Volume 3: Five

Days later.

Jemmy was in the living room playing chess with her younger brother.

They were both putting on casual Clothing, while Jemmy wore an orange top and white pants, Caleb her brother wore a blue top and blue pants.

They were sitting opposite each other on the Sofa as they played the game.

" I won! " Jemmy announced Happily.

" Oh no! How is that possible, but... "

" Well, since you refused to sacrifice your queen I ended up winning. "

" Whatever. " He said solemnly, " Why don't we play the card game then? " He suggested.

" Umm... " Jemmy contemplated since she wasn't very good at playing cards.

" Don't tell me you are scared now? Scared of losing to me? " He taunted.

" Of course not! Why would I be afraid of losing to you? The truth is, real winners aren't afraid of failing. Even when they fail they get back up! "

" Oh, I didn't know you've become a motivational speaker now, Sis Jemmy. " He stared at her with his cute little eyes.

" I am not preaching to you, just stating facts! Either you take it or leave it! "

" Anyways, I'll go get the cards now. " He announced before standing up and heading upstairs to his room to get the cards.

" Sis. " A very soft and babyish voice Interrupted Jemmy from her thoughts and she turned around and saw her little sister walking towards her with her little shaky legs.

" Oh, Presley. How did you get downstairs? " Jemmy queried the little girl as she walked towards her before carrying her in her arms.

The little girl giggled when Jemmy pinched her soft cheeks.

" I brought her downstairs. " Lucy's voice was heard from the kitchen.

" Oh, when, Mom? How come I didn't notice you coming down? " Jemmy questioned with Surprise.

" How are you going to know that when you were in deep thoughts. " Lucy walked out of the kitchen and started to approach them. " I wonder what you were thinking so deeply about though? " She crossed her hands on her chest.

" Well, I wasn't thinking about anything in particular though, just some random thoughts. " Jemmy Replied as she sat down back on the sofa with Little Presley in her arms.

Lucy didn't speak up immediately but continued staring at Jemmy as if to confirm if the latter was lying or saying the truth. " If you say so. " She sighed as she passed a plate of cookies to Jemmy.

" Thanks, Mom. " Jemmy said as she collected the plate of cookies and took a bite. " It's delicious. " She whispered before giving a cookie to little Presley who also took a bite.

" Am glad that it is. " Lucy Smiled and as if remembering something, she spoke up. " Where's Caleb? "

Jemmy paused for a second before giving another cookie to Presley. " He went upstairs to his room to... "

" Am here, Mom. " Caleb's voice echoed in the living room cutting Jemmy off.

They looked up and saw him descending the stairs carefully, he had a pack of cards in his arms.

" Oh. So it was you who kept the cards safe in your room? " Lucy asked as she continued staring at Caleb who was now approaching them.

" It was me, Mom. " He announced as he approached them.

" You'll never change. " Lucy shook her head. " Here's your cookies. " She said handing over the other plate of cookies to him.

" Thanks, Mom. " He grinned as he took the plate of cookies from her.

" You welcome. " She smiled. " Continue playing your games but remember, no fighting. " She warned them.

" Alright, Mom. " Jemmy and Caleb Replied in unison.

" Better. " Lucy said with relief. before going back to the kitchen to continue preparing dinner as it was about three hours before dinner time.

" Hello, Little Presley. " Caleb said pinching the cheeks of the younger girl on Jemmy's laps.

The girl giggled at being pinched.

" So cute. " He smiled, " can I carry her, Sis? " He asked Jemmy who was still munching on some cookies.

" We are going to be playing a game right? " She stared at him and when he nodded, she continued. " You can carry her after the game. I don't want you to give an excuse for not being able to concentrate on playing. " She told him.

" Sis! Are you a witch? How did you know what's on my mind? " He stared at her in Surprise.

" Am not a witch or anything, alright? It's just that you are so easy to read, just like an open book. " She told him.

" Really? "

" Yeah. " She nodded.

" But why can't my friends at school read my thoughts as easily as you can? " He continued asking.

" Perhaps they aren't as smart as The claim to be, or they don't feel the need to read you as I do. " She replied.

" Maybe. " He said in surrender.


" Let's start playing, Sis. " Caleb announced once they were done with munching the cookies.

" Okay. You can shuffle the cards. " She told him.

" You are not offering to do it? " He was surprised.

" No. " She said and when he continued staring at her with a question in his eyes, " I don't want you to give an excuse for not getting the right cards. " She added.

" Sis! Stop reading me! " He whined.

" Books are meant for reading alright? " She defended.

" Whatever. I can't argue with a bookworm like you. "

" I am not a book worm, okay? I just love to read to sleep, alright? "

" Whatever, it's still the same thing! "

" Practice how to read for longer hours instead of being envious of bookworms! " She fired back.

" Are we on a battleground, Sis? " He said solemnly. " I thought we are going to play a game here. " He added.

" Yeah, but you keep on bringing up topics of discussion. " She told him.

Meanwhile, Little Presley who was sitting on Jemmy's lap was staring at them in amusement though she couldn't understand what they were talking about.

" Anyways, let's start playing. " He finally relented and soon they began playing the cards.

" Last card, Checkup! " Caleb announced with a smug smile.

" Oh, congrats to you. " Jemmy said mildly.

They went on another round.

" Last card, Checkup! " Caleb announced once again, this time pride was brimming in his orbs.

" Congrats to you. " Jemmy said once again with a face devoid of emotions.

They went on a third round and this time Jemmy won, " I won! " She announced with no expression on her face.

" How is that possible? " Caleb was shocked, he was very well aware that his sister didn't know how to play the card game.

" What do you think? " Jemmy stared at him.

" Let's go on another round. " He announced.

" Sure. "

They went on a fourth and fifth-round and once again Jemmy won.

" You are cheating! " Caleb announced arrogantly.

" Oh? When you won it was a win but when I win its cheating, is that fair to me, Caleb? " She questioned him with a raised eyelid.

" But... You don't know how to play the card game. " He stated.

" I admit that I don't know how to play the card game but that doesn't mean I can't learn how to, no? "

" You can but... "

" Never underestimate anyone, Caleb. " She said patting his curly hair before standing up and sitting Little Presley on the couch carefully, after making sure that the latter was comfortable, she got a teddy bear from the other couch and placed it in front of her.

Jemmy then motioned to Caleb to watch over her before she then headed to the kitchen to assist her mom with cooking.

[ A/N: I hope you aren't forgetting that Jemmy is just 10years old, though I guess that the big sister aura is pretty strong. ]