Additional Chapter 2

Additional Chapter 2

" Well... " Stella began. " My parents approached me the other day and said that they want me back. " Stella said reminiscing the day she met her parents.

She decided to head to a cafe to have some coffee to relax after work that day.

She ordered a cup of iced Cappuccino.

She sat down on the chair sipping the coffee as she browsed Through the net with her phone.

While into it, she heard her name from a distance catching her Attention, she raised her head and saw two middle-aged couples walking towards her.

" Ella? " The man called out as if confirming who she was.

Stella stared at the middle-aged couple whose hair was a mixture of white and black.

She recognized them, who wouldn't? They were her parents after all the ones that abandoned her when she needed them the most.

They threw her away like trash at her weakest point.

Looking at them now, she didn't feel an ounce of emotion towards them, there wasn't the hateful feeling or Disgust it was just plain.

" Stella darling? " The woman called out, Stella guessed they would have recognized her now.

As they were already in front of her and have guessed who she was already, she didn't bother pretending. " Yes? Why are you looking for me? "

" So it's indeed you. I see that you are living a good life. " The man commented as he stared at her from head to toe.

" Of course, I guess I have to thank you though, because if you didn't throw me out back then, perhaps I would still be a spoilt brat that you raised me to be. "

" But you can't blame us for throwing you out then, you got pregnant out of wedlock what do you think the public will say of our family if they found out? What would happen to the reputation of our family? "

" As always. All you care about is your reputation! "

" You won't understand. "

" I don't even want to! Why are you guys here? What do you want from me? "She asked going straight to the point.

" Well, we need your help. " The man said after they had settled down on the chair beside her.

Since the table was a three-seater they were able to seat around it comfortably.

" Really? What makes you think I'll agree to help you guys after all that happened? "

" But that wasn't our fault! We only did what we had to! " The man said in self-defense.

" Oh really? So it's alright for parents to ditch their children and then come back to them later when they feel like it? "

" Stella! You have no right to speak to us like that! We are still your parents like it or not! "

" Of course I know that but according to the law, I am not your daughter anymore, or am I? I remember you disowned me or don't tell me you've forgotten about that already? "

" It doesn't matter as you can't deny the fact that we gave birth to you! We are still blood-related! "

" Oh? Where was the blood relationship when you disowned me your daughter? I knew I did something wrong but everyone makes mistakes so why? You didn't even listen to my explanation and just made your decision. But yet you come back to tell me that you need my help. " She scoffed.

" I know that we did something wrong years ago and we deeply regret it. But you can't pay evil for evil as there won't be a difference between us if you do. " The woman said calmly.

" So what do you want from me? "

" Well, the company is in trouble. The investors are threatening to sell off their shares and we don't know what to do about it so... "

" Oh, but why is the company in trouble in the first place? " She asked.

" Well,... " The man Hesitated.

" If you don't tell me the truth then how else do you expect me to help? "

" The truth is your brother who is the current president of the company is acting irresponsible, he spends his time clubbing and going from hotels to hotels and doesn't even care about the company and that's why the company is like this. "

" Umm... But I thought he was the perfect son and the most suitable candidate for the presidential position of the company. " Stella said requoting the words they said to her years ago.

" Well that's what we thought years ago but not now. So will you help us? "

" How would I help? I am not a billionaire or anything so how can I help you? "

" Don't pretend to not know what mean Stella! We both know that you are the Personal assistant to Rose Quinn ... Rose Romero. The new CEO of Quinn's group. "

" That's true but that doesn't mean anything, does it? "

" How about you try convincing Rose to see if she'll agree to purchase the shares of the company. We don't mind if the Company ends up being under Quinn's group as long as it survives. "

" I will see what I can do. But I am not promising anything. " Stella said pursing her lips.

" Thank you. " They said and Stella could swear that she saw the Sincerity in their hands.

But she often wonders why people always Realize their mistake only when it had been committed and the consequences of the mistakes had come back to bite them in the back.

What were they expecting from their son who had always been reckless from childhood?

How were they expecting someone who only cares about spending money to run a tech company without making mistakes?


Back to the present.

" So you agreed to help them? "

" Of course I did. I had no choice. " Stella sighed helplessly.

" I don't know why but I feel very proud of you, Stella! Despite all that happened, you were willing to put the past behind you and even agreed to help them! " Jasmine said with a proud smile.

" Hm, thanks. I just did what I had to after all no matter how much I try to deny the fact that they are still my biological parents' remains. "

" That's true so what are you planning to do now? "

" Well,... "

" Don't worry about it. I'll handle the situation. " Rose said.

" Thank you, Rose! "

" You welcome. " She grinned.

" Not bad. Mom, I don't know why but I have this feeling that you'll become the president of the Jackson cooperation and I'll be the President's Daughter. How good does that sound? Though I don't think I will be very much comfortable with having burly men... Bodyguards follow me about wherever I go. " Lucia said.

" I feel the same too. What if this is life-giving you another chance to achieve some of the dreams you weren't able to before? "

" Probably. "

" Anyways, I wish you the best of luck in everything. "

" Thank you. "

" By the way, When are you going to settle down, Sis Jasmine? "

" Why are you asking me this all of a sudden? " Jasmine was Suprised by the sudden question thrown at her.

" I was just curious alright? Since you spend all your time in the hospital and Reading medical books. "

" I am not ready for a serious relationship yet. "

" Why? " Lucy asked.

" Well, I am not ready to fall in love as I don't want to hit my head on the ground. "

" Hahaha! That's so funny Sis Jasmine but not everyone who falls in love ends up hitting their head on the ground, you Know. "

" I know but who knows, mine might end up being different. "

" Anyways, I think you should settle down soon as you aren't getting any younger. " Rose advised.

" Be rest assured that I will. "

" By the way, I noticed earlier that CEO Daniel was able to calm Little Treasure down by just holding him, how did he do it? "

" Well, I don't know too but perhaps that's due to fatherly love. "

" You wouldn't know what fatherly love means since you are still single uncle Raymond. "

" Lucia! Why are you so hellbent on picking on me? Did I ever offend you? "

" Offend? Yes! You've done that many times. "

" How and when? " Raymond asked curiously, he badly wanted to know why the young girl kept picking on him nonstop.

" Firstly, You started dating my mom behind my back. You got my mom so occupied that she rarely has time for me. You keep intimidating the Men who are interested in Sister Jasmine with your presence and gaze and lastly, You are a professional sportsman but you keep making me feel bad with your bluffing on how fast you can run and how no one can match your pace, you did this despite knowing that I had always been sensitive to things like sports! With all of this don't you think you deserve to be picked on to death by me? " She queried.

".... " Raymond was rendered completely speechless by her.

He never imagined that the little things he said or did had somehow managed to offend the little girl.

Hearing her speech, even Stella and the rest were speechless as they facepalmed.

" Am sorry, Lucia. I didn't mean to offend you with all of this. Please forgive me will you? "

" I will forgive you but not yet. I'll do it when the time comes. " She replied.

" Okay. "

" Just so you know. It isn't an easy thing to gain my forgiveness. I can be very mean at times. "

' I already know that. ' Raymond thought inwardly.

" Anyways, I see that the men are busy Talking about Business. " Lucia noted referring to Adam and Daniel who were both seating on a couch a little far away from where the group is seated.

" Yeah. "

" How about we do something more interesting? "

" Like? "

" 20 Questions! So what do you guys say? "

" it's a good idea I guess. "

" Same here. "

" Same but no sensitive questions, okay? "

" I agree. "

" Alright so I'll start with the questions and my first interview will be with Uncle Raymond! " Lucia announced Happily, it seemed like she had already pre-planned all of this.

" Why me first? I thought you agreed not to pick on me again. "

" I didn't agree to that, did I? I only said I would forgive you and I haven't since you haven't earned my forgiveness yet. " She stated as a matter of fact.

" Anyways, you can start but remember no sensitive questions. "

" Sure. "

" My first question is,... " She paused as she scrutinized everyone's face especially Raymond's.

" Why didn't you pursue a white-collar job and choose to settle for sports? "

Raymond sighed in relief hearing her question. " Well, I decided to go into sports professionally because I love it. " He replied.

" Okay, my next question is... At what age did you join a football club? "

" Age 17. "

He also sighed in relief hearing this but well, I guess it was too early for him to sigh in relief as the next question made him go ....!

" At what age did you have your first girlfriend? " Lucia asked as she placed her hands on her chin and stared at him awaiting his answer.

When she thought she was the only one, she was a little surprised to see that the rest of the group also awaited it.

" Age 20. " Raymond finally Replied after careful consideration.

" Who is she? "

" Lucia! "

" Just answer, Uncle Raymond. " she urged him.

" Yvonne Solis. " He said a name.

" Oh my! Yvonne Solis? The all-time winner of the Female International Football contest? " Rose was the first to react.

" Yes, it's her. " She affirmed.

" Oh, so why did you guys break up? "

" Well, she fell in love with someone else. Who was willing to accept her despite her flaws. " He replied Simply but his eyes reflected certain emotions... Pain and hurt.

As if realizing that she had touched a sore spot Lucia immediately apologized. " I am sorry uncle Raymond. I didn't mean any harm. "

" It's okay. " Raymond said as he brought his palm to his eyes and wiped out the lone tear that managed to escape his eyes.

" So should I continue? "

" You can," he said giving her his permission and so the game continued.

For the rest of the game, no sensitive questions were asked.

Questions like, What's your Favorite Artist. What's your best movie. What's your best color and why?

These watershed questions that were asked and so much more.

The group joked, chatted, and did so many interesting things till it was nightfall when they all went to their various Houses in their cars.

[ A/N: Volume Two ends here, I am surely going to miss Lucia and Raymond's banter. I wish I could write more about them, but well, I have to follow the storyline but well, I might end up writing a book about them in the future though I am not certain. See you in the next volume guys! Love you all... Muah! " ]