Ch. 99 We are going home.

The Odin's hulking form made its way through the air flying above the hills, valleys, plains, lakes, and forest below, gathering the awe of the empire's subjects that where starting their day. Not wanting to push the engines to much, Elric kept the speed down, flying at around one third Odin's max speed. Thanks to the rather large flags bearing the imperial emblem, most of the people that caught sight of it cheered, instead of running in fear from the shear thought of what the more than two hundred large cannons could do to anything they happened to take aim at. Most of them had grown use to the sight of Elric, and Blaze flying over them in the last several months the academy had been open. Many of them even had family members that worked there. So the idea of flying was not a completely foreign concept for them. It was only somewhat strange to see that it was a really big boat, and not a dragon above them.