Ch. 264 Old Rivalrys

"Are you sure that our princess is safe?"


"Do you know where she is?"


"Can you tell us where she is, and put her mother, my queen's mind at ease?"

"I can. But I believe that is the not the question that you really want to ask."

"Is that dwarven city-state that willful girl has ran off to before involved in any way with her disappearance?"

"Why ask? Tell me that, and I will answer. I do not want anything I say to cause you to have a conflict with someone who could be considered as valued trading partner."

"Old Rivalrys that stretch back to the time this kingdom was founded. Unless they are holding her against her will, we will not start another war. The hatred runs deep, and we greatly distrust dwarves, and humans because of dealings this kingdom has had with them in the past."