Chapter 100

Chapter 94

On the way to the hospital, I called Stella and informed her what was going on.


---- Stella ----

I was checking out some documents in my office when my cell phone rang.

Glancing at the caller's ID I was a little Suprised.

I picked up the call and the voice from the other side rang out almost immediately.

" Hey Stella, I am very sorry to disturb you but I was at Lucia's School minutes ago, I met her standing in the sun. I was still asking her what happened when she suddenly fainted so I had to call the ambulance and now we are on the way to the City Hospital. " She said.

" Wait, What! How did this happen? Why was she in the sun? " I asked bewilderedly.

" I don't know for sure but I am sure we'll find out soon. " She replied.

" Alright, that's for your help. I'll be there soonest. "

" Okay. " She replied as the call ended.

I was in panic mode the moment the call ended.

My mind was filled with Hows and Whys.

I then started regretting forcing Lucia to head to school today despite her not wanting to go.

But well, I only wanted the best for her not knowing that things could go wrong.

I wished I had listened to her and allowed her to stay. perhaps this wouldn't have happened if I had only listened to her.

I then went to Rose's office.

After Knocking on the door three times I finally gained entry into the room.

There I saw Rose working on some files.

Well, we had all been busy this month with the project we had to complete before the end of the Month.

Rose raised her head from the Documents she was reading through.

" What's going on, Stella? Why do you look so flustered? " She asked.

" Oh, I just got a call from Lucy, Lucia is currently being taken to the hospital as she fainted. " I said and I could immediately see the shock in her eyes.

" Wait, what happened? " She asked panickly.

" I am not completely sure now but we'll find out soon. I will have to head over to the city hospital now. " I told her.

" I am coming with you. " She said standing up from her seat.

" No no, please don't. You can't just go anywhere anytime. You are already heavily pregnant remember? " I told her.

" But,... " she tried protesting

" Don't worry, I'll inform you of what we find out. " I assured her.

" Okay, drive safe and keep me updated. " She told me and I smiled at her.

I left the office and immediately drove to the city hospital.

' Lord, Please make my daughter fine. ' I prayed silently.


----- Lucy ----

Immediately the Ambulance got to the hospital.

The attending nurses immediately came to meet us with a gurney.

Lucia was immediately wheeled into the emergency room.

I had to wait outside with My husband's assistant while waiting for the doctor's report.

I sat on the iron chair there and before I knew it 30minutes had passed still there wasn't any sign of the doctor.

' What's going on? ' I thought.

Soon, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Stella running into the reception.

She got to where I was in no time.

" Where's Lucia, Lucy? " She asked me.

" She's currently in the emergency room. " I replied.

" Oh, I hope she's okay. "

" She will. " I said patting her hands.

I could very understand how she was feeling after all as mother's it's very hard for us to see our children hurt or in pain.

We waited for about Ten Minutes before the doors of the emergency room opened and a young lady in a white lab coat walked out of the room.

" Good day, Mrs. Standford and Miss Jackson. " She greeted with a bow when she was in front of us.

" How do you know who we are? " Stella and I asked in unison.

For a moment there we had completely forgotten about our purpose.

" Everyone in the capital knows. Moreover, I am Raymond's sister. " She said. "

" Raymond Wedlock? " I asked.

" Yes Mrs. Standford, I am Jasmine Wedlock. I am in charge of treating Lucia. " She replied.

" Oh, so how is she doing now? Why did she faint all of a sudden? "

" I guess it's because she was standing in the sun for too long. But don't worry we've stabilized her, she should be waking up anytime soon but she might end up having a fever. " She informed us.

" Okay. "

" By the way, why was she in the sun in the first place? "

" Well, I am not too sure though but I guess she was asked to stay in the sun as a punishment for intentionally hurting her fellow schoolmate. "

" What! What kind of punishment is that? That's called bullying and child abuse! " Jasmine snapped.

" That's what I thought too. We'll get to the bottom of this soon. " I assured her.

" I hope so. If you'll excuse me Mrs. Romero I need to see my other patients. " She told me.

" Alright, can we see Lucia now? "

" She should have been transferred to the VIP ward so I guess you can see her now just make sure to not disturb her sleep ."

" Rest assured that we won't," I said.

" Hm. " She nodded and soon walked away.

I now turned to face Stella who had been quiet all this while and then I realized that she had tears in her eyes.

" Oh my! What's going on? Why is Stella crying? " I thought alarmingly.

I held her hands and ushered her back to the seat before speaking up.

" Stella? Please talk to me. What's going on? Why are you crying?. The doctor just said that Lucia would be fine so why? " I asked gently.

" I am to be blamed for all of this, Lucy! " She sobbed.

" Why do you say so? " I asked curiously.

" Actually... Lucia didn't want to go to school today but I made her go despite her protests. I wish I had... " She trailed off.

I moved closer to her and embraced her while trying to console her.

" You aren't at fault, Stella. You only wanted the best for her. What happened now isn't your fault, alright? "

" But if I didn't force her to go to school then this.... "

" This might have happened anytime alright? So you shouldn't blame yourself okay? "

" Alright, thanks. Lucy. " She said with a smile as she wiped out her tears with her hands.

" It's alright. " I replied Smiling back at her.