Ch. 373 Monumental Discovery

Nuron Stoneclay, Ryun, Tia and the other members of team three were in disbelief of what they were seeing in the extremely dark cave. It was far to fantastical for any of them to believe their own eyes. But regardless of how much they rubbed them, the scene before then in the depths of the desert cave stayed the same. Noron would have sooner believe that he found out that some unknown uncle left him a harem of a hundred dwarven ladies and a castle in the mountains, than what was right before his eyes in the cave.

"Tia, please tell me that you are playing around with illusion magic again."

"I wish I had such skills as to make an illusion as grand as what would be required to have us all believe we were seeing something on that scale. Making you think that the Guild Master is sleeping in your hammock is the absolute limit of my skills. Even that little trick of mine took a week of practice to pull off."

"Then what you are saying is that."