Ch. 372 Deep Cave Exploration

Team three had just finished taking a meal break and reoutfitting Valkyrie three for another long day of exploration, when word came in about the cave via raven. In fact the treams stout little dwarven captain Nuron Stoneclay was pestering Magell Dar Warborn for a taste of Firewater Ale when it came in.

"Guild Master did one of the scouting parties fine something? I know that you and the Emperor had them out looking for more wells."

"Erumm, I don't want to sound like I am making a joke about our race, but this discovery by the scouting party is rather perfect for you and your team. Plus you just finished getting ready to go back out into the dunes. They found a rather sizeable cave opening that is half filled with sand."

"So you want The Little Man to go explore the big dark cave. If you were not a dwarf as well I might feel insulted Guild Master."