Ch. 345 Blessings and tragedies

Queen Jade Thorn Rose had mixed emotions as she went back through the circle of runes gateway to her kingdom. Her body was definitely of the opinion that she should have joined them on the bed to distract herself from the events of the last twenty odd hours. But her heart could not be moved to allow her to take comfort when she should be searching for any clues to what state of mind her husband was in when he left.

Upon her return, she was informed that the captain of the royal guard had already taken the initiative to search the royal chambers turn doll workshop for a letter, or other clue about the Kings sudden departure. Not note had been left, but the doll Thorn was found on what served as Woden's bed for the last few years. Her core had been removed and placed beside her. As it was still intact, Sid or anyone with significant experience with the construction of magiteck dolls could make Thorn function again with any major loss in memory.