Ch. 104 A kingdom with no king

A the meal came to an end, only Elric, Willum, Ciara, and Blaze remained at the table. With only the four of them in the room, if you don't count Zephyr, who was serving them tea, Willum began to tell them what he could of the last twenty or so years.

"Now that, only members of the royal family are in the room, I can talk more freely. I know that you probably have a great deal of trust in your students, and crew, but everyone has a price, after all. I guess, I should start at the point right after I first returned to Tom's farm. He can back me up on this, after he sleeps off the wine,and food."

"As it had been around half a month from the time of the initial attack on our capital city, word had spread across the kingdom, and to the surrounding kingdoms. For the next three months, I, and several of Tom's hired hands would ride out in search of survivors, and attempt to gather what remained of the army into an organized group."