Ch. 265 A spy in the night sky

I have always wondered why the name Moonless Night was chosen tower master?"

"Because it sounds mysterious, and helps us draw in fresh blood. If we called it Blood Moon Tower, we might scare them off."

**High in the sky above**

"I thought you said elves were friends not food, so why send one to me as a midnight snack?"

"He put himself on the menu, but eating him myself in front of them would have potentially tipped my hand, and showed them a glimpse of my true power. And I thought you might be getting a little hungry."

"Kha, kha, those silly poiny ears always fancy themselves as clever, but do you think they they will fall for something as simple as false weakness, and let their over confidence get the best of them?"

"I can hear the not so bright king talking to someone that he called master, and tower master about what they think of me. They believe me to be a younger adult dragon, because of the size I was when I appeared over the castle."