"Where is Sam your grace?"
"I know this will be hard for your to hear Willum, but Sam is no longer with us."
"What happened to my best buddy, please tell me he had a good death."
"I will let you be the judge on it it was a good death or not. Sam gave his life in the line of duty if that helps."
"May I ask how your grace?"
"We were jumped by a group of bandits shortly after arriving in Port Nass while out shopping. He was out numbered, and still recovering from an injury revived while at sea, but still managed to take two of the three down, before falling victim to their daggers."
"He died while in battle, and gave his life for his prince, and queen. I can think of not better death for a knight like Sam."
" Speaking of the Crown Prince how is he, and dose he know that he is a prince?"