Additional Chapter

Additional Chapter.

A month later.

All the three families were gathered together in Daniel's home.

" Auntie Rose, can I hold Little Treasure for a while? " Lucia asked Rose who was dressing up the child in the room.

Though Baby's name was Emmanuel they all nicknamed him little treasure as he's indeed the treasure of the Romero's.

Rose didn't reply immediately to Lucia's request as she continued dressing up the little guy, when she was done she pinched the little guy's cheeks to which he gave a small smile.

" You can hold him, Lucia. " She said handing over the child to little Lucia who carefully held him as the priceless treasure he was.

" Let's head to the kitchen to assist the rest. "

" Alright, auntie. "

Soon they walked to the Large kitchen where Lucy, Stella, and even Jasmine were.

They were all putting on different colors of aprons as they busied themselves with cooking.

Jasmine was given the task of chopping the Vegetables since she was very familiar with knives.

Stella was in charge of Washing the rice and preparing the spices while Lucy was in charge of cooking.

" Hey guys, can we help in any way? " Rose cheerful voice rang out the Large space interrupting the trio from their work.

" Oh no! "

" You don't have to worry about us, we can manage. "

" You just gave birth recently so you should be resting, Rose. " Jasmine turned into a professional mode within the snap of the fingers.

" Alright, then. We'll be leaving then. "

" Hm. "

Rose and Lucia then walked towards the bar in the house, as they went Lucia suddenly brought up a question.

" I didn't expect that Sis Jasmine to know how to cook. I even thought she had never entered the kitchen before but who knows... "

" Why did you think she does not know to cook? " Rose asked with curiosity.

" Well, since she's a doctor I thought she didn't have the time to learn how to cook since she spends all her time in the hospital. "

" You've got a point there, but well, I believe that if you want to learn something then it doesn't matter how tight your schedule is, you'll surely make time for it. "

" Yeah, and that involves cooking? "

" Probably. "

" By the way, how and when did you learn how to cook, Auntie? "

" Well, I learned it from one of my coursemates in college since I was raised like a princess in my parent's house and so wasn't allowed to even step into the kitchen. "

" Oh, that's understandable, what about baking? Is it a necessary skill for Cooking? "

" Not really but there's no harm in knowing how to bake at least you'll be able to bake your cake if an emergency arrives and your Baker can't bake the cake. "

" Yeah... "

As they were both engrossed in talking, they didn't even know when they had arrived in the minibar.

There, they saw the three men drinking Red wine. They sat encircled around a small round custom-made table.

They were both gisting and chatting, what was most surprising was that Adam who rarely smiled in front of others was grinning from ear to ear

The duo was overly curious about what they were talking about that got them this free.

" Hey Lucia you are here, why don't you join us. " Raymond who noticed their presence spoke up.

" Really? I guess you've forgotten that only Adults have the right to drink. "

" We know, Lucia. There is a cartoon of orange juice here and that's why he invited you. " Daniel replied pointing to the cartoon of juice.

" Oh, then I won't hesitate. " She smiled.

" Here, you can hand over the child to Adam. " Daniel said as he poured the juice into a cup for her.

Lucia did as she was told and handed over the child to Adam.

Daniel then stood up, allowing Lucia to take his place on the seat.

He walked towards Rose who had been staring at them all this while.

" Hey. " He said pecking her on the cheeks.

" I thought you'd forgotten about me. " Rose pouted.

" Of course not, why would I forget about you. " He embraced her.

" Well, that's what I thought. " She buried her head in his embrace.

" Hey, guys have you forgotten that you aren't the only ones in the room? Stop throwing dog food at us the single dogs. " Raymond said with envy.

" Just admit that you are jealous, Raymond. " Daniel said with a smirk.

" No! ... Why would I be? "

" But Uncle, why do you use the word ' We ' instead of ' I ' since you are the only single person here. "

" That's because you are also single too, Lucia. " He said sipping his juice.

" What! Who told you that I am single? I have a boyfriend alright? " She answered back.

Hearing her statement, Everyone present looked at her in Surprise while Raymond choked on the wine he was sipping.

" * Cough, cough. * "

" You have a boyfriend Lucia? " Rose asked in Surprise.

" Of course I do, Auntie. Who doesn't? "

" Who is it? " Raymond who finally recovered asked with a raised eyelid as he faced her.

" And why should I tell you? " Lucia dropped the glass cup on the table as she faced him, crossing her hands on her chest.

" Of course you'll have to tell me after all I will end up being your guardian in the r

" don't remember agreeing to that. "

" It's not your decision to make. "

" Really? But as far as I can remember my mom always consult me for my opinion before making a decision. "

" Wait, how is that possible? "

" It is, believes it or not so before you get to my mom you have to pass through me. " She said confidently.

" Oh... " Raymond was at a loss for words.

" By the way Lucia, Who's your boyfriend? " Rose asked the little girl softly.

" It's Ezekiel of course. " She replied with pride.

" Ezekiel Chen? " Rose asked as if trying to confirm what she heard.

" Of course, who else would be my boyfriend if not him? " She questioned.

" But, you... "

" I know what you want to say, auntie. ' Lucia, you are too young to have a boyfriend ', isn't that what you want to say? " She asked and seeing Rose nod she continued, " But Auntie, Ezekiel is a boy that is my friend... Best friend. It's that simple. You don't have to let your thoughts run wide. "

" Oh. I get it now. " Rose sighed in relief.

Then the baby who had been sleeping began to cry.

" What's wrong?. Why is he crying all of a sudden, Auntie? " Lucia asked.

" Let me have him. " Daniel said calmly as he stretched his hands in front of Adam.

" Okay. " Adam Replied handing over the child to Him.

Daniel then carried the child in his arms and then started rocking him gently.

Soon, the cries died down and the child even chuckled.

" Oh wow! " Raymond and Lucia exclaimed in Surprise.

" I guess that a child will always recognize his father. " Lucia said.

" Kinda. " Raymond Replied.


The dinner table was filled with all kinds of desserts from different parts of the Globe. They were Fried rice, Chickens, Grilled meat Fruit Salad, fried plantains, fried fish, porridge, Spaghetti, and so on.

They all settled down on the chairs around the long Rectangular table.

Adam and Daniel both sat opposite each other at the head of the table.

Lucia and Jasmine sat close to each other on one side.

Raymond and Stella sat together on the other side.

While Lucy and Rose sat next to their husbands who were seating on the head chair.

" Oh my! I suddenly love the seating arrangement. Everyone with their partners. " Raymond exclaimed.

" Uncle are you trying to make Sis Jasmine and I feel bad? " Lucia accused him bluntly.

" Of course not. "

" Last time I heard brother you are still single. " Jasmine snapped back.

" But not anymore. "

" What do you mean? " Lucy asked as everyone's heads snapped in his direction.

" Hey, be patient I'll explain everything after we've finished eating. " He replied calmly despite being very nervous inside.

" Okay. "

" Let's give thanks before we start eating. " Lucy said and everyone nodded.

After the short prayer of thanks, the group began eating.


" So what do you mean by you are no longer single? " Rose was the first to break the silence after they finished eating.

" Well, Stella and I both have an announcement to make. " Raymond said as he sipped his juice.

" Stella and you? "

" Don't tell me... "

" Yes, we both currently dating now. "

" What! How when? " Lucia was the first to react as she turned to face her mom, " When did this start mom? I thought we are the closest thing to each other so why did you keep this from me? Tell me, mom? " She questioned.

" Am sorry, Lucia. It all happened recently and I haven't got time to talk to you about it, I am sorry. "

" It's okay, mom. As long as you are happy. "

Hearing this from Lucia the remaining women at the table felt touched, they never expected Lucia to be this understanding.

Stella's eyes turned red when she heard this from her daughter, she would never stop being thankful to God for giving her such an Amazing Daughter. " Thanks, baby. " She said hugging Lucia when she got to where the latter was.

Now, they were in the living room seating on the couches.

" So when did you guys start dating? " Rose asked.

" Umm... About a week ago. " Stella Replied.

" Oh, but what made you agree to date an arrogant man like my brother? " Jasmine asked.

" Jazz! "

" Hey cool down, Bro. We aren't in a battleground alright? "

" Whatever! "

" Well, I just decided to give him a chance since there's no harm in giving chances. " Stella Replied with a shrug.

" Oh my! So it means that you don't have feelings for him? " Jasmine exclaimed with Surprise.

" Well... "

" Of course my mom doesn't. Do you think it's that easy to develop feelings for an arrogant man? "

" Lucia! Don't forget that I'll become your legal father in the future after your mom and I get married. "

" Stop dreaming too high, Uncle Raymond. Whether you'll get married to my mom or not still depends on me! So stop getting ahead of yourself." She stated.

" Really? "

" Of course. Am I right mom? " She turned back to face her mom.

" You are. " Stella sighed helplessly.

" See? " Lucia stared arrogantly at Raymond and the latter glared at her in return.

" Why do I suddenly feel that you guys will make the perfect father-daughter relationship? " Rose said.

" Of course we will. " Raymond Replied confidently.

" I haven't even accepted the relationship between you and my mom yet but you are already dreaming of having a perfect father-daughter relationship with me, don't you think you dreaming too big, uncle? "

" It doesn't matter as it will eventually happen and I am sure it's going to be soon. " He answered back confidently.

" Stop being arrogant! "

" Guys! Will you stop arguing like kids? " Jasmine said.

" I am not a kid but I am not sure if Uncle Raymond is. I remember the last time he tried to bribe me with ice cream. I guess he had forgotten that I don't take ice cream during snow. "

" What! Did he try to bribe you with ice cream, during Snow? " Stella said exasperatedly as she turned to face Raymond who had his head down.

" Of course, I don't have any reason to lie do I? "

" I didn't know you were this Childish, Raymond. " Rose commented.

" I am not I just wanted to get her to speak with me that's all. " Raymond said in self-defense.

" Anyway guys, I have something to talk to you about. " Stella spoke up in a serious tone.

" What is it? " Rose asked.

They all became serious along with Stella as they knew that there's going to be a serious discussion.

[ A/N: Can you guys guess what Stella has to say? ]