Ch. 98 The Odin

Due to the hour being rather late, or early depending on how one chose to look at it, only those students decanted enough to come in several hours early to work on their assignments, or do side projects for extra credit. Most of them were so engrossed into what they where doing, that only one or two looked up from their workbench, and tools, when Elric, Ray, and Myra walked into Sid's lab.

"Hello, Headmaster, and special instructors, Master Sid, is in the uumm, the ah drydock I think is what you called it last time you came by."

"Thanks, Nugget right? Keep up the good work. Your cores are much better than the ones I tried to make."

"That is only because headmaster has only made three, while this will be my hundredth one."

"I will be sure to tell Sid to let you keep that one, as it is your one hundredth one, that way you can use it as the core for your very own doll. If you bring it to my office, I will charge it with magic personally for you even."