Volume 3: Four.

Days later.

As it was nighttime, little Jemmy was lying on her medium-sized bed in her princess-style bedroom.

Robot Emmy was standing by the bedside as she listened to Jemmy's miscellaneous Questions and answered her Politely.

" So what is my best food, Emmy? " Little Jemmy asked trying to test the Robot's memory.

" Umm... It's a Sandwich. "

" Oh? "

" Yes, Miss Jemmy "

" What about my best snack? "

" Tomato Pizza. "

" Best Drink? "

" Orange Juice. "

" Favorite color? "

" Purple.. "

" Age? "

" Miss is currently 10 years and Fifteen days old. "

" Best outfit? "

" Jumpsuit like Miss Lucia. "

" Wow! You are so smart, Emmy! "

" Thanks, Miss! "

" So I want to sleep now, Emmy. But I can't seem to be able to catch up on some sleep. What should I do? "

" Umm... Should I go to call Miss's Parents? "

" Na. They might be asleep already so I don't want to disturb them.. "

" Should I bring your Headphones over? "

" No, I don't need that. How about you tell me a story and sing for me after? "

" Okay, What kind of story do you want me to tell you, Miss? "

" How about Teen Fictions? "

" Okay, Miss. " Emmy paused for a little while as if scanning for stories in Teen fiction.

Jemmy lied Lazily on the bed in her pajamas as she watched Emmy.

" Should I start now, Miss? " Emmy's robotic voice rang in the room.

" You can. "

" Okay. "

" The story is Titled My True Friend by a Young Teen Writer Queenebunoluwa15. "

" Oh, but I thought most Writers are old men and women. "

" That was before, Miss. Now Young Teenagers are the ones dominating the writing Industry. "

" Oh, that's new. You can proceed. "

" Alright, Miss. "

" The Short Novel in summary is about Two Sixteen-year-old Teenage girls Stella and Steva. They were best friends, they were often addressed as the Writer and The painter. Due to how close they were, they were often called the inseparable Duo by their mates. Their relationship was so strong that they were always seen together and they never allowed anyone to come between them. As expected there were Lots of students who were jealous of their relationship and plotted to break them up. They managed to Succeed using one of the friend's weakest spots... "

" Weakest Spot? What's that? " Jemmy asked cutting Emmy off.

" Well, that's what you love and care about the most and you'll do anything to protect it. "

" Oh, so does everyone has a weak spot? "

" Not everyone but most people do have weak spots and this is what enemies use against one if one isn't careful enough. "

" Oh, you can proceed with the story. "

" Okay. As expected the two friends, friendship couldn't stand that blow and so their friendship broke. Due to them not being able to control their temper, they ended up getting physical with each other ( fighting ) and so were suspended from school for one week. "

" That's so sad. " Little Jemmy commented.

" Yeah. After they resumed back to school after the one-week suspension they began to ignore one another. They never talked to one another after what happened between them. The one who planned all this was very happy to know that she had broken their friendship. She further planned to Tarnish their reputation in school but failed as one was protecting the other from the sidelines. "

" Wow! That's amazing! "

" Yeah. A fire broke out all of a sudden on a Wednesday. Steva one of the girls who happened to love painting was stuck in the studio, while everyone escaped she didn't as she was so engrossed in painting but the other girl who was downstairs remembered her and went in to save her despite everyone's protests. "

" Oh my! She's a true friend! "

" Right. She managed to save the other but when the other had been placed safely on the Gurney ( Walking stretcher ) she wanted to leave but as she was about to, heavy debris fell on her head and so she fainted. "

" Oh no! "

" While the Painter, Steva woke up three days later, Stella the savior wasn't so lucky as she only woke up about a month later, and due to the impact of the injury on her brain, she lost all of her precious memories. Stella's Mother blamed Steva for all that happened. "

" Anyone would have done that If they were in Stella's mother's shoes. "

" Yeah. Stella regained her memories after she watched a video of the fire outbreak. She forgave Steva for everything that happened after the other apologized Sincerely. "

" Such a Caring friend. "

" Hm. They became friends again and never had big arguments again. "

" Why do I feel that this book has more to it than what you are telling me, Emmy? "

" You are right but that's left for the readers to find out. The writer of the story will kill me if I decide to narrate it all to you. "

" Oh, but I thought you can't die? "

" I can't but... Anyways do you enjoy the story? "

" I did. I must say the Writer is a very talented one. "

" Yeah, she is but unfortunately, she's battling with low self-esteem. She often thinks her books aren't good enough. "

" That's so sad. I wished she believed more in herself. "

" Same here. Do you still want me to sing to you? "

" Yeah, Sure. "

" Which song. "

" Umm... Let me think... What about, You say by Lauren Daigle? "

" Why do you choose that? "

" Well, since I enjoyed the book you summarized for me and you told me that the writer of the book is feeling not good enough. Why don't you sing You say in dedication to her? So she can believe more in herself? "

" Wow! That's good reasoning! "

" Thought so too. "

" Okay, 3-2-1. "

" I keep fighting voices in my mind that says I am not enough.

Every single lie that tells me I'll never measure up.

Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low?

Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know.

You say I am loved

When I can't feel a thing

You say I am strong

When I think I am weak

And you say I am held

When I am falling short.

And when I don't belong

Oh you say I am yours

And I believe, oh I believe

What you say of me

Oh, I believe....... "

" Wow! That was amazing! "

" Thank you! "

" So dearest Writer, I hope you enjoyed the song. Please try to believe more in yourself and your father in heaven more than what other people say about you and your writing. "

" Umm. I agree. "

Then, the door of Jemmy's room opened and Lucy walked in, she was putting on a Purple nightgown that reached her mid-tights.

" Good evening, Mrs. Standford. " Emmy greeted with a bow.

" Evening, Emmy. "

" Good evening, Mom. Why aren't you asleep yet? "

" Evening, Jemmy. Don't you think I should say that to you too? " She asked softly.

Jemmy say up on the bed and turned to face her mom. " I couldn't sleep. " She whined.

" Oh, why didn't you call me over to tell you a bedtime story? " Lucy enquired.

" Well, I thought you were asleep so I asked, Emmy, to tell me one and to Sing Me a song. "

" Oh, is Emmy trying to take over my motherly duties now? " Lucy said feigning jealousy.

" Oh no! Mrs. Standford! "

" Oh no! Mom.."

" So? "

" You don't have to be jealous of, Emmy. Mom, I didn't want to disturb you and that's why. "

" Oh, but when have I been tired of caring for my daughter? "

" Am sorry, mom. "

" It's alright. "

" You can leave now, Emmy. Thanks for the hard work. "

" It's nothing, Mrs. " Emmy bowed a little before leaving.

After she left, Lucy tucked Jemmy back on the bed and read her a bedtime story.

The latter fell asleep the minute her mom reached half of the story.

Lucy smiled seeing this.

That's the power of mother love.

[ A/N: Umm.. yeah, I am indeed battling with low self-esteem. I hope you guys will help me to overcome it with your beautiful comments and reviews. Thanks in advance. ]