Volume 3: One

* Happy New Month, readers!!!! *

Years later.

Inside a girly styled bedroom, a young girl lay completely tucked under the blankets.

She was sleeping peacefully with a faint smile on her face.

The room was completely quiet. until.

The door to the room was opened with a bang and another girl entered.

She was a young woman in her early adulthood.

She was putting on, a v necked blue ball gown and glass heels. , her long brown hair was tied to a bun. She looked beautiful in total.

Walking briskly towards the girl on the bed.

She gently pulled the pink blankets off the little girl on the bed.

" Wake up Jemmy!!! " She called out to the girl who was sleeping and soon.

Soon, the young girl's beautiful eyes were opened and the girl on the bed yawned.

She sat on the bed still groggily as she studied her surroundings.

" Sis Lucia? " She called the girl in the ball gown.

" Of course, Jemmy. Let's go get you freshened up! "

" Oh, but why? It's still so early? " The girl asked with confusion Brimming in her orbs.

" You'll find out soon, for now, let's go get you to freshen you up! " She pulled the little girl up the bed and then into the bathroom.

While the girl brushed her teeth, the other woman prepared the bath with warm water.


Minutes later.

The young girl was now dressed in a princess ball gown which was pink in color she was also wearing a pair of glass slippers.

" You haven't told me what's going on yet, Sis Lucia! " The young girl voiced out a complaint with a pout.

" You'll find out soon, little Jemmy. " The older girl Replied softly as she braided Little Jemmy's hair.

When she was done.

" Look at your reflection, how do you look? " The other girl asked her.

" Oh my! I look exactly like a Disney princess!!! "

" Which Disney princess? "

" Well, I am not sure yet. "

" Oh, you know what I think? "

" What? "

" You look so beautiful that you can't be compared to any Disney princess as you look more beautiful than them. "

" Really? " She asked with Surprise.

" Of course, have I ever lied to you?

" No. " She shook her head.

" Good, now let's go to the living room. " She told the girl.

" Sure. " She gave her hands to Lucia who held it.

While they walked through the corridors which were well decorated with beautiful lights, ribbons, Magical balloons, and so on.

" Are you feeling cold, Jemmy? " The older one asked the younger one.

" No. "

" Okay. " The older one sighed in relief.

The moment they descended the stairs, the formerly dark place suddenly lit up with beautiful bright lights.

Looking at the ground and everywhere, the young girl was astounding.

The whole ground was covered with multi-colored balloons.

The girl stared fascinatingly at the balloons, happiness was evident in her eyes.

She completely forgot about the older girl who was with her and continued walking.

The balloons led her towards the Garden outside the house.

Immediately she stepped out she realized that everywhere around her was completely dark as it was still early morning.

As it was summer the weather wasn't cold.

Then she remembered the older girl and looked at her.

' Now she remembers, Me. ' The older girl thought.

She clapped her hands together and all of a sudden the lights turned on.

Jemmy looked ahead but didn't see anything or anyone but she saw a signboard that said, Walk ahead.

She did as the signboard said and continued walking then she saw a large picture of herself on one of the trees there.

' Wow! It's so beautiful ' she Exclaimed inwardly.

But why is it here and where's everyone? She thought.

" Where's everyone? " She asked the older girl.

" Well... "

She was about to speak up when the spots light shone on them all of a sudden.

Then Jemmy who was already at a designated spot suddenly felt shinny pieces of decoration pouring on her from the top.

Then, a loud bang was heard followed by the scream of, ' Happy Birthday, Jemmy! '

" Oh my! So it's my birthday? " She asked completely stunned.

" Yes. " The other girl said.

Then She saw everyone coming out from their hiding places.

Her mom was the first person she saw, she was dressed in a beautifully designed prom dress and a pair of glass slippers were on her feet, hair beautiful hair was tied up into a bun with a flower designed bow Making her look so beautiful and dazzling

Her mom approached her and hugged her to herself, " Happy birthday, Baby! "

" Thanks, Mom. Does that mean I am now 10years old? "

" Of course, Honey! " She said ruffling my hair.

" Don't ruffle my hair. I am not a child anymore! "

" Oh yes, you aren't but in my eyes, you'll always be my baby! " Her mom Smiled back at her.

" Thanks, Mom. "

Then she saw her dad Approaching them.

He looked so handsome in his Brown Givenchy Suit which made him look like a young billionaire.

Immediately her Dad got to her, He carried her up in his arms as he rolled.

" My little Princess is now 10years old! I am so happy! " He Exclaimed.

" Oh my! Please put me down, Dad! I feel a little dizzy! "

Hearing her complaints, Adam quickly put her back to the ground and crouched in front of her " Are you alright, jemmy? " He asked, concern laced in his tone.

" I am dad. " She replied with a smile. " Thanks for the birthday surprise. "

" Oh that, wasn't my doing but your mom and your numerous aunties. " He grinned.

" Oh. " I then looked around and saw that everyone had gathered around.

I saw Auntie Rose Approaching me, she was also wearing a Beautifully designed Prom dress too.

" Happy birthday, Jemmy! " She said with a Happy Smile and hugged me.

" Thanks, Auntie! "

" It's my pleasure. "

" So where's bro Emmanuel? "

" He's over there. " Rose said pointing towards a guy who was hiding behind his dad.

" Oh, but why is he hiding? "

" Perhaps he's just shy"

" Alright then. "

Then a beautiful lady walked towards them and immediately pulled jemmy into a hug. " Happy birthday, Jemmy! "

" Thanks, Aunt Jasmine. " Jemmy Replied after breaking the hug.

" It's my pleasure. By the way. Your dress looks so beautiful on you. "

" Oh, thanks. You look stunning in your dress too. "

" Of course she is after all she's my beautiful wife. " A male voice rang there.

And Jemmy recognized him as Azrael Everett. Jasmine's Husband.

" Yeah. Thanks for coming to my birthday party, Uncle Azrael. "

" It's my pleasure, Jemmy. Happy birthday, girl! "

Then, " Who's trying to snatch my favorite person from me? " A dramatic voice was heard from behind them.

As a man in an all-blue suit walked towards them, his figure stood out from all the other males there as he looked exactly like a Supermodel brought out of a magazine.

He was none other than Raymond...

" Why are you always been so dramatic, Brother? " Jasmine questioned him when he reached where they are.

" I have to after all someone here is so hell-bent on snatching everyone close to me. " He said referring to Azrael.

Hearing this, Jasmine's facepalmed.

She didn't know why her brother is seeing her husband as a competitor.

" Hey, Brother-in-law. "

" Hey. " He replied Simply and walked towards the birthday girl.

" Happy birthday, Jemmy! " He said.

" Thank you. " Jemmy said with a dazzling smile.

She too couldn't help but wonder when these two will settle their differences and become friends.