacher asked.

" It's her. She barged into me intentionally and caused this! " He accused.

" What! I didn't! " Lucia tried defending herself.

" Enough! " The headteacher silenced her.

She obviously believed His words over Lucia's.

" Get the stretcher over here now! " She instructed the men behind her and they soon disappeared and appeared almost with the stretcher.

The guy was carried on the stretcher by the men and was soon taken away to the school clinic.

His wails and cries continued echoing in the hallway as they took him away in the stretcher.