After a late breakfast Elric, Airisa, and the three Cabraellan knights walked towards the waiting Valkyrie located in the main courtyard of the castle. Elric had secretly relight the furnace, and charged the magiteck core after returning from his nightly attempts with Blaze. As they climbed the short boarding ramp, Airisa caught sight of Odin returning with another load of men and supplies from Port Dawnstar.
"What in heavens is that, that gigantic thing in the sky? It is bigger than my father's palace."
"My flagship, Odin. It should be full of more if my knights and fresh food. Once they offload, it will return to Port Dawnstar to pick up more of both."
"That ship alone could wipe out most armies I have ever faced, based on what even this Valkyrie of yours capable of. My king would most likely die of shock it you where to fly that magnificent ship across Cabraella."