Chapter 99

Chapter 93

In the end, Lucia was asked to stand in the sun for two hours.


Lucia's POV.

It's really funny how morals and principles bend in the sight of money and power.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the Principal who always looked morally upright couldn't even stand his ground and ended up cowering in the face of influence.

Funny right?

Thought so too.

Now, I have to endure standing in the sun for TWo hours!

I am very sure that I am going to get a skin burn from it, 'cus who wouldn't?

The sun is at its peak today so?

Our Basic science teacher once said that the early morning sun is quite beneficial to the health but not the afternoon sun!

Anyways, what can I do anyway? I just had to obey.

I stood up in the sun and began thinking.

I was annoyed really with all of this.

Most importantly I was annoyed at my mom!

If she didn't force me to come to school today then I won't be facing this but well!

What's done is done and now I just have to endure this in silence.

So sad.


Lucy's POV.

As Adam decided to work from home today, I decided to prepare some snacks and head to Lucia's School to give them to her.

Though it's been only a week since I have seen her I still find myself missing her.

I didn't know when I became so attached to her.

Perhaps it's because she's very intelligent and smart.

Sometimes I Even forget the fact that she's just 11 years old.

Well, you can't blame me as she's way too smart for her age.

I asked Adam's driver to drive me over there and Adam also let this Personal Assistant follow me.

Despite me assuring him of my safety, he still insisted that I allow his assistant to accompany me or he won't allow me to go.

Well, I just had to agree as I couldn't refuse anyways.

When I got to the school, it was already 1 pm which was the time where the seventh period ended.

Oh my!

I am late!

I planned to reach there earlier but ended up getting there late all thanks to the damn traffic!

The guards at the gate opened the school gate for us after collecting our pass and then the driver drove into the school compound and parked the car in the car park.

Looking at my wristwatch, I realized that it's now 1:05 pm.

Lucia must be in class right now.

I thought.

I was thinking of waiting up for her till closing time since the school will be closing in less than two hours anyway

I got out of the car and decided to stroll around the school compound as it was very beautiful.

It was embedded with beautiful flowering plants and shrubs which made the compound look more like a Vegetative garden than a school compound.

I walked out of the car and then walked towards a Palm tree and stood in front of it admiringly.

I heard once that the branches of the tree are used in Making broomsticks

Coconut and palm kernels are also gotten from the tree.

Though it takes years for the palm tree to fully develop it's worth it I guess.

Just like the story of the Dog and the Elephant.

The Elephant gives birth to a child once in Two years while the dog gives birth to dozens of puppies in just six months.

Though it takes time for the elephant child to develop it's worth it as dozens of puppies can't be compared to one elephant.

As I was staring at the tree, out of the corner of my eyes I saw a silhouette of a young girl standing in the sun.

The girl appeared to be wearing the uniform of First junior high school.

Why is she in the sun?

I thought

Isn't she afraid of getting sunburned?

Even though I was holding an umbrella I could still feel the intensity of the sun not to talk of this young girl.

I then decided to check out the girl and find out what's going on exactly.

As I began walking towards her I realized that the silhouette felt very familiar and when I reached her I realized that the girl was none other than Lucia.

But why is she in the sun? I thought.

As I got closer to her, I realized that she was sweating profusely and appeared to be very uncomfortable.

I used my Umbrella to cover her and that's when she noticed my presence as she turned to face me immediately.

" Auntie Lucy? " She called out.

I dropped my umbrella and crouched in front of her.

I could immediately feel the heat of the sun the Minute I dropped my umbrella.

" Lucia? What's going on, why are you out here in the sun? " I asked her holding her warm hands.

"I was asked to stand here in the sun by the Principal as a punishment. " She replied softly.

" What! Punishment? For what? "

" They claimed I intentionally injured a fellow student so .... " she pursed her lips.

Though she appeared to be very uncomfortable she didn't show it, perhaps it's because she didn't want me worrying for her.

" How dare they! This isn't punishment but bullying! " I was annoyed.

How could they?

" Auntie Lucy, I... " Lucia couldn't finish her sentence as her body suddenly went limp.

" What! " I squealed, I quickly held onto her limb body before she could fall Patrick call the ambulance! " I urgently told my husband's assistant who was already beside me.

" Madam, I have.... "

" Oh, Mrs.. Standford. " man's voice rang behind me and when I looked back at him I realized that it was none other than the principal of the school.

Not giving him a reply, I handed The unconscious Lucia to Patrick who carried her on his shoulders while we awaited the ambulance.

After confirming that Lucia is in safe hands, I turned to face the man in front of me.

" Oh, Mr. Principal what a coincidence. " I replied sarcastically.

" Em, ma'am why don't we head to my office so we could talk better. " He suggested.

" I am not interested in that..... "

" Ma'am the ambulance is here " Patrick informed me as he began walking towards the ambulance.

The van parked in front of us and the paramedics came out immediately and Lucia was taken from Patrick's hands and placed on the bed there.

It seemed like the Principal just realized what was going on now as he immediately called out to me.

" Mrs. Standford...."

" Oh, I guess that you've forgotten that Lucia Jackson is the Goddaughter of my sister right? " I told him and without waiting for him to respond I got into the ambulance and the van soon drove out of the compound.