Ch. 147 Valkyrie Air

An hour after dawn broke across the northern boarder of Silver Sands, Commander Willum Colt in the lead Valkyrie gave the order for a single cannon to fire a shot over the intense battle below. The cannon's thunderous retort rang out just moments before the round slammed into the ground just behind the fighting armies, sending sand flying in all directions as it exploded with a deafening Bang. The sudden terrifying explosion brought a halt to most of the fighting, as all eyes were now fixated on the nine Valkyries, as Commander Willum Colt intended.

"Now that I have your attention. By The Imperial Order of Emperor Vellen lay down your arms, put an end to this now pointless war, and return to your homes immediately."

"And why I hell should we do what whoever that is says."

"Because I said so. If you need convincing to do what you are told, my young companion will gladly give you one."